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   Tarot and Archetypes

Orange Focus Type


   We are all too familiar with the shadows of things. Politics, Economics and Propaganda in the media are all shadows of reality. Though we ourselves have created these things, they control our very lives. We have allowed their darkness to spread throughout the world making everyone blind. Those who live in the shadows drool as they watch the stock market go up and down, family members bicker over which politician has their best interests at heart. Or go overseas to maim and kill over a shadow of a reason. Media displays on our screens with all manner of mind-altering ideas like some obscene shadow-puppet show.

We want members of our community to be wiser than this. But this is only the beginning. Eventually you will be able to see through the shadows for what they are.
But even the reality of the third dimension appears as a shadow compared to Truth. 
Eventually you will be able to see through time itself because time is only a shadow.

We ourselves have an internal shadow and society at large has a collective shadow.

    As the video mentioned, it is not about combating or rooting out the shadow, but rather understanding and possibly even utilizing that part of ourselves. This is why we have covered the Saturn aspect if you remember:

Our senses deceive us. How our brains perceive things in the third dimension isn't necessarily how things ultimately are. Though the object or idea we are perceiving may exist, we seldomly glimpse the perfect form behind the object or idea. This concept of the Perfect Form or higher truth is again explained by plato.


   There is, to all things a higher truth. A greater reality than the surface level that we deal with on this plane. There is also a shadow of all things that exist. Without delving deeply into philosophy, it can be understood through simple imagery like Plato described in the cave allegory.

Notice how the allegory itself is powerful. It speaks on several different levels using symbolism or 'Archetypes'. And we know it to be true on many different levels.

   Our community uses the word 'Archetype' a little differently than you might see elsewhere. When we say Archetype, we are describing the foundation of the object or idea. The subconscious, more pure form of what it is. Archetypes are the language of dreams and the subconscious in general.

It is what is used in higher language such as allegory and metaphor. 
It is the imagery of higher thought. This is why symbolism has been important for thousands of years. 

 Meditate on the fact that everything on the third dimension, which we live on and are most familiar with, has a shadow.
That shadow is a second dimension representation which is lacking in substance. this can be anything from a literal shadow, to ideas that are a vague mimic of the original source.
But there is a fourth dimension. This fourth dimension version of what we experience is what we refer to as its Archetype, higher truth or the Perfect Form of that object, idea or experience.


   Tarot cards depict several Archetypes in one image. When you look at this image you will get an immediate feeling overall. Think about what triggers those feelings and understandings. Consider how what you see in dreams isn't as important as how you feel about it. More than the overall feeling of the card, now focus and meditate on some of its Archetypes:

Rucksack: The Fool travels with one of those little bags on a stick that we often associate with the poor, homeless or someone who is moving to a new location. This immediately instills a feeling that not only does the Fool not have much, but that he is traveling.

Clothes: Fancy clothing suggests that this journey our Fool is on may have been a choice. Perhaps he abandoned his wealth and good standing to go on this journey with very little. Perhaps it is a spiritual journey as our Fool here looks completely confident and truly blissful.

White Flower: People tend to carry flowers when they are in celebration. Its white color tends to make us think of purity or a fresh start. Cleanliness. His new journey, new life.

Sun: Notice that the Sun is visible and not high in the sky. It is either morning or evening. In relation to the other symbolism of a fresh start, it is most likely a new dawn for our Fool.

Dog: Most people find a sense of joy when they see a dog. The loyalty, energy and undying love that comes from a dog is sensed in this image.

Cliff: The most perplexing thing we see is that it appears as if the Fool is going straight off to his sure demise. Does he not notice? Does he not care? Or is he in complete control? The answer is it does not matter. It could be any one of them. This is the Fool's journey. No matter the circumstance, over the cliff seems to be the destination.

So when we use imagery to explain deeper concepts at a glance like this we are utilizing our subconscious. By simply viewing the imagery and different symbols or archetypes, we are sensing and feeling all of these deeper concepts immediately. 

But why is he called the Fool anyway?

The Archetype of the Fool himself is very old, and has changed considerably over time. The Fool has been a beggar, a madman and a jester throughout the centuries.

