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 Scrying and
The Path to Prophecy

Purple Focus Type


There are many, many other methods of divination. Some of them obscure. Palmistry, tea leaf reading, even dowsing could be considered a form of divination, a process of gathering information that is beyond our five senses. But one thing all forms have in common is a need for the gift.
You have learned the utmost basics that every student of the Arcane should start at. This is usually as far as people go. They know a little about astrology, practice mainstream tarot and might even light a few candles...
But the underlying force that empowers these mediums is more important.

Therefore, as you move on, never underestimate the fundamentals taught by the Branches and Divination. What you have already learned here is of great importance. Simply understanding that these mediums of divination are like codes to spirituality is already a step farther than most are willing to perceive. Forging the neural connections of your mind to make the associations necessary is a constant effort and is building the pathways of the Arcane. It's the first thing you need before you can even fathom practitioning the Arcane. Without this foundation, you are shooting in the dark. Learning these languages is to learn the connections and very code of the Arcane as well as the code to our Society. You have learned the very framework by which our mind acts upon reality that is used in manifestation, rituals and virtually all of the following teachings.
Along with the Branches we explored, the symbols and concepts are a constant source of research, inspiration and power. The rest of the Fundamental lessons build upon that underlying framework, reaching farther and farther out as your sphere of influence grows.

Another reason for not underestimating these faculties is that the further extent of these particular studies (those in the Blue Focus) results in a powerhouse of the mind with profound wisdom, no longer constrained by time or space, what might be called ESP. Someone who is connected to the subconscious is one who has developed what has been known as the Third Eye or Mind's Eye. Many are aware now that this is an actual physical structure in the brain. It is technically called the Pineal gland.
It is an actual structure that is an 'eye'. A sensor that detects light and darkness within our brain. It is also important for regulating our sleep cycle and dreams, secreting and managing melatonin. All of these things have to do with our subconscious.

It is also one of seven Chakras- biochemical power centers within your body that are each used in their respective plane. 
Each needs to be first awakened, then trained and developed in order to practice anything noteworthy.
We will be going over all seven in the next Fundamental.

These divination lessons were laid out in an order that has gone from the most objective, externally established 'program' to the most subjective, internally-reliant skill. That is to say, for instance, numerology requires little to no Third Eye development. It is already a system that is ready to be used immediately without much background information. Like a computer program, it is user-friendly and ready for you without much knowledge. Tarot on the other hand is more like the programming language itself. It can be tweaked and is more subjective. Scrying however you might think of as like the underlying binary code, the 'Backdoor' so to speak and requires a hacker.

It is overall possible to awaken these proclivities even just by processing our explanations on developing the Third Eye and following the flow of thought to your own conclusions, meditating on the principles and the resulting glimpses behind the veil. 
Unfortunately, many people if not everybody has the gift but it is never awakened because we aren't taught to think in synergistic terms, but rather in linear, gross and surface-level thought patterns.

Have you ever noticed the power water has over our imagination? The most prevalent example is when people sing in the shower. When you're in proximity to flowing water, hearing or composing music in your head is easier. Water creates sound and timing. It resonates with our own biochemistry in many ways and the element of water has always been the element tied to emotions, psychology, and the depth of our mind: the subconscious.
Crystal is like a structured and portable form of water. Remember that water actually forms into a crystal upon freezing. It has to do with the atomic structure, but this is not the time or place for all of that.
 Glass and crystal have similar properties, particularly the reflective nature of water. This is why both of these are commonly used in scrying, but nothing can match the raw potential of actual water. Nostradamus used herbal-infused water along with many other techniques that he had to keep secretive so as not to be prosecuted by the Church. Enchanted pools of water have been historically the most potent and most direct portal to Second Sight, the word for actively seeing the past or future as opposed to divination which gives you answers in physical symbols. Second Sight is where the line blurs between divination and ESP. 
Waters also work as windows to the Otherworld. This 'Otherworld' as you will see is the plane of existence that parallels our own but is usually invisible. It is the realm of the dead or ghosts, but also other spiritual beings. It exists on one dimension outside of our own and with the right conditions, can be glimpsed by the naked eye. But it typically requires an active
Third Eye.

