Welcome to Arcanasium where we explore the Arcane (or hidden) Truth of all things and put it to practice. ​ Like a video game, you can level up and learn new abilities, except what you find here is real. You can get to the very last level without ever having to pay a dime. There is an Arcane aspect to every field of human experience. Because of this, there is so much to unpack here. Profound truths right out of the gate with much evidence supporting them. Things we feel everyone has a right to know. This is not an alternate reality game or gimmick and there will be no surprise pay wall. What if we told you there is real science behind spirituality and mythology? That the false religion has shrouded the truth for close to 2,000 years. If all religions are connected and the real practice of spirituality is what we only call ‘magic’ today? Allow us the time to prove these statements to be true. It takes a lot of evidence from many different angles. We start with the Four Fundamentals, basics that need to be known first so that everything else makes sense. This website is far more complex than it looks on the surface. So let's get started! To learn more about leveling up and how the website works, click Enter below Getting Started found just below.
"But the attitude of faith is to let go, and become open to truth, whatever it might turn out to be."
-Alan Watts