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Somewhere around the Year 0, Magi use Astrology to find the Messiah.


So what is a Messiah?
A Messiah or Christ is, to put it simply, a 'Chosen One'.
They are divinely or spiritually anointed (chosen) to be a Savior.

Jesus who is widely acknowledged to be the Messiah is said to have performed divine or spiritual acts that are considered miraculous.


 If you have read the introductory pages in 'Getting Started', you may remember the 'Blueprint Page' we suggested adding in your journal. Mark the above example down (John 3:14). There will be many. You might just write about the cross or you may take notes of the scripture or what you are already thinking about this. 
You may already be familiar with this symbol.

This symbol runs deep and is one of the keys to spiritual power and understanding.

In the below scripture, Jesus brings up the Arcane to teach many things all at once.
As you learn about the Arcane, you will gradually begin to see it more and more.

John 3: 5-15

5 Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit.

 6 Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. 

7 You should not be surprised at my saying, ‘You must be born again.’

 8 The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”

9“How can this be?” Nicodemus asked.

10 “You are Israel’s teacher,” said Jesus, “and do you not understand these things? 

11 Very truly I tell you, we speak of what we know, and we testify to what we have seen, but still you people do not accept our testimony.

12 I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things?

13 No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven—the Son of Man. 

14 Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, 

15 that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him.”

There is already much to cover here.
There is so much to unpack right out of the gate when it comes to spirituality.
As we continue, you may want to argue the points made.
Debate is not only healthy but necessary. 
So feel free to add comments at the bottom of the page and offer your own knowledge and insight.

Jesus spoke in parables, a higher language form that speaks on many different levels and connects many different fields all at once.

For now, we will focus on two main details of this scripture. 

1. Notice that Jesus uses the four classical elements (Air, Water, Fire, Earth) quite a bit in His teachings. Here He uses Air, Water and Earth.

2. He relates Spirit to Air. Why is this?

Sword of the Spirit


Ephesians 6:17 ESV

And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God,

Hebrews 4:12 ESV

For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.


Matthew 10:34 ESV

 “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword."- Jesus

The English word spirit was derived from the Latin word Spiritus, meaning breath or life force.

In China the word Chi means energy, air, breath or life force.

In Hebrew, the word Ruach (translated to spirit in the Bible) means air, breath or life force.

In Hindu, the word Prana means air, breath or life force.

Greeks (Aether), Native Americans (K'uh for instance), and virtually every ancient culture knew and had a word for an energy related to air, breath and a life force that could be used.

Clearly a universal concept the ancients knew quite well.
Air and breath are used to describe this energy because it is invisible, mutable, and pervasive.
It is the domain of a higher plane than the mundane realm we live in.

Breath keeps us alive as Spirit does and like wind can quickly become one of the most powerful forces of nature. 

There are also surprising benefits in practicing deep breathing and utilizing this substance all around us as you will see in the Energy Fundamental if you continue your journey with us.
While Spirit may not literally be air, the various words for spirit signified a whole field of understanding about energy and the life force inherent in and around us.
We also use our breath to speak.
This is why Spirit is linked to the Word.
Every culture seems to have known about this. Beyond language barriers and distances, all peoples seemingly came to the same conclusions.

Before technology, imagine trying to describe the concept of invisible energy in ancient times.
These words (spirit, chi, etc.) were the only words for what we now call energy.

There are many ways to wield the Spirit.
And that is what this organization is all about.
Keep in mind that it was prophesied that the majority would live under a false religion.
What if God did not only speak to the Jews?
But rather left puzzle pieces in every ancient culture that together forms a big picture of spirituality if all connected.
What if the mainstream understanding, the mainstream World Religions were the False Religion?
What if we are missing something, a truth so huge and beautiful it could change everything?

First, we will explore the World Religions, how they are connected, and show that there are outlines on how to actually practice true spirituality.

God did not only speak to one ancient civilization.
Every ancient faith system had Prophecies and Divination including the Jews.
Each performed rituals that were similar.
Some required specific use of the Word.
Some rituals required specific tools like a staff, specific materials like gemstones or specific plant matter, etc.

This manner of practicing true spirituality has been all but lost.

Again, this was all global and all faith systems were connected in this way. When two Ancient Civilizations met, there was a general and mutual understanding when it came to spirituality.

God spoke to the rest of the world all along.
For every ancient ritual, there was a similar version of it being performed on the other side of the world.