Like we said about these divination techniques being similar to a program, energy otherwise known as spirit, chi, etc. is the electricity that is needed to course through the said program. So you won't really get as much out of scrying without understanding the process of cultivating energy up to that region. Although it still happens for a select few that have a natural tendency toward it.

We tend to immediately think quackery when we see someone using Crystal balls.
Although there is a fair and good reason for this, don't be ready to write them off entirely.

Scrying is used for various things that go beyond mere divination. The truth is you are basically using the crystal ball to trick your brain. The key to this art is allowing the crystal ball to unlock your subconscious. You may remember as a kid gazing at patterns in the ceiling or clouds and as the mind settles into a different state you could see intricate designs. For some, these were highly detailed almost like works of art or even still images of real life. If you still do this, you are already keeping your Third Eye practiced. It will be easier to transition into scrying. This is how the constellations were realized and therefore how astrology came to be.

All of the divination methods were started by engaging the subconscious while gazing and meditating upon the material.

Coming to an understanding of numbers begat numerology, relating to nature gave birth to omens, constructing the archetypes over time gave way to many symbols used in tarot, prophecy and others. 
Behind Scrying however there is something more. Fortune is always behind divination, but also sometimes other entities get involved in scrying as we will discuss shortly.

We agree with everything the following videos have to say about scrying. No fluff or hocus-pocus and all of the information is concise and spot-on. Both offer a great beginner's insight into the art of scrying.
But before you decide you want to buy your own scrying orb, read the cautionary tales of this lesson.



Because we don't recommend scrying in the beginning stages, we won't cover some processes until you learn Apotrope.
However, learning to engage the mind and subconscious in the process of scrying is important to learn for progressing.
For now, practice the scrying method without a medium and only try to awaken the Mind's Eye by reaching the conscious state described. These instructions can be looked back upon later when you're ready for scrying after you've learned cleansing.
(There are multiple levels to scrying like the video mentioned above. You can simply read inclusions and interpret physically imaged symbols, but what we are covering here is engaging with ESP/Psychic capacities, also a Blue Focus)

1. Medium: To Scry, get ahold of the medium you will be using. You can use a saucer or bowl of water, crystal ball, mirror, shards of glass, a natural source like a lake or pond, or even a turned off TV, computer or phone screen. Real water is the most ideal.

2. Enchanting: Enchanting the medium is important. Enchanting in general will be taught later, but just be aware that charging the crystal (medium) is critical. Enchanting has to do with using certain materials in a ritual to empower or 'charge' an item, place or thing. You can also use crystal and water for energy alignment through the process of charging/cleansing.

3. Gazing: Let both your eyes and mind settle. (For beginners, simply practice with the mind in your daily meditation and do not use a medium.) Gaze into the medium, basically staring on one spot for as long as you can while your mind slowly starts to calm down. This might take a while and long practice with meditation. It is a lot like letting your eyes drift, cross and blur in order to be able to see a 3-D painting except you are doing it with both your eyes and your brain. For now, try to achieve as close to a wakened dream state as you can. You are trying to channel the subconscious state and if focusing on and trying to 'light up' your inner eye (deep in your brain behind the forehead) helps then work with that. 

4. Bandwidth: You will learn how to get your brain waves from
 Beta, mentally active wakened state and high frequency waves to longer bandwidth frequencies like Alpha waves and eventually to Theta and Delta waves. Gamma waves are extremely high frequency and going this direction will be learned later on as well.

