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Eastern Branch

   You may have noticed that there is something quietly powerful yet peaceful about Eastern practices. Even many who have only glimpsed the eastern traditions through pop culture get a sense of something greater. What is this feeling? 

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   The feeling we get just by viewing the surface comes from a few things. One of these things is a quiet yet powerful balance. Stillness and power that stems from the absence of fear and not in response to it. This absence of fear comes from ego dissolution. Realizing that our lives are a part of something much bigger. This leads to a certain balance. Self-mastery over the body mind and soul also leads to such confidence and balance. Self-mastery can be achieved through discipline and clarity of your place in life. A code to live your life by. Kung Fu roughly translates to 'skill achieved through work'. This is why you see people in the orient master their occupation, showing real skill, turning their movements into a martial art.

   Another thing we feel when we look into the Eastern tradition is depth. There is a maxim: "Shallow brooks babble the loudest, while still waters run deep." This is true in people. In a world that is getting increasingly shallow and loud, it is harder to find depth in others. It is easier to get distracted, allowing yourself to be pulled into the mainstream. Mainstream is a concept that is the opposite of depth. Like that "babbling brook", it is a raging current that all of us get caught in from time to time. And some of us are in the mainstream our entire lives without ever experiencing the deep or profound truths life has to offer. It is the path of least resistance. Fitting in with the majority. Led down an easy path that leads to never standing out or looking into the deep things. Which of these two people would you say is shallow and which one has depth?


   We are not trying to point any one person out in particular. We all do foolish things to stay in the mainstream of society. In one image we see a girl performing meditation. This is a learned practice that requires exercise of the mind. Clearing and stilling the mind can allow one to better sense their surroundings, even the unseen and unheard surroundings. In the second image we find a young woman performing the same movements, to the same song, doing the same thing as millions of others before her that she has seen on social media. 
















   We can laugh or wince at these instances but it's important to remember that we all do this. The point of this is to show that mainstream or groupthink practices are common.

It is so pervasive that we all get distracted and follow these shallow designs. They are not just a waste of time, but they are a repurposing of our time and actions that gradually shallows the mind. The sad fact is that society itself is riddled with institutions that enforce the mainstream. Media, the education system and religious institutions all have surface level, shallow designs that waste our time and keep us away from the depth of the world. 


When it comes to a code to live by, you can almost look at it like a computer program. It makes our decisions easier and in turn makes our lives easier knowing we are automatically making decisions that adhere to our code. If we don't choose our own program, we leave ourselves open to others choosing it for us.



   As the Human Migration took place, eventually we migrated east. The farthest reaches of the Asian continent is Japan. You are likely familiar with the Samurai culture. The Samurai followed a code to live by, called Bushido. It is a perfect example of why living by at least some code is important and how impactful some simple tenets can be. The tenets of the Bushido code are:


  • Sincerity - do not lie, do not be insincere, do not be superficial

  • Responsibility - do not be obsequious (Basically do not be a slave)

  • Frugality - do not be greedy

  • Politeness - do not be rude, do not slander

  • Modesty - do not be boastful, do not be arrogant

  • Loyalty - do not be unfaithful

  • Harmony - be on good terms with comrades

  • Tranquility - do not be overly concerned with events

  • Compassion - show concern for one another, be compassionate, with a strong sense of duty.


The beauty of this code is that it will always be relevant, giving you the ease of decision-making by following the code as circumstances arise. For instance, if you were given the opportunity for a hefty raise at the expense of time with your family, you may remember 'frugality-do not be greedy'. This could make the decision easier because you would quickly realize it did not fit with your code. Having such a code simplifies life so that one can focus their mind on expansion and self-mastery. Following such a code also makes one blameless or more righteous in the eyes of others. Becoming a good example to others is what we truly all want deep down.