Please read this article as it is important in teaching how to appropriately learn about the Tarot cards and how to interpret them: 

   In the last lesson we covered a little more about relying on Fortune in order to perform divination.

The Wheel of Fortune is a card of the tarot and the same concept applies in relying on chance and the entity of Fortune to give us an appropriate reading. 

Wheel of Fortune


The more you practice in these readings, the more you learn about the history of the archetypes. The more you are connecting to your emotions and intuition. The more you will begin to notice Archetypes in waking life. It must be something experienced, not simply explained.

   The Tarot deck is an all-important tool in beginning to open and focus your mind's eye. Many people think these kinds of things are fake or pseudo-spiritual. But the pineal gland is a real part of our brain and something that can be developed. The gland helps produce melatonin which is tied with our sleep cycle and how we can access the subconscious. It has been observed in the fields of science that in individuals who practice divination or psychic arts, this region of the brain is more developed.

We suggest that the earlier you start training this door of the mind, the better. When you begin elevating your consciousness to a level that deals in archetypes, you will start seeing coincidences everywhere. It may already be happening for you.

No Seer's repertoire would be complete without a tarot deck in our opinion.
It is a perfect way to begin developing this part of your mind, get familiar with important Arcane symbols and form a relationship to what we call Fortune.

This extremely powerful tool you can find very easily nowadays online. If you are inclined to do so, please help support us by purchasing items from us. But that is up to you. We charge just $10 and you can find them in the Shop or by clicking the Cards on the Homepage:  


   Divination can be performed using virtually anything. Chicken bones, tea leaves and all manner of seemingly mundane components have been used. 

But Tarot cards offer us a network of Archetypes that can be interpreted both specifically yet fluidly enough to be subjective to the reader.
This allows these symbols to address absolutely any situation or question.

In order to answer a question or to look into a matter, a reading can range from just a single card to a complex pattern called a 'Spread'.


Skilled Seers will have things immediately pop out at them while doing spreads. as you grow familiar with the symbols and what they signify, you will know why that card came up in that position on the spread, usually no matter what the question was. The more you know about the question, the more you can share insight on what the card is trying to say on the matter.

The Fool card for instance would mean something completely different if it showed up on the 'Past' position on the Celtic Cross as it would mean on the 'Hopes & Fears' position.

We suggest beginners in the Tarot to start with the Major Arcana 
(22 main cards of the Tarot Deck)

These are the cards we use in our level system here on the site.

You might mark these in your journal as we go over a basic quick rundown.


0. Fool- New Boundaries. Leaving a past life behind for a new journey, often a spiritual one. It takes courage and abandonment of material thought and possessions. Whether that be for the best or to one's own detriment. The Dog barks at the Fool and likewise we would do best to listen to words of counsel in order to avoid unforeseen pitfalls that lead to us diving off the deep end and losing ourselves. Could very well mean overconfidence depending on where the card shows up on the spread.


1. Magician- A card that signifies someone, something or a situation with great potential. Learning the art of self-control is essential in order to become powerful and/or influential. This takes the balancing of Thought and Spirit (Represented by the Sword), Physical well-being (The Pentacle), Willpower and Ego (The Wand), and the Emotions (The Cup). Lack of balancing these faculties will hold you back. This card often comes up when someone has or will soon discover a new skill or ability, especially but not always in regards to spirituality. The infinity symbol above his head denotes divine spiritual power. He is the bridge between the physical and spiritual realm. The archetypal seer, shaman, medicine man, etc.


2. High Priestess- Wisdom, Grace and Poise. Particularly in religious affairs or mysteries. This can be a person that they have/will encounter, themselves or Wisdom herself calling out to them. As always, context is given by where the card lands on the spread of the reading. This is a nurturing, caregiving presence and a voice of good counsel. The two black and white Pillars that are marked with B and J stand for Boaz and Jachin. In a nutshell, the high priestess sits between Severity and Mercy, able to judge with empathy and give sound advice. This card also reminds us of the Divine Mother archetype who is also the keeper of secrets. Again, especially in regard to world religions.