For Remote Viewing and Seance: Alpha
For Mind Reading: Theta
For Glimpsing the Past: Delta
For Prophecy/Future: Gamma

5. Imaging: As if from deep inside your brain and almost like you are dreaming while awake, you should begin to see some images flicker and move around on the medium. In the beginning it will often startle you and snap you out of it and you will have to start all over again. Have patience and simply get the method down. As you get used to it, it will be like tuning into a TV screen and seeing live action scenes playing out. 
This is actually how all visual prophecies were performed from Nostradamus to John who wrote Revelations.

6. Interpretation: Continue Gazing until you get the answer you are seeking and always write the results down. You can interpret the results to others. Sometimes our subconscious will only work with symbols or archetypes. How you interpret those is a personal cultivation of your skills. Furthermore, glimpsing the future as discussed before can be confusing if you are seeing technology and other things/people that don't exist yet. Interpret what you see as best as you can by comparing it to what we know in the present day. 

7. Cleansing: Every time a medium or tool has been charged, when we are done using them, they need to be 'cleansed'. This is basically akin to grounding electricity. This is extremely important and not doing so offers a kind of gateway or current for spirits to tap into and can cause 'hauntings' among other unruly results. 

Scrying is obviously a more advanced form of divination and will probably seem at the very least suspicious to the religious, if not outright blasphemous. But these are the practices of the prophets of the sacred texts. The fact that such practices have been demonized and discouraged is unfortunate but should not deter those who want to start performing actual spiritual arts.

However it is true that there are dangers and you can find yourself in some dark corners through this practice. Keep in mind that none of these Arcane practices are for the faint of heart and that those who want to work with the light will eventually have to confront the darkness. 

A personal experience: "...seeing the pits of what could only be described as Hell. Upon holding the crystal to my eyes and gazing through to a specific broadcast on television it was an undeniable and very clear scene. A multitude of people being brutally butchered and sodomized simultaneously in pools of blood and gore. The most unspeakably obscene, violently sexual, gory and depraved images i could ever imagine. Then the sounds slowly started becoming apparent and quickly i glanced out of the trance and at the TV i guess to make sure that it wasn't really happening. The Sunday church broadcast was still on the TV but the televangelist had a wide and strange grin. Out of shock and fear i put it down and knew i needed to immediately cleanse it. All i can say is that it had nothing to do with being tired, hallucination or anything that would warp my mind. I was having a pleasant day until then, i had been Scrying for several years and i hope to never glimpse that dark corner ever again."

Upon hearing testimony like this, there are those that would foam at the mouth, jumping at the chance to try and demonize the practice of scrying saying something like, 'See, this is why you don't mess with these things. They invite evil into your life'. To this we say that only the people of importance wrestle with evil and are confronted by it. Jesus and virtually all of the prophets or righteous figures of the Bible, Buddha, every single spiritual figure, deity, every hero in every story ever written both fictional and real deal with the darker forces and usually conquer them. It is only the weak, ignorant, fearful and the already-controlled that evil doesn't have anything to do with. That's because the Dark Forces have already gotten them where they want them:
Too scared to even think about taking their head out of the sand.

Scrying is for the experienced and powerful practitioners who aren't afraid of the Dark Forces but rather know much about it and know how to confront and defeat it. They are physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually protected through Apotrope.
So it should really go without saying that none should practice these things quite yet, but rather get an understanding of the terminology and the basic processes of this Divination technique as well as a familiarity with the various spirit types and Entities.

Scrying with crystal is commonly used in both remote viewing and seance as well.
​We won't go over additional methods that scrying offers simply because they require additional understanding of things like the Astral Plane, ESP, and the Otherworld.
But it should show how crystal gazing can really open a portal to many other things.



"Lord of the Rings" strikes again with its keen similarities to the real thing thanks to JRR Tolkien's thorough knowledge of history and the Arcane. Art imitating life in this case. Below, the character Galadriel and her 'Mirror', a pool of water that had access to the same current or frequency that the 'palantirs' (crystal balls) had. You may also notice the similarities between the character Galadriel and this page's background image of the Goddess Branwen.


