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Numerology and Connections
Brown Divination Focus

Connections in the brain is where all things start. Making connections is the groundwork and foundation of all understanding. We only understand anything by applying meaning to what we experience. When we look outside, we only make sense of what our eyes see by applying memories and experience of what we find. And we must understand things before we are able to influence them in the way that we desire. Most of our understanding of the unseen universe has been made possible through the language of numbers.
Numbers stand as the shining example of the power attained through applying meaning to symbols. Especially because we are all familiar with numbers and it is universally accepted to have power. Remember that numbers are only a simple language of 10 characters, or symbols. Everything else arises by how we apply them. It is nearly unfathomable to imagine what our world might look like without the use of this "Language of God" as it is sometimes called. Some are fluent in this language while others would rather not use it, but the power is undeniable.
Being able to 'see' the unseen universe in our mind, make predictions, construct advanced architecture and technologies, and notice important patterns in reality are just a handful of the powerful gifts that arise just out of an understanding of this language.
The most important thing to get across is that when we apply meaning to any given thing, it makes a connection in the mind. In reality, all languages grant us the ability of deeper understanding, connections, visualization and categorization of information. All of this is vitally important when it comes to Divination as you will come to see.
Though we use the word Numerology in the title here, we are much more concerned with mathematics, sacred geometry, and associations than the contemporary English rendition of applying numbers to letters as we will explain below.
If you are interested in telling the future and performing readings, that is one facet of the Blue Core Class if you are to pursue Initiation. It is an important part of being a magician (level 1). Not only because you will be able to offer advice on a matter, but achieving access to the underpinnings of reality is instrumental in divination. The pathways that we will be covering in each of these lessons are well trodden, tried and true avenues. The symbols and what they represent are used for various practices and they serve as doors to the tapestry that is spirit/magick.
Becoming an Augur is a long road that involves more than just reading these words. You should begin practicing each method and find out what method resounds best with you or comes more naturally to you. However, depending on the occasion, you should be knowledgeable in how to Augur what arises.
If you are just joining us because you took the scientific track, first off welcome to the first lesson!
There's no denying the power numbers have exhibited.
Nine symbols repeating is all it took for us to peer into the reality of the universe in a unique way.
This arcane language has given birth to invention and understanding beyond our ancestors' wildest dreams.
I say arcane because the language of numbers actually has a mysterious and even mystical side to those who know the language best.
You must first learn the language. This language is more primordial and abstract. This is precisely why symbols are used. Consider that the alphabet is just a collection of symbols that are arranged and rearranged to reflect reality. The symbols get across all manner of information that the receiver then has to interpret and form an image in their head as to what is being transmitted. All things have a language. And there is power in knowing many languages.
Basic Numerology
Numbers are really a simple language. At their simplest representation, it is just a system of counting that repeats after 9. They are symbols which are useful for conveying important information at a glance. But even in this simplicity, think of what is represented by the very form of each number. You might write these in your journal.
1- Individual. Singularity. This signifies many qualities of anything that stands alone. Independence. Being in first place means that it is the best, most powerful. Alpha. The first of something means a new beginning. You can start to see that the very nature of the number is, in itself, rich in all types of things we can glean about something that is, 1.
2- Couple. This relates to two things that are bonded together of course. Movement is key. Advancement and Cooperation. In nature this means the flow of energy. In personal life it can mean marriage and sex. It also represents duality. Polar opposites. Attraction. Sensitivity.
3- Conception. Youthful and energetic. Catalyst, creation and communication (Logos). Talent and inspiration. Think of the triangle as an odd number attaining balance. Trinity. The first geometrical shape (Third dimension).
4- Structure. Solidarity, and reliability. Think of the four walls of a home. Foundation and the first balanced structure. Even numbers which are paired. Safety and stoic harmony. Nurturing and therefore fertility. Stability and discipline.
5- Active. Energy, Excitability and freedom. The fifth wheel of the four structure is spontaneous and breaks the mold so to speak on form and order. It is unpredictability, change, sociability, adventure, and curiosity. It calls to mind the irresponsible yet full-of-life youth. Mischievous yet adaptable. Mercurial.
6- Order. Back to an even number yet it can be split into two threes. The six pointed star. As above, so below. This is seen as concerned with Family, loyalty, and compassion. It is tenuously stable, striving to achieve both balance and activity. It is very much like gravity or a black hole. This active order, this striving for balance is love and caring. Harmony.
7- Mystery/Ascension. Seven planes, seven musical notes, seven colors. This seems to be a number about the state of being or quality of energy. Introspection, analytical and intelligent. Spiritual, studious, and refined. This is an important number when it comes to higher domains and the process of elevating base matter to more refined states.
8- Power. Two fours (which are both stable) paired together signifies Mass, Strength, Solidity. More than stable, this also translates into providence, success, and authority. Business and wealth. Realistic, material, and pragmatic.
9- Completion. The extreme or final part. Bringing something to an end. Conquering, salvation or solving once and for all. Omega. Infinity and cycles. Universe. Making complete. For every end there is again a new beginning.
