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Applied Science

It's important to have an independent organization of research by and for the people.

Everything from testing the local water to researching the impact of different technologies on the environment. 

With so many corporate interests and things like lobbying at play, it is hard to say there are organizations that we can be sure have the peoples' interests at heart.

It's surprising that there is no representation of the public to hold companies and other organizations accountable.

Or where laymen can get involved with scientific exploration and curiosity.

So there will never be an exhaustion of things to look into for those who pursue the scientific path. 

But starting out Arcanasium looks at the possibility that there is quantifiable evidence of the nature of spirituality. We will be looking into the ancient sciences so let's cover some of the things we will be exploring in the other fundamentals so that they will make more sense to you.

For each hypothesis, we are not already claiming to know all of the truth but rather these are things that are curious and ought to be looked into. 


Humankind is at a point where we will either abandon spirituality/religion as a whole or begin to measure and understand it. Fitting it into our larger model of understanding. 
And if there is truth to it, getting it down to a science.

The first curiosity is the universal nature of the stories throughout world religions.

Most everyone is aware of the Great Flood myth and often point to that as an example of a story that is universal and has been proven scientifically.

It's true that this cataclysmic event is acknowledged not only by every ancient culture but also as a Geological event.

But there are so many other examples than this.
And perhaps equally important.

There seems to be a universal understanding across all ancient cultures of the same deities(only having different names), a concept of an energy called spirit, and many shared 'myths' that could shed light on human history.

It's interesting to note that these cultures were separated by vast distances so these stories were either true, or very old stories that humans carried as they migrated all over the world.

Three Possible Models for why this has happened:

1. Dispersion Theory. As mentioned above, these stories may have been shared at a time when humankind was all one small tribe. This 'Tower of Babel' concept is pointed to in many myths as well and we obviously know humans migrated from one central point in history. The only problem with this theory is it would mean these stories date back at the very least 60,000 years.
That they have been maintained over that stretch of time is unlikely.

2. Independent Theory. All cultures came to the same conclusions. Much more unlikely is that due to human psychology and having similar brain structures, mankind was inevitably going to come up with the same stories.

3. Transplanting Theory. The leading theory now is that it is likely that there was an advanced civilization that had the capability of traveling the globe in ancient times. Because they were advanced, their knowledge and stories were taken seriously and repeated by cultures all across the world. This also explains many other phenomena such as shared technologies and similar architecture/artwork all over the world.

This third theory is important because a lot of the ancient cultures in question actually claim that this is what took place. They refer to the civilization that taught them language, the sciences, etc. as divine beings.

We see a similar thing happen today when a more advanced civilization comes across an 'uncontacted' tribe.

During World War 2, inhabitants on the island of Vanuatu witnessed planes dropping cargo on the island.
They worshipped the planes considering them to be delivering 'blessings' by supernatural means.
They began to create a replica of an airplane out of sticks and created runways, hoping that it would garner more of these blessings.


What if this happened long ago, when the majority of mankind was in a more primitive state? 
Divine beings found in myths seem to have been similarly a more advanced civilization in primordial times now forgotten.
Even in the religious stories these beings we are talking about here were separated from THE God. Still considered divine in some way, these beings gave us information on science, technology, and spirituality.
But they were recognized as being separate from fully divine.

They seem to have had a grasp on spiritual powers which has been sometimes translated to English as 'magic'.
But it's only magic when it doesn't align with their own religious affiliation.
Otherwise it is called 'miracles', spiritual or 'divine'.

So one question is what is the spirit, does it exist and can it really be utilized to perform what seems to be supernatural ends?

Well over the years many have sought to scientifically quantify the subtle energy of our bodies. Many proposals have been made, some of them tenuous at best and some blatantly misinformed. 

Most are familiar with the measurement done long ago of the weight of the soul leaving the body upon death.
This could have simply been a measurement of gas leaving the body.

Pseudoscientific claims have been made like 'ectoplasm' or other antiquated theories that were frankly reaching and offered no real replicable procedures of measurement.

Many names have been applied to this energy like Tachyon Particles; Subtle energy; Bioenergy; Biofield; Higgs-Boson particles/field and many others.
Each one is an interesting rabbit hole and raises plenty of questions.

Names like von Reichenbach, Viktor Schauberger, Wilhelm Reich, and William Tiller, among others, conducted experiments and some of their findings could shed light on this topic. They felt their discoveries pointed to a subtle energy although these studies were never accepted by the mainstream.