3. Empress- Usually an influence of a wife, mother, older sister or other powerful feminine figure or archetype in our lives. The concept of fertility goes far beyond sexual conception. Conception of an idea or other abstract criteria find the beginning of their physical manifestation. But only through the nurturing and feminine forces of nature and the universe. It also signifies a ruler who is more caring, liberal and diplomatic in nature. Most often it is a message for us to act more in this way, to lead and associate with others in a gracious manner. It is a fruitful and loving relationship that is relaxed and comfortable.


4. Emperor- The polar opposite of the Empress, this involves masculine energies of a non-physical nature. He leads with a more strict and disciplined approach. Strategy, politics and warfare are his domain. Rationality and logic over emotions and whims of passion. Confidence, wealth or socio-political power through a dominant persona. This card typically comes up either for a domineering masculine presence in our lives (very often a strict father), a dictatorial or even a governmental presence. And like the Empress, this card may be telling us how we ought to start acting. Ruling with an iron fist.


  5. Hierophant- Almost always signifies a teacher of sorts, especially spiritual in nature. A hierophant was not only a Priest, but a Priest-King or Queen. Think about any characters in stories about the medieval times or earlier when a wise advisor counsels a King or Queen. Many times this advisor holds the true power to the kingdom. He is the one who knows the politics, history, the prophecies and sways the decisions of rulers. How this typically translates in the real world is: someone we know or will meet, or even we ourselves, have the keys to important secrets and real power. A spiritual leader's advice (very often our inner voice) should be carefully observed. It is also very possible it is nudging us to pursue a spiritual path in a type of clergy or charitable work and to become a teacher in your own right.


6. Lovers- This may seem pretty self-explanatory. Of course, it can easily signify the budding of a new romantic relationship or partnership with another. A deep connection with another or a concept in general. But an often overlooked aspect in this card is that it calls into question whether our connection is born out of an authentic, sacred love or a profane, lustful attachment. It's really almost always drawn when our 'love' or emotional connection is under test and trial (especially when drawn upside-down). It is this process of tempering our emotional attachments that lead to either detaching from what is unhealthy or forging deep entrenched love for the person or idea. When right side-up it also represents an orthodox love/sexual drive and traditional standards. Upside-down representing the opposite.


7. Chariot- Gaining control of two conflicting drives is the only way to move forward. Sometimes, when we rush to a conclusion or decision, or when we are only looking at one side of a situation, we miss the opportunity for the best of both worlds and the appropriate middle ground that could allow us to excel. You may realize that the sphinxes pictured in the card are black and white like the two pillars were in the High Priestess card. This ying/yang archetype has more to do with controlling both inner and outer influences and balancing the two to work hand-in-hand. Like the chariot driver, having a handle on both your willpower/ego as well as your ulterior motives you can begin moving in the direction you want your life to go. Depending on the context it may show one who has mastered this advantage or we are in-training to be a leader over our own life path.


8.  Strength- Victory and prowess come from courage. Our actions need to start matching our inner desires to start manifesting what we can do. We are reminded of Hercules and his Herculean tasks. Seemingly impossible feats that are executed by sheer determination, strength and ingenuity. We are capable of this and the cards surrounding this card will show us how. Notice the infinity symbol above his head, the only other one depicted this way being the Magician. Whereas the magician shows potential, this card shows the realization. Manifested, physical and raw divine power. Someone or a situation that can utterly conquer even unthinkable circumstances. The most common reasons for drawing this card however is when we need to be reminded that we have within us the courage, strength and willpower to overcome. Upside-down we are reminded of a cowardly lion. Someone who is pulling their punches and displaying weakness despite their unrealized inner strength/potential.


