Each Fundamental explores the absolute basics of each of Four Colors.
Spirit- Explores the Yellow, spiritual nature of reality.
Mind- Blue considerations such as Mind Expansion and training, language and divination.
Energy- Red Focus looks at Health, Fitness, Body and Energy.
Science- Covers the Brown, pragmatic aspect of existence.
Each fundamental is important and bleeds into one another.
One of these colors will have to be chosen as you level up.
Understanding these introductory lessons into how the Arcane works leads to bigger things.
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One of the most important things to keep in mind as you read is do your own research into the points made and verify it for yourself. Truly coming to understand these basics and accept them into your world view changes everything and puts things like Spirituality, Science, Psychology and Power into a certain perspective.
These things are all connected and are no longer some outside influence but rather something you can begin putting to use now.
Understanding that all religions are fundamentally connected is powerful when you realize they all appeal to the same Gods and practiced the same rituals.
Using the modern scientific and technological lens to look at some of the Ancient Sciences begins to reveal some mind-blowing things as well.
Discovering how language has been used as a Divination medium overall for thousands of years begins unlocking the Mind and specifically the subconscious.
And exploring the potential of the Body and energies of your being leads to actually practitioning what has been called spirituality.
Getting these four down, we can then move towards more intensive research into specifics and putting them to practice.