
​While the Business side of this organization may seem boring to some, we are committed to being as transparent of a company as possible. Our official Business Plan will be available on here upon getting to a stage of seeking loans or funding if we ever do.
This isn’t just a job or a company to us. We feel we have a commitment and duty to spread awareness of a new way of looking at things that is so exciting and groundbreaking.
Arcanasium has a huge mission we are passionate about.
One key trait about Arcanasium is that you can get involved in the business itself.
Especially early on, there are a lot of opportunities for you to offer any skills or insight you might have and help make Arcanasium a reality.
If any of this does not interest you, feel free to skip this page and move on.
If the idea of making money through the practice of the Arcane sounds exciting, join us in learning who we are as a company.
Arcanasium is an LMS (Learning Management System) that utilizes gamification where members can level up and unlock new capabilities as they learn and engage with the community.
As members level up, they may fulfill their own services, physical and digital product orders, as well as fill in other elements of the organization with the opportunity of making money while they do so.
Services incorporate what they have learned in their respective field of practice. Members who continue leveling up may become official employees of this organization. Employees help manage members and website functions as well as make the brick-and-mortar community possible.
Employees who continue leveling up are promoted to upper management roles and eventually the board, CEO and beyond.
This Learning Management System relies on an intricate, synergistic and vertical integration-focused model.
Community engagement, organic social media presence and informative platforms are how Arcanasium initially builds awareness and branding identity. Pioneers in a new way of thinking, in an interdisciplinary and eclectic fashion, Arcanasium and its community's only real competitors are scientific and religious institutions.
There is a strong desire and need in our members to know, to belong to something greater and to contribute to society at large. Arcanasium fulfills these essential drives as it grows and investigates reality in all its manifestations.
Everything relies on a dynamic business model, a self-sustaining Learning Management System (LMS).
Essentially, it's like a well-oiled machine that can keep running smoothly on its own. Then be implemented and planted into other communities.
Ideally it will generate enough revenue to cover its operating costs and even expand or improve its services without relying heavily on external funding. It's designed to grow and adapt to changing needs and demands without requiring significant additional resources or restructuring.
The design also allows for automation. It leverages technology, individual interests and the leveling system to automate repetitive tasks like course enrollment, grading, user management, and other workflows reducing the need for constant overhead manual intervention.
The community engagement and mentorship we aim to employ fosters an active and involved community of learners and instructors who contribute content, provide feedback, and support each other, reducing the need for extensive marketing or recruitment efforts. This should cultivate an organically growing vertical integration that promotes from within while users pursue their own interests.
We prioritize the ongoing innovation and improvement based on user feedback and emerging trends in education and technology, ensuring long-term relevance and sustainability.
This is a dynamic ecosystem that can thrive and evolve independently over time, meeting the needs of its users while remaining financially viable and operationally efficient, active and just plainly fun.
We want to be transparent as much as possible about who we are, our message, the funding and costs, and how business is run as we feel that people collectively are smart and cooperation is the key to each of our success.
This is why we want to try, as much as possible, to make this entire business model open source and free-to-use. The most important aspect of all we do is in establishing connections. The interactions we have with one another as well as other institutions that take interest is key.
The interactions between different fields of thought and making those connections is paramount to getting to the bottom of the truth.
In a world that is growing vast yet losing depth, we want to rekindle an interest in the Arcane and mysterious side of the world. It goes deep as there is a mountain of evidence for every field whether that concerns:
Spirituality, the Mind, Energy, Science, Dimensional, Mystical, or Natural.
We hold all of the evidences we have found so far to be true and to the best of our knowledge.
As much as possible, we strive to both unanimously agree with the authenticity of our findings as well as propose a cohesive big picture for spirituality, science, and history that is all connected and makes sense.
That is to say we do not easily lend ourselves to any superficial or superstitious estimation of a belief. Instead with the most researched and informed evidence at our disposal, we generate a cohesive working model about our findings.
New Age culture and looseness of conviction has no real place here.
We aim to cultivate a disciplined and structured approach with empirical evidence to prove or dismiss spirituality altogether.
We are Logic first, Faith later
Rather than Faith first, Logic later.
The ultimate ideal is to generate a movement of thought that uses all scientific and technological advancements at our disposal to revisit the ancient sciences, examining the authenticity and results.
Only in this way can we either fully write off spirituality altogether as a useless, archaic and superstitious pursuit, or acknowledge the existence of a connection to something greater and begin to utilize it as a human race once again.
Either way we will be making important discoveries along the way.
The most immediate and important goal for now is the brick-and-mortar facility called the Temple of the Arcane. It will simultaneously act as this company’s headquarters, ‘church’, laboratory, manufacturing department, warehouse and retreat for members or anyone interested in what we do.