9. Hermit- Deep wisdom comes only through experience. Experience comes only through time and reflection. A path of solitude, contemplation and meditation is considered here. The Hermit may remind us of the archetypal wizard. Remember that these cards, but especially the archetypes shown, are much older than pop culture. The old man reminds us here of the time it takes to achieve a similar level of learning. Prudence, especially in regard to important knowledge. Not casting pearls before swine. The card of solitude, introversion and patience, the Hermit only offers guidance to others cautiously and with reservation for those who are worthy. When we draw this card, it almost always means that our best option for the time being is to withdraw from society for a while. In keeping to ourselves, becoming more secretive about what we know, it actually gives more value to that knowledge and therefore we become more valuable and powerful. Being more introspective and clearing our minds, perhaps reading a book and meditating is often suggested by this card. As always, it can also represent an individual in our lives that represents this character. Upside down it may be that we are too isolated and reclusive.


10. Wheel of Fortune- This Wheel is the Dharmic Wheel. We have talked before about Fortune and how most cultures viewed this concept. It is the same concept of the saying: 'What goes around, comes around'. This concept alone the practitioner should study if they don't know much about it. There are many arcane symbols and therefore threads that the Seer could pursue as well. This is an intriguing card that takes some research by the individual reader. You can get started by searching the internet for any one of these symbols. The four beasts are called the Tetramorphs. Many think that is a red devil but its name is Anubis. The serpent of course is a symbol all its own. Each Hebrew letter on the Wheel means something as do the other alchemical or astrological symbols. Part of the beauty of this card is that each reader will feel a different way about the research they pursue. We believe that Fortune herself will oversee that process and work things out in her own way. So allow Her to work with you.


  11. Justice- An outcome is imminent and is going to be fair no matter the consequences. So if you are on the bad side of a situation, this will not be a good card for you. A court case or lawsuit is a somewhat common interpretation and occurrence when this card comes up. But on a more abstract level it takes the form of righteousness, virtue and virginity, chastity or moral purity. The context can also put this card in a position of advice for the questioner. In this case it is asking us to decide what is right and just. What is fair. To weigh an idea in our head, its pros and cons, to determine our decision on the matter. Using the realm of law and reasoning, we ultimately can discern what is right and what is wrong. From this point on, truth and the right foot forward may grant us favor, partiality or at least a better outcome.


12. Hanged Man- A noble cause or an enlightened choice. This card definitely has a feel of a martyr or self-sacrifice of some sort. Yet much like the Fool nearing the cliff, our Hanged Man seems to be unworried and calm considering the situation at hand. In fact, he seems sure and collected and we see an aura or halo about his head while his body forms something of a cross. Even when we are forced into a situation that we would not choose, one that is damaging to us, we can choose to be serene. We are reminded of Jesus and how although he did not want to go through with the crucifixion he did eventually accept it as being a sacrifice for a larger superior plan. Extreme circumstances aside, we are reminded by this card to accept the things we cannot change and to meet these challenges with our best self. Not despairing over what has, might or will happen. To live in the moment rather than the past or future and to live it contently. To remember that what seems to us or others as terrible, it can be a part of a greater plan. But this does not mean we are not going to undergo hardship as this card usually signifies just that. A period where our life feels as though it's in suspension is likely to happen. An unnecessary undertaking, being falsely accused or having our lives turned upside down. Reading the cards surrounding this one may surmise what it will be.


13. Death- Illness and possibly a death. End of an era or cycle. The end of a chapter of our lives. Famine. Rulership, religion or beliefs challenged and quite possibly defeated and overcome by a new and sudden circumstance. We might think about fungus or a swamp, where death is the breeding ground for new life. Every end of a cycle or chapter means that a new dawn will rise (as symbolized by the white rose like in the Fool). You may think of reincarnation as well and use that concept to provide encouragement to the questioner. But this card is almost always bad news. Mourning is a slow process, but be sure to look forward to the new dawn. Another common occurrence is that the questioner has already had a brush with death recently. Death itself likes to remind us that life is precious and that we were spared for a reason. There are other important symbols besides the obvious Death or Grim Reaper archetype. The flag is very important and alludes to the War of Roses which a practitioner should study and come to their own understanding of what the coat of arms represents in connection to Death. Remember too, that we don't particularly believe that the end of this life is the end at all. We are just vessels. And the afterlife, rebirth, and reincarnation are heavily considered when this card is drawn.