This includes ancient Christians and Jews.
So why does it seem that the Judeo-Christian faith system is separated from the rest?
Certainly not because of Jesus' Teachings.
In fact, Jesus opened the Teachings up to the Gentile (non-Jewish) peoples.

There is a long list of reasons for this, but we will cover three main reasons here.

1. Missing Links: There are many books of the Bible that have been removed by the Church. Called Apocrypha (hidden or secret), some of these texts provide context and understanding of the mysteries in the Bible as well as how it connects to the big picture. Perhaps one of the most important of these hidden knowledge writings is the Book of Enoch.

2. Debate: Whether intentional or not, the early Church fathers swayed important opinions concerning the nature of what the Bible teaches using Theology (the study of the nature of God and religious belief). We as a human race have debated this Theology ever since and this is why there are over 30,000 denominations of just the Christian faith system.

3. Heresy: Anything that was practiced that did not look like the Roman Catholic Church's practices were demonized as 'magic', 'heretical', or 'blasphemy'. And because Romans took little interest in the practices of other cultures or the harmony between them and was instead hellbent on conquering and converting them, the true Practition of Spirit faded away because it looked too similar to what might even now be deemed 'magic'.

Again, this includes Ancient Christian practices.

This word 'magic' comes directly from the Greek 'Mageuó', the practices of the Magi, who we discussed earlier found the Messiah using Astrology.

Remember to do a little digging and verify everything we say. Especially for those things you did not know or might be wary or suspicious about. It makes it become your own personal journey of discovery. Your own knowledge and wisdom.

Since Roman times, the practices that looked like ritual have been systematically stamped out of existence. By the time the words 'magic' or 'heresy' became English terms the words were already being used to demonize true spiritual practices. But that is for a later time if you take an interest.

For now, take a step back and determine for yourself where the true practices of spirituality have gone.
The spiritual powers that we are told the Prophets exhibited. Things like prophecies, ritualistic practices, healings, blessings, curses, and all the other things that according to all sacred texts on Earth, used to be performed.

We on our part think that it would be a mistake to dismiss globally understood ancient teachings that were passed down over generations that go all the way back to the dawn of mankind as far as we know.

Remember that Spirit is like air in that it is invisible and evasive. There have been many attempts to scientifically put a word to define this 'Subtle Energy', something we will cover more in the Energy Fundamental. We know that there are vibrations, forces, and frequencies that exist beyond our body and ordinary perception, but can these be used?
It is for you to experience.

Nothing we could ever say could possibly prove or disprove to you whether spirit is real.
We could offer videos, historical and contemporary accounts and scientific data.
But nothing will convince a person until they experience it for themselves personally.
Only through actually trying the ancient practices can you experience any of it.
We can only show historic evidence, both ancient and modern, of people who seem to be able to exhibit what might be called spiritual power.
We can begin to outline how it was actually performed.
And we can only say here that it can be dangerous to display abilities that might threaten those in power.

Romans, Jews, and Catholicism

Had Rome not adopted Christianity, most of us likely would not know about it today.
Catholicism is the oldest still-operating institution in the western world, dating back almost 2000 years, back to when Rome ruled.

Followers still practice archaic rituals, dress in medieval robes and speak in Latin. The Vatican still rules with unmatched religious and political power. It is the smallest sovereign state in the world and is the last absolute monarchy in the world. The pope answers to no human entity and has complete authority over the Catholic Church's 1.2 Billion followers, all the way down to its individual members.

It is truly a vestige of Rome.

Incalculable riches and artifacts find their home within the Catholic Church as well as many secrets. The Vatican Secret Archives, a secretive library is only opened to a limited number of scholars. 

There are many rumors and whisperings of potentially powerful Artifacts that are held in the Catholic institutions that are spiritual in nature.
Many religious institutions are vestiges of ancient wisdom that can be tapped.
The Catholic Church stretches back through the medieval times and well beyond to when ancient secrets were being hoarded by the Church.

Catholicism is still aware of and teaches some of the Pantheon of the Christian faith. Pantheon means the order of Divine beings of a given religion. They are all connected throughout different cultures but we will get to that in future lessons.

For now just know that the Catholics still observe the hierarchy of saints, angels and other spirits, demons and more. The Catholic Church holds a pivotal role in world prophecy. 

But again, for the sake of time, if you are interested in religious and spiritual studies, this entire Fundamental is only an introduction to the Yellow Focus. We will cover more about these types of things when you become Level 1 if you take an interest.