Now of course this isn't the most profound thing at first glance. And this is just a quick off-the-cuff rundown of traditional numerological meanings of the numbers. But the fact is, these characteristics hold true on many levels. If you look into the nature of numbers in higher mathematics, you will find that the seemingly frivolous numerological explanations are matched closely in the scientific perspective. Numbers have become the most universal language to mankind.
Imagine a past where the language of numbers and the art of mathematics were more esoteric. Something more secretive that only the initiated elite had training in. To the uninitiated it may have seemed a fanciful pursuit. Creating a language out of a simple counting system. Yet look at where it has taken us. Through measurement alone, we have gained understanding of things well beyond our senses. The study of quantum physics, astrophysics, black holes and all manner of imperceptible things. Geometry and architecture, chemistry and economics have all been ratified by using this language of numbers.
To define is divine. Any time you define something it grants power. It creates a connection in the mind. The word, number or symbol becomes the thing in essence. It gives the person power over the object. It enables the person to conjure it up on a whim. I say this and it appears in your mind... imagine a world without that ability. Without language. If all we could do was point to the objects that we could immediately see. Then not be able to convey our feelings or thoughts about why we point at that object. This is the world that many animals live in. No doubt language gives us power.
And the power of mathematics is palpable. It gives linear structure on which we can build and measure. It gives form to things as through Geometry. If you've been able to retain focus upon reading this, your mind's eye probably sees or at least can feel what we mean here.
But whereas this simple repeating number system is structured and linear, we still find interesting coincidences and profound insights that seem mystical or uncanny. Sacred geometry, number magic, fractals and certain sequences that seem to pop up universally. This is a long video and you are not expected to watch it in its entirety, but it is an important one. This will give you a good understanding and an idea of these interesting phenomena, what we mean and how numbers connect to the other studies. So please at least watch some of it or skim through.
The numerical system is something both created and yet it is real. It reflects reality. It gives us insights into reality. This is a perfect example of how all of the languages a magician uses works. It is a window into seeing higher realities. Just as each number is a creation, it still represents a faculty or compartment of the universe. Truths not otherwise seen. Archetypes of all types work in the same way. If a simple 9 character (or symbol) language system has been this powerful and insightful, just think about the 22 letters (or paths) of the Hebrew Alphabet, the 78 Tarot Cards, or the 4096 different results of the I-Ching. But what is more, reality is not always linear and structured as mathematics. It can be chaotic and abstract. Truer languages exist. The subconscious is intuitive and understands the language of archetype and symbol. Never forget that numbers are a language that is an intermediary language. Much more real and impactful are the languages that actually come from a source. Nature's language (of plants and animals), the language of energy or frequency (like the planets, stars and everything around us emanates) or the language of Form (Plato's realm of forms, or in short, archetypes).
Now one of the common practices of using numerology is on ascribing numbers to letters and words. This is done with the English language like so:
The idea is that any word creates numbers to be added up to get a meaning out of that word.
For instance, the word Spirit. (S=1) (P=7) (I=9) (R=9) (I=9) (T=2) 1+7+9+9+9+2=34 3+4=7
Regardless of whether this makes sense or not, this needs to be taken with a grain of salt. This does not reveal very much and may not even have any merit whatsoever. This is the traditional English numerology approach. We are careful not to go on tangents. We do not typically use numerology in this way. You are welcome to explore it and see what you find. Similarly, Gematria is an ancient Hebrew system of assigning numbers to the Hebrew letters and making connections. This is just one form of Jewish/Christian Divination commonly used. We have explored Gematria and Bible Code quite extensively but do not find it to be entirely reliable. There is also the Chaldean numerological system among others.
Our approach to numerology at this time is the same approach we take to other pseudoscience practices. We are more interested in the power of Mathematics, the form and characteristics of the numbers themselves, and sacred geometry. That is our 'Numerology'. We strongly feel that attributing numbers (one language) to words (a different language) and struggling to find meaning is misguided.
Using these types of metagames, someone with a measure of intelligence could use it to misguide others and make connections that are wrong. This can even be done with the science of mathematics. Someone can virtually prove or disprove anything through mathematics whether it is true or not. Just look up 'Lying with Math' and you'll see ways people can make 1=0 or 2+2=5. People can get lost in the numbers, especially with numerology. Making false equivalents and becoming obsessive compulsive about the numerical meanings, avoiding certain things and so on.
Some things I would like to bring up before we jump back in. First, you've likely realized coincidences in research. You're probably starting to see things we have already covered both in everyday life and when doing research on other topics. The more you study the metaphysical side of nature the more you realize the way these things are connected. Hopefully you are gaining an elevated sense of awareness. Second, you may also notice that all things seem to have a mysterious side to them. A deeper and more sacred way of seeing even the most simple things (like numbers), and that this is their truer nature. And that what we are covering is the truth. We are not splitting hairs or superficially inflating evidence. These things are real and things intellectuals have pondered for century after century. This is what these lessons strive to achieve most of all. To get you seeing beyond the Veil, start getting closer to Spirit, and get back to using your own spirit as well as your higher mind. Mathematics or numbers in general may not be your forte and this is fine. But to sense the underlying nature of numbers is infinitely more important and it is my belief that you are probably by now starting to glimpse how mere symbols point to a higher reality about their nature. A realm of Forms.