14. Temperance- We are being tempered and the tribulations are sharpening and forging our condition for the better good. Aristotle's Golden Mean was the virtue that is the balance between two extremes of deficiency and excess. Courage for example is the middle ground between cowardice and foolhardiness. This is similar to the Buddhist middle path and many other examples of the same observation of balance. But often in order to temper our personalities to reach this Golden mean is to undergo trials and experimentation. This has much to do with the mysteries of alchemy. Mastering self-control and in psychology self-actualization are considered here. Clearly this card may be a little more complex to explain to a questioner and is more of the confusing concepts without studying the background of the archetype and imagery/symbols in this card. When you run across this during a general question, it is on the most basic surface level often a matter of the questioner experiencing an enlightening phase in their life and minds. They are combining ideations, balancing and weighing attitudes to come to an ultimate middle ground or conclusion to an important aspect of their lives. Very often they are developing a new and superior attitude or behavior. It is as always very important as to which placement this card turns up in.

  15. The Devil-  Bound to evil, temptation or a situation we ought not to be in. We often find this card showing up when one is trapped in a toxic work environment or struggling with addiction. Gang affiliation and other such volatile ties have been found when seeing this card. But the most common traps and binds are present in our own minds. All too often we hold ourselves back and in a pit of despair play out our lives never living up to our potential. We tend to be our own worst antagonist within our minds, tormenting our good nature. Outside influences abound as well and this representation can often allude to corrupt government occupying our lives. Whatever the case our eyes should be opened to those things which we are bound to and those influences both within and without that cause us to do evil. You may notice a glaring similarity in this card to the Lovers. There is a reason for this as well. The reader should also be reminded of our Shadow as it is explained in both psychology and philosophy. The more you research and explore these subjects, the deeper you may delve into the questioners' problems that this card will call attention to.

  16. The Tower-  Sudden change of stability or a calamity. Sometimes it is straightforwardly that our entire kingdom or life has come crashing down. An instantaneous disturbance of our deeply held beliefs, opinions, etc is possible, but this usually presents itself when more physical matters are in turmoil. Bankruptcy, eviction or some other catastrophic event that shakes our foundation and security are explored. This is very, very often found in regards to past events and memories. When we see this we can gather that this person was likely traumatized in the past and we may gently suggest past trauma and not probe too deeply about the particulars of the event, but let the questioner draw the connection themselves. If it lands in a future context, you should always explain this card first, then draw another card for interpolation and advice in order to avoid this possible outcome. Important symbols of note: The Tower itself alludes to many stories of crashing kingdoms. You may remember the story in the Bible of trumpets blowing loud enough to cave in the walls of Jericho. The Lightning is important in signifying expediency in the disaster, as well as the nature of it being out of our control. Notice too that the top of the Tower is a Crown. This can represent our 'kingdom' as in our business or authority in general. Others are affected by the event too as we see more than one person falling from the Tower.

  17. The Star-  Significant influence/Destiny through a balance of desire or imagination and work. The ability to add to the collective pool already present in the situation while also ushering in a spring of new life to the situation. The Star of David, Star of Bethlehem and Stars in general as in astrology are considered with an underlying thread. It always has to do with an important message. This archetype is about creativity and imagination becoming realized and a source of inspiration and influence. Often we see this card when one has big dreams or plans to transform and add to a field of life for the betterment of said situation. This can get even more specific as we see one main star with seven 'followers' or disciples. The woman depicted is adding to the pool while also watering plants outside of the pool. This may remind us of the earlier card Temperance. Now that the life-giving liquid has been perfected through the process of tempering, it is ready to be dispensed to fulfill that purpose. In this way, this card may remind us that we are finally ready to put out imagination and other creative pursuits into action. This is the same archetype as Aquarius. Many people get their heads stuck in the clouds and keep condensing and reforming their ideas instead of raining the knowledge down for others to benefit from. If this card isn't pertaining to the questioner themselves, it may be alluding to another 'Angel' (messenger) of importance. A new movement of concept that is transforming the landscape of the facet of reality being questioned about. Study the history of these messenger stars as well as the background of Aquarius for more on this archetype.