When Jesus said He was the Son of God, a Son of God was a confusing and blasphemous concept to the Jewish people and was probably considered Roman or Greek-type of thinking. In Greek and other Pantheons there were stories of human descendants of a God.

Heracles (or Hercules) was born of a mortal mother and it was said that his father was Zeus. This is one of a multitude of examples and usually, these heroes eventually became divine in a process called Apotheosis.

Jesus taught this and we teach more about this process in the Yellow Focus.



(Blueprint Page)

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Young Heracles wrestles snakes

But although Jesus was a Jew, the Jews of his time did not understand what He was teaching and/or they saw it as a threat to their authority. So they had him killed. This is the dangerous nature of the Arcane.

Jesus lived and taught in Israel, a place that still holds massive significance to this day.
His story, although more than 2,000 years old, is a more recent event to come from the long history of what the Bible covers.

     If you heard of a man that called down fire from the sky, had the power to raise the dead, controlled storms, spoke prophecy and ascended into the sky in flames, you could think that this is some wizard from a fantasy novel.

Instead, I am describing Elijah, one of the most important figures in the Bible. A story that not only 2.4 Billion Christians to this day believe to be true, but because Judaism and Islam are branches of the Judeo-Christian belief system, you could say half the world population at the very least.

He is one of several prophets whose stories are throughout the Old Testament. Prophets who are the same as enlightened men and women of spiritual power found all across the globe.

It is easy to dismiss these ancient stories as fantasy until you consider that the amount of witnesses to these events was large.
These figures were not welcomed or celebrated by the authorities of the time, but rather were often persecuted and killed.
There would be little desire for the governments, rulers and religious leaders to write about the power of the one they had persecuted and put to death.
Even worse, to have your society worship these beings of power rather than acknowledge your own authority.
So it's amazing such stories even got to us.

There was pressure by the public and the events only written because the witnesses needed the truth to be seen.
This process still happens to this day as you will see.

Around 1150 BC Samuel started the anointing of Kings and personally anointed a boy named David.
This started the monarchy in Israel. 

David of course killed the giant Goliath and would be a King so revered that his bloodline was to be that of the future King and the Messiah.

David's son, King Solomon was famously versed in the Arcane and the Seal of Solomon is still one of the most recognizable seals to this day.
Also called the Star of David, it is called a hexagram.  
It is found on the flag of Israel today.

Seal of solomon_edited.png

   But the study of Solomon must be navigated carefully.
There are many false writings and attributions to Solomon that are unmerited.
However, he was a man sought worldwide for his profound wisdom and vigilant study of Solomon can grant one a vast wealth of powerful secrets.


  Samuel, David, Solomon and the construction of the first temple of Jerusalem puts us at about 3,000 years ago.

At that time they were settled in the nation Israel, in its city Jerusalem the promised land. After the Romans killed Jesus and destroyed Jerusalem, the Jews were scattered throughout the world until only recently in 1948 when the present-day nation of Israel was established.


    What was so important about this location? What was important about the bloodlines and this God that became the monotheistic God of today?
The temple was built for the God YHWH. This four letter arrangement is called the tetragrammaton. This abbreviation was common practice in the middle east to code the name of their God. Supposedly this was used so as not to mispronounce the name. While there truly is power in a name and speech itself, there is a possibility this was an intentional move by the ancient rulers to veil and distort the true name of the deity for a variety of reasons.
For one, so that people could not make the connection as to which God these four letters stood for.

Yahweh was in fact a smithing, mountain and war God.
The Thunder God of the Pantheon.

This is interesting when you think of the story about how Moses found Yahweh at the top of a mountain (Mt. Sinai). How Yahweh taught how to craft various things as a smithing God would
(the staff, the ark, the tabernacle, the breastplates of gemstones, etc.)
How Yahweh with swift and furious vengeance thwarted the Egyptians with plagues.

Moses of course had led the Jews out of slavery in Egypt. Yahweh had come to him personally in the guise of fire and imbued Moses' staff with the ability to Evoke the God's power. Moses' abilities under this God outmatched the practitioners of Egypt who were also able to turn their staves into snakes among other things.
But the sheer power and fury of Moses' God allowed Moses to destroy the nation of Egypt with plagues and split a sea in half.

This is why the study of the Pantheon and its Divinities is important. In an age where it's lucky to find someone who even knows what God they pray to, you should at least be aware that these Bible stories were truly a spiritual battle. A war between Entities and bloodlines that date back before recorded history.