Dowsing is quite simply a spiritual practice of locating things. Finding anything from water to disease. From treasure to an answer to a question. Although it can commonly be found to be used by charlatans this practice is shockingly old. It goes at least as far back as the Egyptian times. And you would probably be surprised to find that it has been used by everyone from U.S. Marines and British Intelligence to the Vatican who hired a renowned dowser as recently as the 1930s.

The pendulum is the preferred device and method of dowsing. Ideally either a crystal or metallic one, whichever feels right to the user. We won't dwell very long on this, but this is a method a practitioner of any level of experience can start practicing right away. For convenience and in the hopes you would want to buy from this site and help us out, you can purchase one here: 

We will teach how to use a pendulum in the Blue Focus.

Though there are more techniques that would fall under scrying, we will keep it focused on the most important topics underlying scrying itself. Dowsing and the pendulum are basically using Fortune and your own higher self's will to show you where hidden things are. Yet the pendulum can be used in a variety of ways, but that is for a later time.

Water, crystal and glass acting as a doorway to the Otherworld, spirits do tend to be seen in these mediums. As common as mirrors and windows are, they frequently unveil ghosts. Cameras having a glass lens seem to similarly expose what is otherwise unseen by the naked eye. Some practitioners like to use black mirrors to make contact with spirits of various types. When it comes to mirrors, we frequently get spirits who decide to be of a more trickster variety. The reason for this? We simply do not know yet. But they thoroughly enjoy pranking practitioners more often than choosing to be helpful.

Of course, we shouldn't have to tell you not to engage in this type of ritual until at least after you have learned Apotrope. We show this so that you can engage in discussions that revolve around various practices done by our members and have the understanding that goes with them. But what entities are they talking about?

Besides ghosts (souls or 'auras' of the dead) something else is behind all of this: Spirits that are on a lower rung of the spiritual totem pole than deities, angels and demons.
Called Sidhe (including by us and pronounced 'She'), other words historically have been Muses, Sirens, Jinn and many other names at any given region or time. They interact with mankind quite often and are also often a source of inspiration and knowledge beyond what our senses gather. They are of a lower class than deities although they have often been confused for everything from ghosts to gods/goddesses, and angels to demons.
It's very interesting to find that they have a connection with water.
 Water presents a gateway or a sort of window to the Otherworld existing on a wavelength just outside of our senses. These spirits are sometimes the actual harbingers of the portents gleaned from scrying and they can be tricksters. Although this is normally a topic for Nature Spirits (Green) or Otherworld/Afterlife (Purple) studies, scrying is where divination moves beyond the boundaries of the blue-colored spectrum of spirituality and into other territories. 
Some forms of scrying take an awareness of, and relationship with, these spirits. 

 People are often confusing 'ghosts' for entities they know nothing about when glimpsing the Otherworld. But the most important thing for now is that these spirits are not always benevolent but rather can be tricksters and even downright malevolent. That's why scrying is reserved for those that know what they are doing but you should at least know what it is and its function. 

Those who peer into mirrors often report seeing 'ghosts' and even demons. Interacting with them without apotropaic protection measures can even lead to possession. These spirits treat those who are good with kindness and those with wickedness in their hearts with contempt.

 Attaining Second Sight has a rich history. And not all of the stories are all that old. There are many contemporary instances that not only brought general attention, but even caught the attention of scientific communities and the governments of the world, who used their abilities. This is actually a common occurrence for those who practice the Arcane, because we are the ones who actually know how to use the gifts of the spirit.
In the following video, ignore the term 'extraterrestrials'. She never said any such thing and it's one of History Channel's "Ancient Aliens" tangents. There were entities, possibly even the Sidhe, but not necessarily extraterrestrial.

