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       Astrology and the Macrocosm

Yellow Focus Type

"And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:" - Genesis 1:14, KJV   

Most scientists today scoff at the implication of astrology. To us, this is akin to a spoke of a gear scoffing about the meaning of the 12 numbers on a clock of which it is a part. People tend to forget that our keeping of time was born out of observing the cosmos. The cosmos were our original clock. Think on this for a moment. Our solar system alone is a great time keeper and much more real and impactful than the linear ticking of a clock. If the revolution of our planet around the sun changed, our whole measurement of time, our meaning for a year would have to change. And far more superior is the scope and scale. Keeping time over thousands of years, knowledge passed down about events that occur in this grander time scale is more important than many can imagine. It was an integral part of human history. Once again, it was something universal. Shared by many of the ancient cultures all over the world. Losing this information would be a travesty. 

   Imagine that you knew every 11th hour of every day something cataclysmic happened. But people stopped using the clock we have now. Instead, they live second to second. Only focusing on the second at hand, they don't care what the next minute might bring, let alone the concept of a whole hour. They have forgotten about the time scale of hours. You could scream at them about how the 11th hour is approaching and something terrible will happen sometime in that hour, we must prepare. But they scoff. "Only the ancients believed in that nonsense of 12 Hours", they say.


   What do we mean by this? Think about how important the Vernal (or Spring) Equinox was to the ancients for a moment. Using the stars as a clock, they knew when spring had finally arrived. Every major ancient culture celebrated this and it's no wonder why. Winter ( in the northern hemisphere) was over. But over time, which constellation the sun was in during the Equinox would change. Every 72 years or so (human life span), the sun would shift one degree. Over 2,160 years (if the constellations were split into equal 30 degree segments), the sun would be in an entirely different constellation on the day that marked the beginning of Spring. This is the Precession of the Equinox. So if you have ever heard that we are moving from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius, this is what is meant. We call these ages Epochs.

   Now think about what we know about the Earth and its cycles. We know that the Earth has cycles of Ice Ages, cycles of magnetic Polar Shifts, cycles of Meteoric Impact, Volcanic eruptions, you get the picture. These cycles are not measured out in our one year calendar. They are measured over thousands of years. Knowing what happens in these greater time scales is more important in preserving the human race.



   Here you can see Stonehenge at the Equinox. First the Sun alignment signifies that Spring is here. That night you would be able to see the constellation of which Epoch we were in framed where the sun was. There were structures all over the world that did the exact same thing.

    But it is not just the practice of time keeping. The way most know Astrology is in defining how our personalities are ordered. Can this be? How can this be?

   Virtually everything that we are and everything that we know is this planet. Think about that. The only other thing that we've observed were the stars and the planets of our solar system. And we still don't know very much about them. It was this way in ancient times and it is still so today. And what are these stars? The macrocosm that the earth and everything we know are a part of. The universe. To stand with crossed arms and a straight face and say, 'The Universe does not affect us' is the most foolishly ridiculous utterance we can imagine.   

   This may seem like an oversimplification, but it is the truth. It really is like a mitochondria in one of your cells stating that its existence has nothing to do with your body. That is its existence. The purpose for it, why it functions the way it does, and what it is working towards. It serves for your body and is entirely dependent on your body.   

   More than this, science in its cultlike dogmatic stubbornness has historically tried to suppress and bury evidence on the authenticity of astrology. The religions similarly bury the evidence of how Astrology was used in their very own faith system including the Biblical faiths.
Remember that much of what we teach has become hidden knowledge for a reason.

   But let's get into the mechanics of how the stars and planets may technically affect your being. This is an ongoing study that our Brown Focus will be engaged in. There are several cases that have been made.

1. Periodic Association Theory- When we are born in a particular season or month we tend to associate ourselves with that period. So let's take an Aries for example. Being that they are born in Spring, this is a time of getting ready for and starting the new year. Spring cleaning, getting back outside, putting the winter things away. It is a time for being active. Since youth, you celebrate this period for the time you came into this world. How could you not associate with it? When we associate with certain things, it becomes a part of our identity and therefore our personality.

2. Predisposition (Reflection) Theory- Our society is largely influenced by Astrology. Because the practice of Astrology was such a part of life throughout human history, we have somehow subconsciously reinforced roles in society that are based on the signs. These roles, different characters we play in life are deeply ingrained in civilization as they have been for thousands of years. Roughly 90% of people (at least adults in developed civilizations) are aware of their astrological sign. This awareness reinforces the traits of that sign in the person. For example, knowing that you are a Taurus, you may favor the traits of pragmatism and a nurturing persona out of socio-psychological transference. This is more or less like the idea of self-fulfilling prophecy.

3. Gravitational (Tidal) Theory- Without really getting technical and exhaustively discussing physics, this theory is hard to convey. Many people know of the Moon's effect on the Earth that manifests in the form of tides. What is not talked about as much is how little of an effect the moon actually has gravitationally on the Earth. Yet it still achieves the result of effecting the Ocean tides. The actual pull on our planet's oceans is one ten millionth of the Earth's gravitational pull. One Ten Millionth! That would be like a person who could pull 100 Lbs. playing tug of war with someone who would struggle to pull a grain of sand (about .00001 Lbs). What actually happens is, that slight variable, that one ten millionth difference is enough to have the water rush to where there is less resistance. The water is really squeezed or pushed by Earth's gravity to where the moon is pulling. That tiny bit of pulling is still enough for the energies to find a path of lesser resistance. But think of the effects. And the implications. This otherwise imperceptible force has extreme consequences on a global scale. It's the very fact of the Moon's being, its very existence that has an impact on the Earth and all life on this planet. We call this Cosmic Resonance. It sounds hippie dippy, but it is scientifically based. Regardless of the distance (you can fit every other planet of the solar system between the Earth and the Moon), simply its being has a major significance in making our world the way it is. Regardless of how small the gravitational impact would be presumed, it has surprising effects. This theory applies more to the planetary aspect of astrology than with the constellations.

   We could then start talking about gravitational waves, electromagnetism, spacetime, things on the quantum level and the impacts planets and even distant stars could have in those regards, but these are arguments and topics of study for those who have interest to pursue these things. These are only a few of a multitude of perspectives on astrology that likely all have some merit and work in tandem. Still, many questions remain. How would gravity, electromagnetism, etc. have any effect on the psyche? What makes the constellations of the Zodiac special in regards to their influence on us?