The dream is that the Temple will grow into a place similar to a university that promotes research and development into all of the different avenues of discovery on our mission. Things like an extensive Arcane Library, a Health and Fitness branch and an attached forest where members can learn things like bushcraft and horticulture just to name a few.
Stretch goals also include building a large media presence. Beyond our social media accounts and podcast platform, we strongly feel there are thousands of individuals with artistic talents that have no platform of their own. We want to change that and invite graphic design artists, writers, aspiring directors, musicians and much more to the table to utilize and practice these skills here with us.
Further stretch goals include business ventures, shop and service affiliates, resource institutions, media and entertainment foundations, charities, and operative branches which perform tasks pertaining to our ever-growing platform.
While these things may be further down the road, we want to share our dreams of what this can become with you.
Brown Focus
For those most interested in either the business side of this organization or the strictly pragmatic or scientific aspect of reality, you should focus on the Brown color as you advance in level. Continue taking the 'Science Path' when you see the buttons on the bottom of some lessons.
When you reach level 1, the Brown Focus takes place in the Pentacle on Saturday evenings at 7 PM to discuss research, experimentation and business.
Help us in how to better relate the message to the more logical and rational side, as well as approaches in how to investigate the scientific aspect of everything else taught here.
First and foremost, we don't expect you to pay a dime. We want this platform to operate almost like a church, offering information and services for free when and where we can. We do accept donations, but for the time being we are mostly concerned with spreading the message and bringing together a community.
Once there is a thriving community more locally, we will be equipped to begin crowdfunding and appealing to a national audience, seeking more traditional funding if necessary.
But everyone has to make a living. So if you are already in the business any affiliate vendors or partnerships have a big opportunity here. You can charge what you see fit for your own shops and services. You can create your own schedule for services offered on the platform here.
We believe Arcanasium will come to drive a substantial amount of traffic to shops and services that have been very niche and on the fringe. We feel that as we educate the public about these things that it will gradually begin to ‘normalize’ these practices.
The majority of the funding starting out will be made in more peripheral and long-term methods.
Events, ticket sales, publications, social media, bookings, partnerships, merchandise, affiliate marketing, products, services, and contracts to name a few.
We can later generate revenue through various avenues while staying aligned with our mission.
It is entirely possible that we will have to establish a subscription-based membership. However early founding members will never be charged if they are already on the site and active.
Future offerings could include workshops, retreats, or one-on-one coaching sessions, and access to exclusive content, providing advanced teachings or personalized guidance from leaders or experts in their field.
We will open up a library on-site, more virtual shopping districts, interactive service pages and additional media content and gamification strategies. The app implementation will be big for us.
The platform can host virtual events such as webinars, conferences, or live Q&A sessions, charging registration fees or selling tickets to attendees. Collaborating with spiritual influencers or organizations for joint events can expand the reach and attract a wider audience.
Arcanasium can integrate e-commerce features, selling branded merchandise, publications of members, spiritually-oriented tools, or wellness products related to the Arcane.
Affiliate marketing and other partnerships with relevant brands can also generate additional income through commissions on sales as well as other collaboration strategies.
Lastly, donations and grants from supporters who believe in the mission and impact of Arcanasium can supplement revenue streams, ensuring sustainability while staying true to the organization's values.
Completely circumstantial and naturally, there are many angles to Arcanasium.
There is a spiritual movement culminating into the Temple of the Arcane. There is a drive to get the public more engaged in general but especially in science, nature and philosophy. Helping others who practice the true art of spirituality and giving them a platform to make money.
As ‘bleeding heart’ as the statement may seem, we genuinely believe in changing the world.
Certainly the perspective of the world and how we look at the past and the possibilities of the future.
We welcome you to join us in this endeavor and perhaps you can show us things we are not seeing yet. There will be many more things to come as members collaborate and introduce their own ideas.
We will have fundraising programs and goals that we will work together to achieve.
In the meantime, we are using some fairly grassroots and clandestine methods to offer free services, meetings, activities and even services to garner interest and attraction.
We want to remain as transparent as possible not only at the outset, but in the future in our crowdfunding phase, then regional, national and international marketing phases.
This is to keep our overall mission and separate goals as open source as possible. We believe in the power of community and fellowship in action.
You can begin making money through the process mostly at Level 2. There is currently the opportunity to begin making money at Level 1 for any Founding Members.
This is primarily through fulfilling services and product orders.
The experience needed for this is taught in the Pentacle
(at Level 1)
You aren't constrained by someone else's schedule. You make your own.
None of it is necessary during Level 2, but it becomes an option.
Other ways you can make money is through crafts that pertain to our branding like merchandise, apparel, artwork and more. Any media or web design skills are needed, as well as business experience.
If you continue to level up, your ideas on revenue and how the mission can move forward will be explored, considered and possibly implemented.
It will be a great collaborative testing ground as we work together to progress individually and as a community!
Take care and hope to see you there!