  18. The Moon-  Instinct (Wolf) vs. Logic (Dog). The Untamed part of our Self or situation is to give in to the inner instincts and act out of pure emotion. Our more Domesticated side is our social conditioning to act and think civilly, using rationale. Both clamor and compete to catch the 'blood of the moon'. The moon represents our subconscious influence. This is the card of literal dreams and unconscious influences. In the same way that our dreams try to reason out and play through  important considerations, our subconscious is always accessible to those who are proficient in the art of archetypes and higher thought we are trying to convey in this lesson. We also see a representation of Scorpio emerging from the deep. It moves slowly along the middle path between the two canines. Scorpio too represents deep emotions and the subconscious. This card almost always calls attention to our deeper thoughts, feelings and impulses. Becoming more psychic and/or empathic is key in this balance between our dual nature of instinct and logic. As you probably are already aware, this dual nature can represent a particular situation we find ourselves in rather than the questioner themselves. The answer remains the same: to consider what is untamed and wild about the circumstance at hand and what is refined and cultured about it and to find that middle way that 'feels out' the situation and is ultimately the better course. This card appears when it is time to reflect and meditate on our inner nature and our motives. The archetype of the Moon itself has a multitude of stories of relevance to explore. 

  19. The Sun-  The Sun being the opposite of the Moon represents our fully aware conscious and ego. Our identity. The Sun card traditionally depicts a new dawn, freedom and renewal. But it goes quite a bit deeper in its psychological aspect. Success and contentment about our personality and outward identity/ego is granted only through sincerity and transparency. This is because you can only see the sun on a clear day without clouds obscuring it. The innocence and purity of the child that rides the White Horse is also considered in this context. It is due to the unyielding Light of truth that the child celebrates and rejoices in. The flowers bloom showing that the Sun begets creation and a harvest that is to be celebrated. This is perhaps the most joyous card that we might draw. It denotes that we have made it or we will make it. It softly and pleasantly reminds us to be ourselves, without a filter and that will not only be enough, but it will shine for others who will take great joy and rejoice in your light. Remember that the light represents truth and that clouds of doubt will only get in the way. This is a card that is sought after if the questioner is asking a general question about an opportunity or a choice they have. This card will tell them that they should absolutely move forward in this situation. They are starting to see clearly is also very possible given the context. Like the Moon, the Sun has a plethora of mythologies and meanings.

  20. Awakening- Also sometimes called Judgment. Obviously this symbolism calls to mind the Judgment Day, Day of Resurrection, Rapture, End Times, etc. A quick google search of these terms will show similar depictions of the archetype of this card. But what does it mean in our daily lives? For one, a call to repentance or forgiveness/judgment of others. The very consideration at this moment in time of 'how would I be judged if that day was now' reminds us of what is truly important and what we ought to be working on. Not for our physical/financial lives, but rather for our very soul. A Time for Spiritual development and purity. Of course, this can easily mean an impending court trial as well. Typically in that case, it will go favorably for us in the long run even if it may not seem like it. For some, even going to prison can be an awakening in and of itself. You are called to action in a grand design. You also have the power to reawaken and encourage others in this. All of these things we are reminded of should be acted upon and not reburied in the back of our minds. You may also be called to consider missed past opportunities and how you have affected others. If you are not already familiar with the Biblical trumpet soundings in Revelations, you should research these passages as well as the Seven Seals.

  21. The World- Synthesis and Metamorphosis. Great reward comes from all of the hard work. Like in the Wheel of Fortune we see again representations of the Tetramorphs. This time, spiritual perfection becomes grounded physically. A World Teacher may be denoted here. At the very least, admiration from others. Another good symbol for this would be a butterfly. Through spiritual transmutation, we have become perfected. The sort of wreath that surrounds the central subject is similar to the Ouroboros. A similar circular, cyclic symbol as the Wheel of Fortune or Dharmic Wheel. The central figure holds two of the same scroll symbols the Magician had. This is the ultimate card of self-mastery. We often find this one when we are in completion of something, able to offer the World itself something special. Beyond potential, this represents actionable ability, success and wealth. The continuous spiral of life is considered as well as the Macrocosm or 'Bigger Picture' and our place in it. This image reminds us of heaven. The immortal spirit has authority. As vague and abstract as these themes are, when a questioner pulls this card, you are likely in the presence of greatness. Someone who is powerful in some way whether they know it or not. Remember that when it comes to the Dharmic Wheel, many are incarnated here to live out a given karmic duty. This on the other hand shows an old and completed soul. If the card is drawn to depict our past, we have given up on something of major importance and should reconsider pursuing it again. If this card is placed in a place of outer influence, then we need to examine what the other World Teachers have said through time. All cards have their place and are important, but this card especially represents an utterly world-changing event, person, potential, influence, etc. of divine dimensions.