   First, let's cover a little more on this 'Resonance' we speak of. There are direct physical influences such as gravity, but also vibrational and frequency waves that effect matter on an almost imperceptible plane.

   The more you know about the development of the fetus, water memory, gravitational waves, electromagnetism, and other energies, the more you will see the implications here. Every planet is emanating a 'sound' and a specific frequency at all times. But this frequency is just one representative of the planets' Resonance. The other energy fields planets emanate also have their own impact.

   The Hertz used in the above video does not represent the planets' resonance, but is just a visual representation of how different frequencies warp space. For a little more research on how this one aspect could form who we are, look into 'Water Memory'. But then try to imagine how the gravitational waves are similarly warping space and matter. Any good astrologist understands the importance of the planets. It is really the planets' position that is more important and is charted by the constellations that serve as their backdrop. In fact, the ancients understood that the planets were moving and therefore different from the stars thanks to this backdrop. However, many have a misunderstanding that the stars of the constellations are just random stars strewn out across the whole galaxy, perhaps even thinking that some of the stars are from other galaxies.

Here we see just a section of the Milky Way Galaxy that is our home.


And this is every star of the Zodiac constellations.


You will notice that this is actually a relatively local cluster of stars. Now, they are of course still vastly far away. Anywhere from 40 to hundreds of light years away! 


 Trying to give directions to find our planet in the Milky Way, this triangulation of stars could be useful in determining where our own Sun exists. Right in the middle of where all of the stars of the constellations intersect.


The blue crosshairs in the above image show where we are located among the stars of the Zodiac constellations.

   The ancients were connected to a body of knowledge and wisdom that is all but lost today. In our modern age we have great knowledge there is no doubt. But this was traded for the wisdom and understanding that the ancients possessed. There is something to the constellation stories and the meanings attributed to them that were passed down. If you look at the Ages, or Epochs (like the Age of Aquarius), and seeing what that time period was about seems to make sense. We will cover a little of this later in the lesson. We in part take the ancients at their word while also looking further into the dynamics of astrology and the scientific physical effects the macrocosm has on our lives to get a better, more empirical understanding of how our signs influence us. This is an ongoing study and if you like the process of scientifically studying these topics, join us in the Brown Focus.

   For now we will keep it simple and explore the popular and familiar tenets of Western Astrology. We find it insane to not base astrology on the stars' or the planets' position. Yet, this is exactly what you find and have most likely been subjected to without knowing it.
We use what is more in line with what is called Sidereal or Vedic astrology. 

   When we do a birthchart, we track a 'snapshot' of what the sky looked like at your time of birth. We look at the solar system kind of like one would look at a clock. The planets are like the hands of a clock, revolving at different speeds. We take note of where the planets are in the constellations. We know the most ancient stories and meanings of the constellation and determine the implication of having the domain of the planet in that position. We don't use houses or other imaginary lines. If a planet is moving from one constellation to another, we have seen it to mean a transition from one characteristic to another throughout your life. To get a birthchart, you can click here:                    or you can always click on the Services on the home page or tabs. 

   This also ties into how we see Fate or Fortune which we will cover in the next lesson. The stars or the macrocosm isn't a part of our world. We are a part of the larger world that is the macrocosm. It is natural to try and gain an understanding of this larger picture. To see our selves through that lens, that perspective. 

   But which constellation the sun was in at your time of birth is just one aspect. This is called your 'Sun Sign' and is the horoscope you are likely familiar with and identify as. But which sign was Mercury in? The Moon? All the other planets? This is one of the instances where we use those symbols we have gone over. Add to the Pantheon Journal page. Two symbols are added here, Uranus and Neptune.


   Ego Self. How we behave day to day and interact with the world in general. How we see ourselves. It is not the Ego in the negative sense, but rather the psychological definition of Ego. Our waking consciousness. This is largely your identity and what others see when interacting with you. How you normally influence others. The characteristics of your everyday persona. This is more so revealed when interacting with others, at work, school or other groups. This can be seen as a mask or interface that we choose to use when engaging with others. It's not that it is superficial necessarily, but rather the means or vehicle by which we participate with the world and want others to see us.


   Emotional Self. Rather than what we project out into the world, this governs our reactions, sensitivity, and receptiveness. This is much more about how we are when we are alone or while learning. You really could think of it as the sun persona being who we are during the day while we are around others, and the moon persona being us at night when we are alone to ourselves. This can describe how we behave in response to outside influences. This involves emotions, instinct and other deeper psychological faculties. How reactive we are when something positive or negative happens. How sensitive we are emotionally. How astute or perceptive we are beneath the layer of Ego we are projecting. This idea could be summed up as 'Awareness'.


   Mental Self. Our intellect and wit. The connections we make to create thought forms. People have intelligence in different things. Measuring IQ is misleading. There are many intelligences. Some are great in the realm of logic and mathematics (often called 'left brained') while others excel in more creative ('right brain') activity. But there are many compartments of intelligence. What sign this planet is in shows what your mind enjoys and excels at as well as proficiencies you inherently possess. How you communicate is also tied into your intellect. Problems in communication and clarity of thought can be examined and worked out by seeing what you have been predisposed to. You may thrive mentally in some situations while struggle in others. 


   Social Self. Charisma. Our charm, creativity and magnetism. Our charisma comes from desire. Desire to be liked. Emotional and social desires. Our popularity and attractiveness is largely dependent upon our charisma and creativity. This drive creates a socio-psychological magnetism. It is an art. Some people don't care much for this aspect. They are perfectly comfortable keeping to themselves. Whereas for others, this is the most important aspect and they thrive in social situations and need human interactivity. This is very much responsible for whether we are introverted or extroverted and should be reflected in where this planet is placed.


   Drive. Biological drives, psychological and social influences all factor into what we call Libido. What we mean here is more than just sexual drive. It has to do with survival in the social sphere, competitiveness, testosterone, aggression, and self esteem (the ego in the self-aggrandizing sense). This concept weighs heavily into our temperament, especially in relation to others of the same sex. This calls into question what we will aspire to and fight for, how hostile we may be and what triggers our drive and aggressions. Remember that these are not necessarily negative characteristics. Anger arises out of our loss of control or power. So we react by attempting to retain or regain our control over the situation. When it comes to the sexual sense of the libido, this biological drive may be competitive, or may be more docile in nature. This is one of the many things we could see depending on what sign this planet falls in. In short, this planet shows activity and what we ultimately want to strive for.