People can get lost on tangents when it comes to translating words into numbers. Superstitions arise like the fear of the number 13. Something so ingrained (possibly in part due to Tarot having Death as the 13th number card) that businesses avoid having a 13th floor and so on. It can become an obsession and an insanity-inducing pursuit.
In your research into the Arcane, you may see a magic square or something that looks like this:
Agrippa's Magic Square: Sun

This is a good opportunity to explain something about sigils and other inscriptions. If you look at such a thing without an innate understanding of the contents and it doesn't unlock an understanding within you, these inscriptions are useless. The same goes for all pentagrams, sigils, and every other symbol that a person may encounter. A mathematician, or somebody like Tesla may be very intrigued and immediately see the beauty and balance of the above table. It may even unlock a level of understanding the sun's power, but unless your mind connects to the numbers, expands to comprehend and assimilate what is resembled above, it won't have any power whatsoever.
It's like a lay person glancing over a chessboard in the middle of a game as opposed to a Grandmaster of chess. A person that doesn't know the first thing about chess may even be put off by seeing the board. They don't understand such 'brainy' games and after all what use is it? The Grandmaster of chess will see the inner workings with all of its moveable parts. Likely know the outcome of the game, strategies for both players, etc. It's actually one of the great things about the Arcane. Only the initiated into these connections or one with an elevated understanding can access even basic sigils. This keeps the knowledge hidden and proves to be a kind of safety for powerful concepts.
All of this being said, it doesn't hurt to get better at mathematics. Higher concepts like 'number magic' and 'sacred geometry' are easily researchable and will lend themselves to you getting more familiar with numbers and lead to more interesting things. It's also the archetype of the magician to be a type of polymath. But this is as always up to you.
We have found it shocking to say the least that science has somehow become opposed to the metaphysical. I suppose they would rather use the words quantum physical? Yet the most profound minds through history were interested in the mystical. The science itself directly culminates into the transcendental. Whether through numbers, physics (quantum), anthropology/history, or astronomy or anything else, the pinnacle of their respective field is mystifying, grandiose and powerful. It also immediately calls to mind what was intuitively known by mankind in antiquity. In fact, it was the mystical practices of those times that much of the science was based on. Alchemy to chemistry, astrology to astronomy, numerology to algebra, shamanism to psychology, and so on. These were the foundations of the fields of science. In many cases, there was a more encompassing or comprehensive understanding of the field at hand back then. The scientific community's willful ignorance is perplexing.
The difference is in how we think. It is a difference in compartmentalization. How many connections in the brain we form between different compartments. Building more neural connections in our brain between different regions allows us to experience the fullness of a field. The majesty of the reality that the science reflects. Some people see numbers at the surface level and say 'ok, yeah, that's a seven'. Others will see the numbers and actually understand them. Sense them in their mind and see connections tied to the numbers. It's really a difference between a person who is told the laws of the universe and someone who is experiencing them. The difference between someone with knowledge and one with understanding.
Allow me to be more clear as to our approach to numerology. There is a sacred meaning to each number. And it can be used in Divination. The numbers work in tandem with other forms of divination, and can give additional insight into the personality and Omens for instance. The Tarot cards and the I-Ching directly use numbers. Chance is the primary function in using both Tarot and the I-Ching. We will explain more when we talk about Fortune in 'The Oracle and the Sage', but where numbers are concerned, the odds that you will get the reading you do makes it so that it is specified to you mathematically. Using numbers to measure can predict things just by their very essence. But understanding the numbers on a deeper level requires time and in working with them. We can't teach perspective. We can teach you where to look and what to focus on, we can teach the steps, but we can't teach a paradigm shift in your mind.
When it comes to classical or Pythagorean numerology, in the past we have found that some have the propensity to get obsessed and entangled in the world of numbers. We don't want that for you, but a case could certainly be made for this numerology. If that is your preferred method of divination, do so. There are a variety of reasons that one would prefer to use numbers over other methods of divination.
Numbers are an agreed upon language and the most universal among people. It is more empirically sound and scientific. It is much less likely that one's predictions would be considered fickle if they are based on numbers. There is indeed a secure and linear structure that provides a surety to their results. Furthermore, numbers are versatile and can be applied to virtually all things. For those interested in the Brown Focus, mathematics is an essential key component in expressing verifiable proof of the existence of what we teach.
Yet this is only one of the uncanny and beautiful languages that reveals more about our universe. Luckily, the language of numbers is one sacred teaching we didn't abandon. However, the next languages we will explore have been largely abandoned and are just as, if not more, important.
To understand more on the numerical medium of divination, explore some of the below links.
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