And most theories did relate this phenomenon to Qi or systems of energetic mapping found in Eastern practices. But as we explore more in the Spirit Fundamental there is no difference beyond translation in how each ancient civilization viewed their word for Spirit. Qi was just another word for it.

Mainstream scientific research has largely abandoned this field and it is hard to get funding by traditional means to look into such things.
Is this a mistake?

Many of these experiments and theories are from a long time ago.
Should we be investigating this some more and getting to the bottom of it?
Can it be physically measured at all? 

Over the past two hundred years especially, scientific researchers interested in the same things have tried to discern an invisible form of energy. A kind of “fifth force” that is associated with life, that goes beyond the four forces in physics—electromagnetic, gravitational, and the strong and weak nuclear forces.

It could be argued that the four forces of physics alone are powerful enough and maybe this 'spirit' was simply an archaic word for energy in general.
We do know that the body has capacities of utilizing these observable energies.

Or is it possibly such a 'subtle' energy that, like Dark Matter, only its impact can be identified?

Many have simply proposed that it's quantum mechanical in nature but we feel that's somewhat of an escape and it doesn't offer much in the way of quantifying and measuring it.

Then of course there's the possibility that it does not exist at all.
But let's go over what we do know.


So we know that the body has an electromagnetic core.
The heart.
The first real sign of life while we are still in the womb is the development of the heart and its magnetic field.
The heart’s magnetic field communicates to all the cells in our body.
 When we interact with each other and other life (including plants) our field reaches out and can affect everything around us.
We can measure the energetic interaction of the magnetic fields between people.
Our body legitimately has energetic centers that are also bio-electrochemical engines.
Chakras seem to be a hippy-dippy topic yet it is interesting that these centers were identified as being where the major organs of our Endocrine System are found.
We will explore this more in the Energy Fundamental.
We know our bodies give off light.
Called Biophotons it is very interesting that every ancient civilization reported seeing what we unfortunately only call now an 'Aura'.

It's unfortunate because once again here we find a hippy-dippy concept that is largely viewed as pseudoscientific.
Once again these researchers also realized that this strongly implied possible authenticity to Eastern practices.
They too were intrigued by the strong correlation that the ancients had been talking about all along.

This could also imply an explanation of another phenomenon both ancient and contemporary:

It has been observed that photons will actually cling to something as small as DNA particles in a vacuum and even retain the shape of the DNA strand when it is removed.

If we can measure Biophotons perhaps there is a way of seeing this phenomenon but this is just a hypothesis.
Called Residuals, one theory is that certain 'ghosts' are photons that simply are clinging to a body that was there in the past.

This explains reports of seeing a 'ghost' repeating the same actions as if they are living out one moment in time over and over again.
This means that residuals are not conscious or at least conscious according to our current understanding.

Now obviously this is a stretch, but it is interesting.
A lot of these things are further explored in the Energy Fundamental.
It would be exciting to do more research on all of these things and it is a shame that it's not being done more rigorously by the mainstream channels.

Now just as a thought experiment (we would never do this in a scientific format), but let's have some fun and conjecture about connecting these dots while we explore some other phenomenon and their implications.

Near Death Experiences (NDEs) and Out-of-Body Experiences (OBEs) are very real considerations in the medical field. As we see in the Aura lesson, doctors and researchers have debated about these phenomena for many years.

We know that DMT, a powerful hallucinogen, is released in the brain upon death.
But why??

What if there is a very real energetic field that retains (or even houses) our consciousness which transcends our bodies at the time of death.

This would explain so many religious motifs and historic accounts, including the Books of the Dead.
(Both Egyptian and Tibetan)

Both of these works are about exploring and how to navigate the Afterlife.
What if it is all connected?

All the way back to where we began, discussing the Deities if all of this is connected and true would this mean that those Deities would still be around as subtle bodies?

It's fun to think about the idea that what have been called Angels and Demons are very real interdimensional beings that have also been called Deities or Entities. That really they are the ghosts of powerful living beings from long ago.

Of course this is a huge, almost comical leap from the very little that we can actually verify and observe.

But just imagine if we began uncovering that the Ancient Sciences are entirely applicable to contemporary science.

There is so much more to this than what meets the eye.
Researchers are finding things all the time about the power of the mind and consciousness, Nature and remedies, energies of the universe and their impact on us, healing abilities of faith, frequencies and the authenticity of old practices.

The list goes on and as you continue with us you will see time and time again that there was data and proof of something interesting, yet it was largely dismissed by the mainstream.

Believe it or not even things like Astrology had some evidence to it when really measured and observed without preference.
But continually they try to hide it and that's why the Arcane remains hidden knowledge.

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