  Superego. Our beliefs and standards. Outside of our ego, biological and social drives and even outside of logic and emotions. This is where our ideals and our Superior Self can exist. We get glimpses of this throughout life and you may have noticed those times when you feel particularly spiritual or at peace. You begin to think differently about life. You notice flaws about your own behavior and know you want to make changes to those negative things. You make epiphanies and are at an elevated state of awareness. You have reverence for all life and want to live at a higher standard. Soon though, all of the other drives of human behavior and survival come flooding back in and you go back to business as usual. If only you could stay in this elevated state. This Superior Self can be cultivated and is the main thing that the I-Ching is concerned with which we will cover in the next lesson. But notice we have moved from what are the near cosmic bodies (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars) to the far bodies. These are deeper, more hidden parts of the mind and our identity.


   The Id. Impulse and instinct. Another deeper part of the mind, the Id is an old term used to define what was sometimes called the 'Shadow Self'. Most of the activity that happens in the brain is unconscious. There is a hidden part of us which is reacting and making decisions before we even consciously review or examine the situation. Our instincts are activated throughout the day, all day long, every day. We often repress these instincts and impulses because we are functioning in  civilization. Perhaps we are busy working or we are being hyper socially aware, keeping us back from reacting out of our natural instinct. Yet this 'Shadow Self' is ever present gathering information throughout the day and when we dream we often reflect upon those instincts and how we felt throughout the day on a more unconscious level. Dreams are extremely important in this way as we are able to sort things out that were occurring. We can play out the situation in our minds, rehearsing different scenarios that our Id noticed and feels it wants worked out. Much of our fears are housed here as well. Though these things start as unconscious, the process of making them conscious and working with these more fundamental parts of yourself is extremely beneficial, a part of a process that has been called 'Individuation'.


   Self-Actualization. Raw Potential and natural talent. Some skills are honed and crafted through experience and practice. However, some skills we are born with. Whichever constellation characteristic that Uranus falls into unveils what our natural skill and potential is. These predisposed talents and faculties that we would naturally excel at sometimes get buried. Whether through trying to survive in society or other external factors, our potential gets suppressed. Sometimes we negate these deeper desires in exchange for the more conscious, base and material pursuits (The Near Cosmic Body aspects). Either way, there is always a main purpose, a main drive in your life. An ultimate goal that we must achieve in our lifetime before we can feel content and at peace with ourselves. When this deepest need isn't being met, we are unhappy. Both with ourselves and with the world. Many get bitter toward society when these needs are not being met. This planet also has much to do with what you view as science, your rationale and your overall worldview. The bigger model as far as your religion/map of the universe and your place in it. To first find your potential and natural proclivities, then work with you to achieve a working model in which you can have a living doing what you need to do deep down is what we peer at when seeing where this planet resonates astrologically.


   The Subconscious. The world of form and archetypes, our subconscious is connected with one another. Our brains for the most part operate in similar if not the same ways. What's more, the collective unconscious is a current that can be tapped into, peering into shared knowledge on a very deep level of human consciousness/unconsciousness. Much of it is biological. For instance, we have another ongoing study into those that are in altered states seeing primordial 'Mesoamerican-like' symbols. This is seen all across the board, both in those taking hallucinogens, those with schizophrenia, in enlightened states and more. Also, it does not matter in what region of the world. Even those that are very physically distant from the Americas and not particularly familiar with such symbols. These symbols may be very important and should be researched to find what they are trying to tell us. It is possible that these symbols are imprinted on a deep subconscious level from the distant past, perhaps even passed down genetically. This is still being looked into, but much is unknown about the mind. We may very well know more about the Ocean than we do about our own brain. Consciousness itself is a great subject of debate. Whether it exists because it is created by the mind or whether our brain receives or 'taps into' consciousness is just one thing that scientists today like to explore. We know that we can tap into this collective unconscious and in fact is a great causeway into the world of ESP. The subconscious is of course also very involved with dreams and the Id is kind of like the Ego of our more unconscious mind.

   Remember how it was astrologers who saw signs in the sky to determine that the King of the Jews had been born. We will explain this if you get to higher levels. But every person has a destiny. You have a higher purpose. If we were all living in harmony with this purpose and all of our natural born aspects, this world would be so vastly advanced compared to what it is now. It is nearly incomprehensible. But divining the stars isn't limited to finding more out about a person. It can be looked at more broadly. Shedding light on that specified time in general can unveil many things.

   If you are not yet very up to date when it comes to psychological concepts but are interested in things like the Ego, Id, Superego, Subconscious, etc. check out this very insightful video: 

   We will call the planetary representation of personality 'Aspects'. We will call the sign meanings 'Characteristics'. Let's look at the twelve Zodiac constellations, their characteristics, and get a feeling for what they mean.


 Image: Fire                                                                Aries                                   Element: Fire

   Aries was the God of War. Active, forceful, strategic and competitive. Not necessarily on the center stage or boastful, this aspect is still very driven and purposeful. Like a fire, getting too close to the A-type personality in whichever 'Aspect' their Aries sign rules can get things heated. Whenever a planet resides here, there is a powerful yearning for dominance in whatever field of thought the planet represents. This may even be a constant internal itch and irritation to the individual to be on top in the respective field. The drive of competitiveness will almost surely be a defining feature in whatever it is you are divining. If you are reading a person's birthchart, it will be a common social occurrence of butting heads in the category signified by the planet. So let's say someone has Mercury in the sign of Aries. They will be quite forceful and competitive when it comes to their intelligence. They will likely want to be the smartest person in the room and will get quite anxious if that is challenged. Again, they won't necessarily take center stage and make sure everyone knows they are the smartest, but rather they will likely find it more strategic to actively participate in mental challenges and conversations to test and prove their mental strength against even the most notable intellectuals. This is certainly the most aggressive of signs and in whatever category Aries falls in, there will be a notable striving or driving force in that field. It is an assertive characteristic. But there is a purpose to all of this. If we don't challenge ourselves and others, we don't grow. Glory and valor are not just vain attempts but can be for the ultimate good. The Golden Fleece and the Lamb of God are examples and symbols of the higher form of this aspect. Jesus personified this and challenged the world itself in its material stubbornness. He is the iconic sacrificial lamb to end the Epoch of Aries. We will look a little more into the Epochs later in this lesson.