Canaanites were supposed to be the descendants of Cain and had worshipped the God Baal (symbolized by a bull or famously the golden calf). The Jews were the descendants of Abel and had been following Yahweh, but only since the time of Moses.

Monotheism is actually a relatively new concept. The Jews back in early times had a Monolatrous belief system. This means they did not believe there was just one God.
They held that among a bunch of Divinities, their God Yahweh was better than the rest.
They did believe the other Deities or Entities existed.
In fact this is why worshipping the other Deities was such a concern to them.
Otherwise, worship of other Entities wouldn't have been such a bloodthirsty conquest.
This is why Yahweh said:

Exodus 20: 3-5


3 "You shall have no other gods before me.


4 You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.


5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,

LORD shown throughout the Bible and as seen above is translated from YHWH or Jehovah, a Greek transliteration of Yahweh.


LORD is a modern-day tetragrammaton and a distortion of God's name to confuse and misdirect.


Distorting and hiding the name also kept people from attaining the potential terrifying power that could be possessed by evoking God (like we saw with Moses). Knowing the true name of something gives one a connection to it as is known throughout all of religion and spirituality.


Knowing the names of Angels (other Gods of the Judeo-Christian Pantheon) or Demons allows you to attempt to contact them.


Speaking of knowing the names of Angels, we should bring up some points about this.

If you notice, most Christians would say they believe in Angels yet know nothing about them.

They are the messengers and the bridge between us and God. The archangels are actually extremely important as are all angels as they are a part of the Pantheon of the Judeo-Christian faith.

The Four main Archangels are:






We suggest do a little digging about these four.




Another reason to hide the name of God is because the Jews had not always worshipped the same God.



If the Jews had not always worshipped Yahweh, who did they worship before? Before Moses, the Jews had been in Egypt for centuries.
We can't forget this fact.
Moses himself was taught by the Egyptians.
From an infant practically to the time Moses was an adult he learned from them.
We cannot underestimate the impact living in Egypt for centuries had on the Jewish faith.
It's also interesting to note that many of the other powerful figures of the Bible also learned in Egypt, including Jesus.

Moses murdered an Egyptian and wandered the wilderness for forty years until he was contacted by the God Yahweh. But before all of this, the forefather of the entire Judeo-Christian faith was Abraham.

Here we come to the trunk from which the Jews, the Muslims, Christians and from where all of the denominations, or branches, of this faith sprang forth.
But to get into the roots, understand that Abraham came from the land of Babylonia.
He lived in a city called Ur. This is the same region the Magi came from, Chaldea.
Remember that this was before the Jews were a people.
Bear with us here because this is important hidden knowledge.
The God of the Bible changed names and we're getting close to where all of the world religions are connected.

The supreme father God where Abraham lived was El.
He was a father to many if not all of the other Gods.
Jews to this day use the term Elohim, which means the 'sons' or 'children of El'.
Yahweh was only one of the Elohim.
Remember, this is all according to the Bible and other sacred texts of the Judeo-Christian faith.


(Panthon Page)

   Another name for what we call the Pantheon is Elohim. Children of El. Billions of people read the Bible without ever knowing this Hidden Knowledge and we think that's wrong. 

Yahweh, one of the Elohim was given the nation of Jews. Besides the Elohim, there are also the Nephilim and Seraphim among others but that is for a different time.

For now, k
eep in mind the angels as we compare the other religions' gods.

As you learn more about the Pantheon, you will learn that all of the divine beings are connected.
No matter which faith system. That is to say every ancient culture talked about the same beings. It may seem like other faiths' many gods are quite different from the Judeo-Christian faith, but technically Christianity and Judaism are also pantheistic (belief in many deities).

Even just the belief in angels, if they believe in multiple divine beings whether they like to admit it or not, it is Monolatrous not Monotheistic. 
They just acknowledge that God is the supreme being over lesser divine beings.

It probably won't surprise you that the other religions we cover also have a supreme Father-like divinity, who we always simply call God.
 Usually, it's lost in translation. But no matter the translation, the hierarchy of Deities has remained the same for a long time.
And when that hierarchy did change, we can see it change in every ancient civilization across the globe.

If you'd like you can jot down some things on the "Pantheon" page of your journal. We will be adding symbols and names later on (in the Northern lesson) but you might make some notes like "Elohim" or "Anunnaki" or "Children/Son of God".

Babylonian Gods are translated from even older names for the Gods and Goddesses. Even before recorded history it is speculated that there was a "Proto-Indo-European" religion. 
If all of this seems confusing, you will learn more and begin to see it more clearly as time goes on. 

