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Funding and Donations
Business Funding

First and foremost, we don't expect you to pay a dime. We want this platform to operate almost like a church, offering information and services for free when and where we can. We do accept donations, but for the time being we are mostly concerned with bringing together the community.

In this way, the initial focus is more in us first members making money collectively and together, generating more traffic to your shops and services using a unified platform.


Once there is a thriving community here in Lexington we will be equipped to begin crowdfunding and appealing to a national audience, seeking more traditional funding if necessary.

But everyone has to make a living. So any vendors or partnerships can charge what they see fit for their own shops and services. Most of the activities will be free to join in the Lexington area early on. 

The majority of the funding will be made in more peripheral and long-term methods.
Events, ticket sales, publications, social media, bookings, partnerships, merchandise, affiliate marketing, products, services, and contracts to name a few.


We can later generate revenue through various avenues while staying aligned with our mission. Future offerings could include workshops, retreats, or one-on-one coaching sessions, and access to exclusive content, providing advanced teachings or personalized guidance from leaders or experts in their field.


We will open up a library on-site, more virtual shopping districts, interactive service pages and additional media content and gamification strategies.


The platform can host virtual events such as webinars, conferences, or live Q&A sessions, charging registration fees or selling tickets to attendees. Collaborating with spiritual influencers or organizations for joint events can expand the reach and attract a wider audience.

Arcanasium can integrate e-commerce features, selling branded merchandise, publications of members, spiritually oriented tools, or wellness products related to the Arcane.


Affiliate marketing and other partnerships with relevant brands can also generate additional income through commissions on sales as well as other collaboration strategies.

Lastly, donations and grants from supporters who believe in the mission and impact of Arcanasium can supplement revenue streams, ensuring sustainability while staying true to the organization's values.


There are many stretch goals such as a physical religious presence, the Temple of the Arcane, and many more to come as members collaborate and introduce their own ideas.


We will have fundraising programs and goals that we will work together to achieve.


In the meantime, we are using some fairly grassroots and clandestine methods to offer free services, meetings, activities and even services to garner interest and attraction.


We want to remain as transparent as possible not only at the outset, but in the future in our crowdfunding phase, then regional, national and international marketing phases.


This is to keep our overall mission and separate goals as open source as possible. We believe in the power of community and fellowship in action.

Your Funding

You can begin making money through the process mostly at Level 2. There is currently the opportunity to begin making money at Level 1 for any Founding Members.

This is primarily through fulfilling services and product orders.

The experience needed for this is taught in the Pentacle
(at Level 1)

You aren't constrained by someone else's schedule. You make your own. 

None of it is necessary during Level 2, but becomes an option.

Other ways you can make money is through gathering materials, crafts that pertain to our branding like merchandise, apparel, artwork and more. 
Any media or web design skills are needed, as well as business experience.

If you continue to level up, your ideas on revenue and how the mission can move forward will be explored, considered and implemented.

It will be a great collaborative testing ground as we work together to progress individually and as a community.


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