 Image: Earth/Soil                                                   Taurus                              Element: Earth

   Receptive, nurturing, fertile/virile, and protective. A patient, observant and perseverant characteristic, the Taurus is a sign of strength. Like a fertile soil, the Taurus is receptive and nurturing to that which it has accepted. This nurturing characteristic is beneficial to all that are involved with the Taurean presence. Like the Ying to the Aries Yang, rather than act brashly or assert themselves, Taurus is more responsive, attuned, and open-minded. Too soft however and the Taurus aspect can be gullible or too lax. Too hard and like a bull, that which is not accepted it will protect against fiercely, even if what it is defending against is not an actual threat. With the right temperament, Taureans as well as Taurean times can be stoic, strong and formative. There is a roughness and strength that is in fact quite like a bull. On their exterior they will be responsive and caring and they truly do care socially. Yet deep down, they will probably not let too much get to them as they are strong emotionally and mentally. However they are impressionable in that if they are hurt even to a small degree, they will guard themselves from the potential of being hurt again and could easily become overly defensive. This is more of a revenge mechanic and a survival instinct to make sure they are not taken advantage of again because after all, they are naturally loyal and honest and so they feel even more so betrayed when wronged. Why should they live by the rules while others prance around? They will not be walked on. Overall they are usually very down to earth, sensitive and loyal in the planetary aspect that falls in this constellation. Let's say someone's Mercury fell in Taurus. These would be great people to bounce ideas off of. They would entertain those ideas, nourish them and ground them in a way that could bring them to life. They are pragmatic enough that they look at how the idea could actually be carried out, straighten out the details and add some beneficial side notes. But the most important thing is this: they care. This makes them both reliable yet stubborn.


 Image: Wind                                                            Gemini                              Element: Air

   The Divine Twins stretch back through time a long ways. Typical astrologers say that this sign is associated with Mercury and usually don't differentiate between Gemini and Mercury traits. Although it is true that there are plenty of similarities between the planetary aspect of Mercury and the sign characteristics of Gemini, there is more to this sign and it is important. What these twins represent traditionally are two rulers. Often twins or brothers, one stays in the Kingdom, ruling as the protector and taking care of domestic affairs while the other goes out of the Kingdom, conquering and taking on the diplomatic missions. Sometimes, it is seen as one Twin being of Heaven (or divine-born) and one being of the Earth (or mortal-born). One is taking care of the macro while the other micromanages. Many astrologers will try to tell Geminis that they have two bipolar personalities basically. But actually it is more like being two people at the same time working together to take care of the same thing. Geminis will see and balance out two sides of an ordeal making it a little harder to form strong opinions on things. They can see arguments for both sides of many issues. Having 'two rulers' in the given faculty, one pragmatic and the other idealistic has the potential to make one twice as fast or efficient in that aspect. However this swiftness, like the wind, is many times seen as flighty or scatter-brained. But if they only knew the sheer volume of details that the individual is working out and measuring there would be no wonder. The Gemini characteristic is using both left and right brain in the planetary aspect that falls into this sign. If they develop good communication between these two personas within themselves they will develop a system that is quite impressive. This sign is in fact all about communication. Gemini in whatever aspect usually signifies a proficiency in communication as they are able to relate to others with ease and kind of work both sides of the issue. For instance, if Mars were in Gemini this person would have a great capacity for seeing two sides of conflict and communicating about it. Gemini's propensity to swiftly be able to fly from one standpoint or subject to another however often leads to them never settling down and developing deep skill or knowledge in any one thing. Good communication both within and without leads to all manner of solutions and possibilities.


Image: Ice                                                               Cancer                                Element: Water

   If you remember our brief explanation of the four elements, water is of the emotional sphere. Cancer has to do with the rigidity of this concept. Consider what emotion is. At its primal level, emotion is a biochemical response to exterior influences. This has influence on every aspect of our lives however. Our emotional awareness effects our social skills and what we focus on. Cancer's characteristic is about being reactive or responsive on the emotional realm. This is important as it has to do with social cues and behavior that many others don't notice. For only one instance, people are putting off social cues in the form of body language that a Cancer born personality will be keen to. So much so, that they often notice it before the one that is giving off the signals does. They may even toy with the person in that territory. Pushing boundaries and seeing others' true behavior without the other person noticing. This all has to do with boundaries on the emotional plane. If a Cancer is perceiving that it is close to being betrayed, it will react before the others even understand what is happening. This type of behavior is what keeps many social relationships in check. Again, boundary is key. This sign is very much about tribes and inner circles and being opposed to threats from the outside. This is a safe and efficient way of life in fact. Those you know you can trust are let in to the inner self. This tribe mentality is not only safe, but has to do with very important bonding. Sisterly or brotherly love. True friendship that is transparent in the way that you are able to share everything with the other. That is the ideal. However, considering the nature of the world, all cancer personalities learn early on to shield themselves from being hurt and taken advantage of. They run the risk of becoming walled off. Remember that this walled off characteristic could apply to a mental aspect as well as many others depending on the planet. Like a huge mass of ice, there is a deep and fervent force behind a thick and sometimes prickly exterior just waiting to be tapped. Most often, there is someone waiting for a deep and meaningful companionship, connection and love. They have had to become someone harder and harder to accommodate the world we live in, slowly freezing and taking an exterior shape of the mold that society expects of us. But there is recorded a truth. An effect always records the cause. And deeper down is a driving force that is more powerful than the world today readily recognizes. Not physical power, nor mental. But emotional power is an underrated (if not hidden) influence. It is used in media, speech and all manner of cases that have to do with healing, swaying and leading people.