 Japan's unique religion Shinto is very interesting. Here we can take a look at some categories that shed light on spiritual principles as a whole. Some of these are:


  Kami- A term that refers to the spiritual beings. Not just the Entities but everything in the spirit realm. This could include those who have passed to the afterlife. They held the realization that spirit inhabited all things.


   Shrines- Places to interact with and offer to the spiritual realm. These are also called Altars. Many Japanese have shrines in their homes, in restaurants, places of business, etc.


Torii- Gateways to special places where Kami are able to be contacted. The gates are probably familiar to most. 







   They are meant to represent a gateway between the mundane world and the spirit realm. The concept is a direct descendant of the Torana gates of India. Marking Sacred Places in such a way is another universal practice.

   Harae- The concept that we humans start out as pure beings but become corrupted (Kegare) over time and need to be cleansed in a purification ritual (Harae). Remember this word "cleansing" as it is important in all spirituality. 

   Amulets- Typically used to ward off evil or bring good fortune. This is a good introduction to something we call Artifacts. These are simply items that are considered spiritual. Usually they are created through enchantment, specialized rituals to make them spiritual. Something we get into much later in the Rod of Energy.

   Divination- Something we haven't talked very much about yet is Divination. Every culture had its own Divination methods and Seers. The east is full of divination methods that are among the most powerful and precise Fortune-telling practices. In Shinto there are Seers called the Itako. These are blind women who undergo intense training from childhood to gain connection to the spirit world and become oracles. There are only a few left.          


   Divination has been an important part of the culture for a very long time (Such as the Oracle Bones or 'Dragon Bones'). A concept that we have lost touch with over the last several centuries is the relationship with this Oracle, also called the Wheel of Fortune. Consider that we use words that have lost their true meaning. Fortune is what we call luck. What is luck really? The word fortune comes from the Latin 'Fortuna' and her wheel. As I'm sure you can guess by now, this concept comes from much older ones and is universal. The Wheel of Fortune is something we will cover in Divination. The notion that things don't occur randomly but by luck, fate, fortune, God or whatever else you want to call it, stems from the fact that chance is not random. It is a probability, a percentage. It has to do with Chaos Theory. This is something very hard to explain quickly and looking into the philosophy, science and mathematics quickly becomes a rabbithole you can go down if you like by searching Chaos Theory. It is basically the emergence of patterns out of chaos (or randomness). But for now, please watch this short video and we will try to explain what we mean.

  Only with 52 cards! Tarot uses 78 cards. Everyone has experienced coincidences that are hard if not impossible to explain away, especially when you know the odds. Divination uses the principle of probability to its advantage. It is in effect using a system that relies on Fortune (the Fates, Universe, God, etc.) to decide out of all probability which result we receive. It is kind of like an ancient Random Number Generator, except instead of a number we get an answer.

China and Taoism

The Fortune phenomenon is symbolized in China by The Oracle. We can appeal to the Oracle by asking a question and use one of various means of randomizing the answer we get. The shocking thing to many is how effective it is.

Carl Jung, one of the forefathers of modern psychology, was very interested in this phenomenon and in divination in general. He was just one of the more contemporary highly intellectual and academic researchers who believed there was something there. The results can be so uncanny that there must be a force that we can not fully explain by science quite yet.

   The I-Ching, or the Book of Changes, is a tome that is over 3,000 years old, may predate the Bible and is used in divination. Principles that the book teaches are profound and the book itself is referred to as an Oracle. You will learn more about the Oracle and all Divination in the Cup of Prophecy .

I-Ching Hexagrams

Iching diagram.jfif

More than the Oracle's use in divination, the depth of the concepts produced by the book cannot be overstated and cannot be conveyed without your own personal experience. The concepts can be applied to all aspects of life whether martial arts, psychology, self exploration, politics, warfare, everything. Traditional Chinese medicine and Feng Shui use these concepts for instance. And it is both spiritual and practical.