For now, simply take note that the Bible's roots go straight back to that area we call the Cradle of Civilization, Babylonia.
Abraham came from this region and started the Jewish nation.
The Jewish nation is where the entirety of the Bible as we know it came from.
But it goes back even further than this. 
The Flood is a story of major importance and is considered to be where the new World or Age we currently live in transitioned from an older civilization that existed before the Flood.
Many cultures talk about this same story as well.


The Tower of Babel was constructed by the survivors of the Great Flood as they traveled eastward according to the Bible.
Those that had just survived the cataclysmic event on Earth were all one people and decided to build a megalithic structure. It's common sense that ultimately we truly did all start as one group of people thousands of years ago.
The Great Flood is the most widely known example for a story not only shared in religions all across the world, but regarded as a proven geological event in the scientific community.

Information carried down like this for thousands of years through several different languages and collapsing empires is quite impressive. It lends more credence to all of the other information that has been passed down if you are able to decipher it.

The Garden of Eden is another such story. Pay attention to the key elements and overall message of these stories shared across all platforms of religion. 


You can mark down the Tree of Knowledge in your blueprint page for the serpent on a stick symbol. Mark down any other information you wish. Your thoughts on what the concept means or other instances that relate to the symbol you may have noticed.
This is still only the beginning of the blueprint and the surface of this deep universal symbol.

So, many ancient cultures spoke of how we as humans were passed down information by other beings.
Adam means human being in Hebrew.
The Tree of Knowledge is only one example. There is also the Sumerian Anunnaki story, the Greeks spoke of Prometheus (one of their Deities) putting fire inside our minds, and the list goes on and on and on.


But consider at least four things. 
   First, humankind has known for quite some time that we were not the only intelligent life that has existed on this planet.

Second, what has been called the Anunnaki were much more advanced than we are currently. Think about some of our goals as a human race. To reach heaven (space), transcend this dimension, and become immortal.

Could it be that a different race of beings already achieved these things and once long ago passed down information of the sciences and language to us humans?

Every Ancient civilization on earth says it is so.

Third, consider how we as humans relate to chimpanzees. What they do is of little significance to us. They are still primal, violent and are hardly teachable. But if we left Earth, wouldn't we teach them things like how to carve symbols into clay and preserve it in the interest of helping them build knowledge? Wouldn't we have to use symbols they were familiar with to convey high concepts, such as a tree of knowledge or fire inside the mind? In this way, every culture has lore about how we were taught higher concepts by more advanced beings when we were even more primal than we are now.


   And Fourth, we seem to be at the center of an Aeons-long war, spinning obliviously on a planet with a lot of history. History that is still being uncovered every day. 
 Some seem to think this information, these stories, were passed down over hundreds of generations, from ancestor to descendant for thousands of years just.... because.
That the information is needless and should just be cast aside.
That's because they are fools.
What can be learned just by understanding how the ancients were able to transcend into the higher dimension is something that is needed for mankind to have any future.

But this is only the beginning.
We have unveiled the hierarchy and Pantheon of the Biblical faith only a little.
Even if you have a lot of background in religious history, we hope to have offered some new information.

Hopefully you have looked into these things and verified it for yourself.
Don't ever simply take our word for it, but research and make it a part of your own wheelhouse of knowledge.
Make it your own wisdom. You are likely to discover even more things, perhaps things we haven't uncovered yet that you can use to teach and advance in our community.

  There is a plethora of things that could be covered in each lesson. It seems wrong to only cover the Judeo-Christian branch when it comes to the Cradle of Civilization.
There are many other, sometimes more ancient systems like Zoroastrian, Sumerian and others that are in many ways the progenitor of the Judeo-Christian faith covered here.
We could go over things like where heaven and hell came from or the powers the disciples displayed and how they performed them along with a multitude of other things.
But the point for now is to present the overall spirituality and if you're interested you will continue down this path.

Further, we want to at least cover the basics and uncover an underlying truth beneath each region and show how they are all connected along the way. In this way you will be wise in spiritual affairs and be able to advise others on what matters when it comes to their own spirituality.

Different regions have specialized attributes that we will uncover.
The Eastern Well focused on a more self-empowerment and disciplined perspective using the spirit.

But first, click the buttons below. There is a quick ten question quiz. It isn't graded or even necessary but more of a recap of what was covered to help you in the long run.

Comments (1)

٢٧ مارس

The Book of Enoch is one of the major books of the Apocrypha that should not have been removed.

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