Image: Heat/Warmth                                               Leo                                        Element: Fire

   In the same way that people gather around heat or warmth, Leo has that effect with people. Very much liking the center stage, a Leo personality is quite concerned with pride and charisma. Don't think that this is about self-aggrandizement and ego necessarily though. Some people take pride in having a strong, cared-for family. Or being a good mother and wife. Their charisma could be in the form of keeping up a bubbly and hospitable personality at great exhaustion to themselves to keep others fed and happy. We can grow so familiar with their entertaining of others, that we sometimes forget that they have feelings and thoughts for themselves. In fact, it can be downright scary when a Leo gets angry because their naturally uplifting and role model persona is for a moment eclipsed by the rare revealing of their inner workings. Leos exhibit true strength as most people go through their lives concerned mostly for themselves and acting out their thoughts and feelings, but a Leo is always thinking of everyone's well-being. This is what true leaders are made of. Anyone with any planetary aspects in the constellation of Leo is a natural born leader in that faculty. You also have a great knack for entertaining in that field along with a need to uplift others in that realm. It is quite like a lion(ess) caring for their pride of other lions and lionesses. With great power, grace and surety, they ensure that their tribe is getting what is needed. But do not take their generosity for granted. You will notice their warmth fade and your life will feel a little colder because of it. Persuasiveness and charm are certainly a part of the charisma they possess and the social life is their game. This drive can make them quite competitive in nature, especially when it comes to taking that center stage. That's why it is quite rare to find two individuals with Leo in the same aspect being around each other for very long. Like territorial lions, they will find their own space where they can be King or Queen of the jungle, forming their own tribe of people who look up to them in that aspect. If there is any sign that marks the characteristic of an actor or entertainer, it is definitely Leo. 


Image: Plant Life                                                    Virgo                                 Element: Earth

   Virgo is a yearning for peace and purity in a given faculty. This is often achieved through organization. When something is organized, it is clean and structured. Organization is achieved through attention to detail and compartmentalizing. Even large problems can be solved by breaking it down and solving one part at a time. This can make Virgo personalities extremely good at solving problems. It also makes for strong convictions. This is because they have already thought through whatever it is, looked at details ten steps ahead of most and weighed out the pros and cons for themselves. With these established beliefs they will gladly show others the way by gently telling them when they see a problem or a better way. This makes them great mediators. You will find yourself asking a Virgo personality to settle a dispute, but only if you want a fair judgement and the honest truth. Virgo is a very grounded sign. They are not followers, they go their own way. In this sense, they can be skeptical until they are thoroughly convinced. They are also slower to completely trust others. You will find Virgos dispensing wisdom and giving advice quite often, and they like to do so. But it is a rare occasion when they break down and ask your opinion or advice about a problem that they have. A Virgo personality will only do this with their most trusted confidants. This is because they have cultivated a leadership type of personality. Someone who is sure footed with sound advice. A doer in both work and friendship who keeps their promises and others' secrets. Strong both emotionally and mentally, they do not readily let their feelings or doubts obscure that image others have of them. Like Leos, they can be social butterflies. The difference is that while Leos have the inclination to charm or put on a face to gain popularity, the Virgo will let their realness speak for itself. They are much more independent and not focused on popularity, but rather being a good counselor. The image of plant life reminds us that the Virgo energy is a product of the grounded, fertile mind reaching out to affect, nourish and influence others. In the same way that plants follow the sun, the Virgo characteristic will follow the truth and will be attracted to brilliance in others, wherever that might take it. It also reminds us of the Earth element becoming versatile and adaptable.


Image: Lightning                                                     Libra                                    Element: Air

   Air signs are observant. When this observation has to do with judgmental capacities, the Libra can spot out problems in society for sure, but typically they are optimistic. It's interesting how balance works in nature. Consider lightning. When there is an imbalance in positive and negative charges, these tiny particles that are unviewable are responsible for the impressive culmination that happens in the form of brilliant lightning. Libra operates in a similar way. Beneath the surface, there is a balancing process, weighing the positives and negatives in what is observed. This trait can make for a refined or highly opinionated characteristic. Having good taste in the arts, styles and even political or social movements can make Libra definite trend setters. Taken to a certain extent they may even be seen as somewhat snobbish. Those that have their Sun in Libra often are quite popular as they have this expressive flair mixed with fair judgment and a cool temperament. But as they move through life, consistently taking note of the positives and negatives of given situations, forging strong opinions on matters there can eventually be a tendency of lashing out against those things in society that are unfair. There is a proclivity to start movements and a possible tendency to be overly judgmental of people. However right they probably are about someone, this can make some Libras come off as curmudgeons. However they have among the strongest intuitions of any sign. Whatever aspect that falls into this sign, it means that they have powerful intuition and judgment in that faculty. Libra signs have this unique ability of expression and are happiest when they are able to utilize it. By having their educated opinion heard, whether through fashion or interior design all the way to legal counsel and judgement, the Libra sign is most fulfilled in this way.

deep water.jfif

Image: Deep Waters                                           Scorpio                                   Element: Water

   Another water sign, this is always seen as the 'mysterious' one. This is because while Cancer (like Ice) is seen on the surface and Pisces is up in the air (like gaseous water), the Scorpio is about depth. Whatever planetary aspect that falls into the sign of Scorpio, it is very likely the individual has a great depth of understanding. They probably enjoy diving into this realm in their personal time and feel at home here. For instance, if Mercury (the mental aspect) fell into Scorpio, the Scorpio probably has a great wealth of knowledge and intelligence especially concerning psychology and how the mind works. In their personal space, they would probably love to just immerse themselves in books and other mediums of learning. Like many Scorpios, they will probably put on a good working personality during the day, appeasing others and even sometimes achieving a measure of popularity. However when they're alone, their minds will wander. They will daydream about the interactions they had and what made the other person tick that way. In our example case, they would probably explore the psychology behind the interactions. Almost always, Scorpios are secretive of this 'home base'. They are not ones to show their cards or their true thoughts and feelings very often. Only when hurt will they speak their true thoughts and feelings and usually to great pain and effect. Because usually they know what would hurt others deep down. This makes others wary of the Scorpios even if it's just on a subconscious level. Most can innately feel that the Scorpio's personality is just a front, even if it is a fun and lighthearted one. The fact they never seem to show any real feelings or thoughts on a matter but are always using charisma seems a bit superficial. Then you might catch glimpses of a Scorpio observing others and making mental notes. This all seems somewhat suspicious and a Scorpio rarely has a close enough friend that actually knows their depth. But this does not mean that the Scorpio is malevolent. They are just the most self protective sign. Consider a rabbit hole you have gone down in the past. Eventually you get to the point where the knowledge you get is hard to easily convey and sometimes it's hard to talk about certain knowledge you gained without sounding insane. This goes for depth of any field. Nikola Tesla would have been deemed insane if certain things in his life didn't line up exactly as they did. So every Scorpio personality has this great wealth and depth of being and protects it diligently.