Again, you may have noticed, though it is not readily public knowledge, the government and
religious leaders use spiritual abilities regularly. These instances are largely kept under wraps and adherents to those very religious communities who used their abilities would be chomping at the bit to try and disprove or demonize. They would hang Jesus on a cross again today if they could. Scientific and academic communities similarly would go to great lengths to debunk such happenings but otherwise thoroughly dismiss or worse, bury these findings.

But let us talk altered states of consciousness. Often you will find that people with these exceptional abilities have had a brush with death, have a mental diagnosis such as schizophrenia or have used mind-altering drugs. There are a lot of discussions and debates on these topics. For instance, is it ethical to take drugs in order to have a Second Sight experience? How much of the schizophrenics' experiences are real or hallucinatory? Is there such a thing as hallucination? Or is everything in our heads just as real as everything else that is perceived? What exactly are the mechanics behind those who have been in the Afterlife coming back with the gift of Second Sight?

These are ongoing differences of opinion and may always be debated. But some findings that are indisputable is that cultivating the ability to change the brain waves at will to frequencies beyond alpha and beta has shown definite results.
Using entheogens (natural psychedelic substances) to have visions is something shamans have done for thousands and thousands of years. This too has seen significant results.

Whatever the case, tapping into the collective unconscious is the end goal. This current of thought accessed on a long bandwidth/wavelength has also been called the Akashic Records. It is known to be a source of a timeless nature, having everything that has happened and everything that can happen 'written' upon it, although the outcomes branch out and can and do get altered and change the timeline.

This brings us to Prophecy.

The modes of scrying and prophecy are highly subjective and instead of you learning its language, it seems to speak in your language. That is, in images and devices that you associate with.
To use Nostradamus as an example, he used a mixture of astrology and ancient Greek rituals he had read about to develop his famous prophecies. He claimed of course that it was a Christian endeavor so as not to be put to death, but the associations he was working with were primarily Arcane in nature. The images he received were put into forms that he could understand, and he had to decipher the symbols back to plain language as best as he could. Like Mother Shipton seeing a peacock and it relating to a certain family cr
est. These archetypal symbols are actually a convenience. It's when you are shown a clear and direct image of the future that problems arise. In the book of Revelations in the Bible, we hear of 'scorpions' shooting fire from their tails. Nowadays we know them to be war machines. Possibly tanks, helicopters, etc. 

Revelations 9: 9-11
9 They had breastplates like breastplates of iron, and the sound of their wings was like the thundering of many horses and chariots rushing into battle. 
10 They had tails with stingers, like scorpions, and in their tails they had power to torment people for five months. 
11 They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon and in Greek is Apollyon (that is, Destroyer).

Obviously, it would have been impossible to decipher what it was he was seeing without relating it to things he was familiar with in those times. This happens a lot not only in the Bible but with all of those who engage in Scrying/Prophecy.
(You might remember the Native American prophecies we explored in the Western Branch too.)

The importance of prophecies to humankind could not possibly be oversold. It discerns our future and often comes with instructions to the best outcome or timeline. When we don't follow or fulfill prophecy, we end up in a different timeline and things begin to go haywire. This may cause things like the Mandela Effect and Butterfly Effect and the longer it goes on, the more adverse things become.
Managing timelines and engraving prophecies are some of the pinnacle responsibilities for those in the Blue Focus.

Creating your own connections and divination method, you will find that the medium is not what matters. It is a
connection to the undercurrent of all minds, what is called the Collective Unconscious.
Never underestimate the responsibility you take on not just with scrying but indeed all divination.
What you say has an impact on the course of events.
It has a deep impact on the person (even if they are a skeptic).
Doing this with love is key and that is what makes it all the harder when you have bad news.
This takes time to get over, but you have to say what you see. 
Otherwise you are showing that you don't respect the forces that have provided you and entrusted you with such information.
Stick to the safe forms: Numerology, Astrology, I-Ching, and Tarot until you learn more about spirits so that you don't get misled by a trickster influence.

Learn how to cultivate energy and harness it into your mind to empower everything you have learned.

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