These are the 22 Major Arcana cards. You may be exhausted to hear that there are still 56 more cards called the Minor Arcana. We won't be covering those in detail. Every reader should start off doing readings on themselves asking general questions, then specific questions. You will grow more familiar and comfortable with these symbols even growing relationships with the cards believe it or not. 

This process of considering and researching the archetypes is the most important in all of divination. Archetypes are the foundation of thought and the root of language.
Reality knows no spoken language. Archetypes are used.

Being able to understand abstract thought-forms, use the power of association and work directly with Fate is the beginning of divinationUsed in every other form of divination, including Omens, this art of auguring also trains the Third Eye, just one of the seven Chakras that is used in the Arcane. 

Tarot may be the most applicable tool to develop this skill so we can't stress enough that you actually begin to use it now and not convince yourself that you will pick it up later. If you don't begin following along with the fundamentals and actually putting into practice what is taught, you will fail.

You should set aside at least 15 minutes to meditate, clearing your mind from the clutter of the day.
It wouldn't hurt to pick up one sacred text from one of the Branches explored and study it.
(If you are already familiar with one, such as the Bible, explore a different Branch's sacred text)
And at the very least, practice with one Divination method.

That's it! 

We say this at this point because you're likely being lazy or convincing yourself that you will just do it later. Often later never arrives. now is a good time to adopt these practices. And it is paramount that you begin practicing in order to be able to perform the Arcane Arts with us upon levelling up.

Just doing these things will begin to pay off and you will be developing a set of skills that you can use forever. They have many useful applications that you may not have thought of. Being able to combat anxiety and calm yourself down is a more obvious benefit from meditation, but you would be surprised meditation's power of deepening the mind and control over your body as well. Learning the archetypes and associations makes neural connections and pathways that are needed to understand further things and is fundamental in practicing the Arcane. The mind is essential and without prowess in the mind and a certain flow of thought, nothing can be performed. If you feel at all confused or stuck in any understanding of these matters, contact us directly or check out the archives for clarity. These things aren't taught to us anymore and so may not come naturally. But you're not alone.

The symbols are also important on the Tree of Life.



 We also use these cards to represent our Role or Level both on the Website and In-person.

Being able to use the language of the archetypes makes it universal and understandable in all languages and on different levels as well. This is why figures like Buddha and Jesus spoke in metaphor and parable. Symbols go much deeper into even the subconscious and dreamscape. The most powerful at divination like Nostradamus or you may recall Mother Shipton also used what seemed to be abstract images to convey messages for the future. Mother Shipton's vision of the peacock turned out to be a coat of arms. Nostradamus saw two towers in turmoil. Jesus told his disciples to follow the man who carries the pitcher of water (Aquarius) into his house. These spoke on more than one level and are still relevant. Again reality, or the universe, or time, doesn't use spoken language. It exists in the Realm of Forms. 

When we dream, it is as much about the feeling we get as the images we see. Don't forget to use your emotions about what you are seeing while doing a reading. That is what being empathic is all about after all.

If you pursue this divination focus (you can do all of them if you have the will), you will make your own headway into understanding for yourself the Minor Arcana. We will also cover those cards later on with those who go down this path.

Being able to translate symbols and decode arcane sigils is more important than you might think. These archetypes are all around you. In architecture, artwork, literature and much more that can actually guide you to real mysteries and secrets scattered throughout the world.

Practice your interpretation skills now by translating some of the archetypes in the below image. Share your interpretation in the comment section at the bottom of the page.



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