Image: Light                                                        Sagittarius                               Element: Fire

   The Sagittarius sign is about shining light on all manner of things. Sagittarian personalities make for great philosophers as their minds are able to reveal truth about whatever their focus is on. This is because like the archer they know where to hit the root critical point. Although they will work hard and do whatever they have to do, Sagittarians would much rather be able to use their proficient minds for a living. There is also a more unheard of secret relation to this sign. It is related to the 'Conqueror'. This has to do with overcoming problems in the world. It is about a need or drive to overcome and overthrow some of the negative aspects they see in the world. With their razor-sharp vision, they often provide solutions to even some of the biggest problems the world faces. This can make them seem idealistic sometimes to a fault. But the fact is, they are usually spot on. Being a mutable fire sign isn't easy and can make many Sagittarians restless in today's world. This is because whereas they have a strong passion, drive, and competitive edge, they are aspiring for things that are mental or spiritual in nature. Broad idealistic master plans. The way the world should be. It is imperative for the Sagittarian personality to focus on one small target at a time. Once they hit that mark they can keep moving forward, expertly seeing the smaller targets through and getting closer and closer to their ultimate goal. They could make for superb leaders but ideally in their own realm of expertise or business. They are not followers in any capacity. Making them leaders in a business not their own, they will often find a way to make it their own. Not known for following rules, they tend to look beyond boundaries and might even test them from time to time. This is a very important unction in society if you think about it. Eventually the old ways, old rules and old boundaries no longer work. Or they cease to serve any positive purpose and only get in the way. Often it is a Sagittarian personality who first begins pointing it out, if not conquering it. Shedding light on the darkness is a very important and respectable disposition to have.


Image: Stone                                                          Capricorn                            Element: Earth

   Capricorn is the most structured, concentrated and impermeable sign. This makes them the hardest workers. They are very much personalities of routine and discipline. They are achievers and extremely driven to reach the pinnacle. You can imagine this as someone trying to reach a mountain peak at all times. This can make them seem stubborn or too rigid. But their industrious nature almost always pays off. The way the world works in this age is very amicable to the Capricorn personality. They are not swayed by flights of fancy or other whims. They have an inclination to be quite skeptical and cautious when it comes to their beliefs. This makes them very pragmatic as they can see the world the way it really is more readily than others. There has to be sure footing before they go out on a limb in any regard. Capricorn is the most dependable sign and very likely the absolute strongest of all signs. Their diligence and responsibility makes them reliable to anyone or anything they care about. You will often find that others rely on a Capricorn personality. In the workplace or in relationships they are often the level head, the providers and 'the rock' like you will hear. Capricorn characteristics will dislike something that is abstract or unstructured. If something doesn't have verifiable, empirical proof, they will usually disregard it. This is because they are accustomed to using that which is materialized, solid, sure and proven to get ahead in life. So Capricorns will favor material and physical pursuits over spiritual or emotional ones. When things are structured and orderly (and rid of confusion) in this way, they climb the ladder of society with more ease. The only foreseeable problem is getting too involved with work and their advancement that their social connections start to become lacking. Or that they are so overworked that their own wellbeing is left on the back burner. 


Image: Cloud/Rain                                                 Aquarius                                Element: Air

   Aquarius is an air sign, yet it holds water. Consider what water has represented historically. Truth and emotion are two of the biggest ideas that water represents. Like a cloud, the Aquarius sign is about harvesting a great wealth of truth. After gathering up a great deal of emotion and truth (emotion is largely about truth) there is an outpouring almost always in the form of beautiful creativity. Aquarians are naturally skilled in what aspect that falls into this sign. Whether through art, music, speech or writing, this outpouring of raw skill and talent is exemplified as rain. The much longed-for providence of rain (truth and emotion) that nourishes our minds and hearts. Aquarians are among the most adaptable signs as they have no problem picking something up and exhibiting skill early on. There is almost always a strong connection to music and art. Among the quickest learners, the Aquarian sign thrives more when it comes to new things or adaptability rather than structure and routine. In fact, there is an aversion to such day-to-day monotony. Attentive and information based, the Aquarian sign brings to the aspect a caring and intellectual quality that is data and fact driven. This is why Aquarian sun signs are known for being good at giving advice. They are observant, considering many different factors and can give sound, fact based counsel on something. Often they will refer to one of the many things they have watched or read recently, as they are mental sponges almost constantly learning. This sign overall is about intellect acting upon emotion (or the subtle/subconscious), and culminating into spirituality. It is a very important sign especially for the current times as we enter into the Age of Aquarius. Aquarian natives would likely gravitate toward either the artistic or scientific fields depending on what planet resides in this sign.


Image: Mist/Fog                                                       Pisces                                  Element: Water

   The misty fog image aids in remembering how ethereal the Pisces sign is. How obscure and mysterious it can be. It also helps in understanding that while this is a water sign, the water is mutable to the point it nearly becomes air. The culmination of emotion and knowledge is heightened to an elevated state. This is why you almost always hear that Pisces has an aptitude in psychic abilities. They are comfortable in the realm of the abstract. Allegory and symbolism come easily to them and they would be very quick to understand religious or spiritual concepts. All of this is because their emotions are so malleable, they can feel things even if they are not actively experiencing them firsthand. The way that mist is pervasive and is able to flow around, even into unseen places inaccessible to others, the Piscean mutability makes for a lot of things. They can be attuned to others' feelings, the subconscious, collective unconscious and the astral plane. However, this malleable nature can also make them easily swayed potentially. They might seem soft and fragile at times but if you only knew all of the things they were experiencing. Like water, cold indifference or stale boring concepts will make the Pisces characteristic condense. They will feel bogged down, no longer free to spread their wings. They will retract to themselves and be quite unhappy. If however they are in a warm, inviting environment they are finally free to roam and explore their creativity. This is where Pisceans are happiest. When they don't have to conform to hard labor or rigid routines, but rather let their characteristic wander, feeling things out. Being that Pisces is about surreal and abstract concepts as a whole, religion and symbolism resonate strongly with Pisces. And with those ideations come with it a potential for Dogmatic or tribal tendencies. As non-rigid and free as Piscean characteristics may seem, challenging them in the slightest on their spirituality, their tribe or their personal symbols or ideations you will suddenly find them fiercely defensive and even cruel. They make for ideal artists and writers for what planetary aspect this falls in. Whereas the Cancer sign is much more about boundaries, the Pisces is about the content within the boundary, the tribe.

Twelve Temperaments

   These twelve signs are yet another way of categorizing a variety of things, the most common of which being human behavior. The above descriptions are only a tiny pocketbook version for you to familiarize yourself with. But the more understanding you have of the many connections these signs have (such as their respective elements for instance), the more personal familiarization you will have with these signs and the more you will come to know their inner workings such as how they interact or whether they're compatible with each other or not. There is much imagery to go off of. The animal/image of the constellation itself, the element and imagery we have provided, correlations to Gods and Goddesses, and the list goes on and on. You can draw from all of these things together to build a working understanding of what kind of being or temperament is portrayed.

  The Sun Sign and the Greek God that correlates with the signs are a couple of things that much of modern astrology focuses on. It isn't necessarily wrong, but to put more weight on these things or to focus solely on them is misguided. In fact, the Greek God adaptation to these much more ancient signs is certainly distracting. When the Greeks inherited astrology and the 12 Zodiac signs, they worked hard to try and squeeze 12 of their Gods that had even the most vague similarities to the meaning of these signs. For instance, they related Hermes to Gemini. While this isn't strictly wrong and there are some lines you can draw between the two, it would have been more apt to relate Gemini to Castor and Pollux, The Ancient Divine Twin Archetype (and for whom the stars of the Gemini constellation were named even in Greece). Each sign's mythology, and of course the Astrology itself, goes much farther back than the Greeks however and this is what we like to focus more on. But that is the beauty of the art of Divination. You will develop your own style and conclusions if this is your calling. The Blue Focus is constantly honing the art through trial and error. We work to find which system seems to be most accurate. For example, we are currently testing thousands of readings to find what it means if the Sun is between two signs. Whether the Sun transitioning from one sign to the other can tell us that you will change temperament throughout your lifetime. So far our findings have found some striking data that says yes. People with a transitioning Sun will have dramatic changes to their outward personality during their lifetime. Further research into seeing whether we can predict the timeline this will take place and whether all of the planets transition in this way needs to be conducted. Similarly, we have found that many of the things done by modern Astrology does not prove to be accurate, has no sound evidence of predictability and so most of us discard it.


The Epochs

   When looking into the past Epochs, it doesn't take long before we hit the point that lies before recorded history. So let's go back as far as we are able.

You are probably already familiar with the term 'Age of Aquarius'.

 Aquarius- (Approximately 2160 AD to 4320 AD)
We are transitioning. We are not yet in the Epoch of Aquarius, yet you can definitely recognize the transition from Pisces to Aquarius. People are leaving the Dogmatic faiths of old and are becoming more a part of the stream of information, logic, intellect and reason. Look up anything you want about the signs. Whether Astrological signs or the signs of the time. We are not grabbing this out of thin air. The fast stream of information that is happening now is absolutely reminiscent of Aquarius and will only grow more traction, more concrete and stronger. Going from a focus on religion and blind faith, to a fixation on agreement, acceptance, pure data and information is happening now and coincides with the shift of Pisces to Aquarius most definitely. This providence of truth will eventually happen as we all come together in agreement and unity. There will be a current of ultimate information that is no longer disputed or unknown to any one of us. Tribalism will finally cease. But we must wait until we consolidate together as a people. Debating over what we can't agree upon, we are slowly going through the process of rooting out what we don't want or need for a unified society. This is the function of the Epoch we are currently living in (Pisces). The Aquarian age will be a period of unity, technology, information, and logic. 

And He said to them, “Behold, when you have entered the city, a man will meet you carrying a pitcher of water; follow him into the house which he enters. - Luke 22:10 NKJV

 Pisces- (Approximately Year 0 to 2160 AD)
   So imagine the transition from Aries to Pisces. An era of war and conquest to an age of Dogma and consolidating. Pisces, an era of belief, misty wonder, vague direction, symbols, and spreading to all places. Nothing concrete, but a realm of feelings (like our science, religion and politics). About belonging to different groups (Tribes or indoctrinated beliefs). The world religions take form during this time. If it wasn't for the strong feelings they share, what would they have? This is more about faith and feelings rather than logic or deductive reasoning. Consider how much we have consolidated, come together and what we have become, both in thought and feeling. All the way up to a New World Order. It is highly likely that we will continue to condense together like water droplets until we become one nation. We will eventually become fully indoctrinated. The religions that have changed the landscape of this world are about peace and empathy, symbols, trust and dogma. Ideology is the key word here. Ideology is defined as: "A system of ideas and ideals, especially one which forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy". Ideology has taken precedence over practically all else. This has to end for humanity to move into the future. However for now, it is an important process of rooting out beliefs and ideas that don't work. To replace them for better, truer information we can all agree upon. This takes time. Many of the wars during this Epoch have been about conflicting ideology rather than conquest. As we pool together however, it will involve agreeing upon several ideals which will translate into unity and progress for the Aquarian Epoch. There will be a time of darkness as most are indoctrinated by a singular ideology until the Aquarian Epoch of truth has its harbinger.

 Aries- (Approximately 2160 BC to Year 0)

   Of course, in every Epoch there have been wars and conquest. But this era marked a vie for dominance across the field like no other Epoch. The Roman Empire formed during this time, gaining dominance of much of the world. Alexander the Great's vast conquest which is considered to have forged the foundation for the western world. The Jewish Exodus and conquest of the Gentiles all the way up until the Christian Messiah (The Lamb). The Persian Empire and vie for control over the 'known world' at that time. The list goes on and on. It was a time of war, conquest and strong-arming your way in to make it in life. This was a masculine-ruled period and a Golden Age for athletes, soldiers, generals and conceited rulers. Many of the rulers during this time were fiery, selfish and violent people. Even the religions during this period took on a more domineering and violent modus operandi. But also during this time it is easy to forget that this was normalized and the way society functioned. The alpha ruled and the people needed strong rulers. Much a time for activity and purely personal gain at all expense. Of competition and stubbornness. Iron and fire certainly come to mind when thinking on this Epoch. The symbol of the ram, sheep or lamb was actually quite important to many cultures during this time. Much of what we would expect from an Age of Aries, we positively find during this era. It is filled with stories on wars and militaristic advancements. Cutthroat people and tactics. Pillaging, rape and even aggressive deities (including the Judeo-Christian God) during this time. The libido, ego, testosterone and adrenaline were all running strong much like we would expect.

 Taurus- (Approximately 4320 BC to 2160 BC)

   What we would expect from a Taurean Epoch is a focus on agriculture, stability, wealth, fertility, sensitivity and community. It is unsurprising that agricultural and economic advancements are some of the key points of interest to archaeologists and historians during this period. The currency system (using coins, creating banks, etc.) is thought to have taken root during this time. Of course, there is the more direct symbolism of the bull that is found all over during this time. Deities or stories like Ba'al, Apis, Hathor, the Cretan Bull (and Zeus turning into a Bull), Minotaurs, Mesopotamian Bulls, the list is long. Take Ba'al for instance. This was a major deity during this time and the Jewish nation with their more Sheep-oriented God overtook the worshippers of Ba'al. When even the Jews worshipped the Golden Calf, they were severely punished when Moses realized they were worshipping the bovine idol. While this type of story and symbolism is interesting to say the least, the characteristics, demeanor and temperament of the people during the Epoch is of even greater importance. While we are already getting back far enough in time that we may not have a great deal of written records, we can gather this truly seems to be a period of a focus on agriculture, civilization building, and providence. Providence in both productivity as human culture was evolving to be more society oriented, and a focus on wealth with the new economic system.

         Gemini- (Approximately 6480 BC to 4320 BC)

   Purportedly, it was during this time that writing was developed. Gemini being largely about communication, it would not surprise us. Additionally, there seems to be quite a bit of evidence of mass trade over long distances. Perhaps this was due to new methods of transportation, maybe even the use of the horse, wind sails on ships and so on. Much of this is speculation however, as we don't have a great deal of insight through records obviously. We also assume that it was during this Epoch that the figure often called 'Hermes Trismegistus' was supposed to have imparted the knowledge of writing, mathematics, and much much more to mankind. Apparently something of this nature happened, as there is a sudden explosion of intellect, writing and science during this time taking us from tribal survivalists for the most part to studied architects, orators, doctors, priests and many other learned roles in society. Already we are far enough back in time that things begin to become fuzzy when it comes to finding any empirical proof for what we say. But knowing what we do, we can say confidently that this was a classic Gemini Epoch and what we do find occurring during this period does fit quite well into what would be expected from Gemini characteristics.

    Cancer- (Approximately 8640 BC to 6480 BC)

   As the ice melted as this age persisted, it is pretty widely agreed upon that the people transitioned from Paleolithic hunter-gatherers to Neolithic civilization. Forming into close-knit family groups, these would eventually become tribes. These tribes eventually became full-fledged societies. No doubt the people of this time would have been extremely protective of their own and suspicious of outsiders. Each of these Epochs represents a new lesson, a new phase (or incubation period) of human evolution. As these smaller communities learned to be able to live and function together first it would just be a matter of expanding horizons during the Gemini age and creating trade routes and more widespread communication amongst other societies. But first we had to be able to master our emotions and be able to get along with each other. These ordered, cohesive communities would become strong and lay the foundation of civilization that stretches even to this day (including some cities or regions). Meanwhile most of the Paleolithic, primal hunter-gatherer groups would disappear. This process of working together, protecting and caring for each other was important to the human race as were all of the Epochs' pivotal lessons.

    Beyond this, we know less and less about human civilization of that time.


   We will not go into detail in this lesson of the many other horoscopes for obvious reasons. But it is important to consider that different societies had their own horoscopes based on loosely the same model of twelve sections. The Chinese Zodiac for instance covers the year you were born and is similarly divided into twelve animal signs. The Celtic Zodiac involves trees and is also divided into 12 (or thirteen) signs. These can be used together to provide further insight when trying to read one's chart and can be studied if you join the Blue Focus.


   We will bring this lesson to a close, but notice that each of these lessons is a potential path. Astrology is a major service we provide and a fundamental method for making predictions and seeing who people really are as they come to us. Training a little in this or at least meditating on these concepts for a while would be very much to your advantage. We cannot stress enough how important astrology has been. It is closely tied to our understanding of the Gods and Goddesses or the Pantheon, navigation, time, and all manner of higher consciousness that aided in the formation of civilization in antiquity.

   Also realize that each lesson in Divination covers not only a method of Divination, but also one key concept. In the last lesson we explored how the simple language of numbers unlocks an ability to see the structure of the fabric of reality. The Macrocosm refers to the bigger picture that we are a part of. We still peer out into the greater universe in awe trying to figure out how it works and our place in this bigger picture. It still beckons us to evolve, to strive for more and to fulfill our purpose. You may have heard the maxim 'As Above, So Below'. You may have also noticed how things on the macrocosmic scale like solar systems are similar to things on the microcosmic scale like atoms. Or our current model of the universe looks an awful lot like the neurons in the brain.


Solar System

atomic solar system.png


Brain Cell_edited.jpg

The reason for the famous maxim: As Above, So Below.

as above.jpg

   As you meditate on these things, consider how important each proton, neutron and electron in the atom is. The slight variation in number of these makes for an entirely different atomic structure. That difference determines what substance the atoms work in harmony to create. Whether Lead or Gold. How important each and every star, planet and asteroid may be in this way. If we can all agree on how important the structure of an atom can be in our lives, how important the structure of the macrocosm must be. When we speak of being cut off from the Ancient Wisdom we mean that there must have been some kind of understanding passed down through story and these symbols that we don't take into consideration very much in the modern day. Again, this is a mistake. These stories and interpretations have stood the trials of time, through culture to culture, translation after translation, cataclysms, plagues, wars and genocides. There is a reason.

   It is entirely optional, but if you'd like, take the time to interpret this example birthchart below. In your own words, use what you know or have learned here to explain this pretend person in the comment section. Remember that the more you interact with us, the more we will take interest in you. Those that excel at this will be noted in the background for potential. And who knows, you may even get an offer to work with us early on to do readings and make your own money doing them.

Example Birthchart

Sun- Gemini

Moon- Aries

Mercury- Aquarius

Venus- Virgo

Mars- Virgo

Jupiter- Pisces

Saturn- Capricorn

Uranus- Sagittarius

Neptune- Gemini

(Bonus) Sun barely Gemini, transitions next day into Taurus


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