   The Oracle personally guides you in an almost Jedi-like training. Sometimes the Oracle politely calls us down from being bull-headed, sometimes we are sharply reprimanded for our thoughts and actions. Over time you see that only one passage in the Book of Changes would have worked for the question you asked or the true guidance you needed. But starting out the truth is hard to swallow and what it is saying you know is right but it's painful to hear. Especially for westerners overcoming the ego and everything that comes with that is a new and difficult process. But why overcome the ego? Isn't confidence a good thing? Ego is not quite confidence.

 Ego is defined generally as:      Self-Esteem or Self-Importance 

   Psychological Definition:       The part of the mind that mediates between the conscious and the unconscious and is responsible for reality testing and a sense of personal identity.

 Tao literally means "The Way". The philosophy of Tao (and Confucianism) came from the I Ching. It is more of a state of being than just tenets or religious stories. True confidence actually comes from the opposite of thinking highly of yourself. It comes from detachment. It is an issue with self-identity. Some people identify themselves as being so important and often face disappointment. Others are vexed by a negative self-identity. They are constantly harassed by their own inner thoughts and self-judgment. Abandoning what we think of ourselves altogether has no unwanted repercussions and in fact roots out a series of negative effects.
Ego operates out of fear. We are constantly fighting our animal nature. Our primal, primordial self has defense mechanisms that work against who we truly want to be deep down: our Higher Self. The I-Ching teaches us to slowly root out the negative aspects of our primal self, carefully forging a discipline that reflects our Higher Self. A superior version of our self. It can be called the process of individuation in psychology. 

   Our true identity is to be a part of something larger than ourselves. We have the mental capacity to realize when something is good for the planet or bad for the planet. Our purpose is to be a small working component in harmony with the universe. Beginning with this self-evident truth and living your life by it is just the beginning of a completely different lifestyle that is superior than those of most. Rooted in realizing that our life is only meaningful when it is a means to an end is powerful and a start to greater things. When we stop working against the universe this is when we start exploring what being a part of the universe looks like, and when we start to appreciate being in harmony with and a conduit for the universe. Taoism cannot be wrapped up on one page, but this is a part of "The Way".  

   Our knowledge of the difference between good and evil has been both a blessing of immense power but also a responsibility of vast proportions. Deviating from nature and becoming more than animals, driven by reason rather than instinct is the primary message passed down from the creation stories.

The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is the representation of when we went from primitive animal-like living to civilized living. We became human when we realized this truth and this is the message of all of the creation stories. The fire inside the mind both sheds light but fire is also dangerous. Look at all of the evil in the world. When people KNOW they are doing wrong and do it anyway, this is called evil (or sin).
But we must move on in this lesson.


  500 years before Jesus was born, a World Teacher had emerged. Although the Buddha lived before Christ, his teachings were similar to that of the Christ.

   The teachings of this one man, Siddhartha Gautama, branched out wildly eventually taking the form of thousands of schools of Buddhist thought. One of which was Tibetan Buddhism. To this day there is a spiritual war going on. You are likely familiar with Tenzin Gyatso, the current Dalai Lama. He is said to be the reincarnation of an important spiritual figure. This reincarnation concept is very important in the Eastern spirituality and where we get the word Avatar.
Avatar means "descending" or "crossing over". Basically the crossing over of a spiritual figure to be embodied on the physical plane. How seriously is this taken? Well, seriously enough for the government to intervene.

The Panchen Lama, the second most important reincarnation of a spiritual leader in Tibetan Buddhism was abducted when he was just a boy almost immediately after being named Panchen Lama. 

   The Panchen Lama is supposed to be the one to name the next Dalai Lama but now the government has intervened and tried to control the situation. This is one reason why paying attention to these spiritual matters is important. But this is just one denomination of Buddhism. So let us focus on the actual Buddha and his teachings.

   Siddhartha was born into India and Hinduism. As royalty, he was a prince prophesied to become one of two things. A King establishing and ruling over a great empire or an enlightened holy man. It's important to note that being a holy man in that place and time was not exactly prestigious. They were often ascetic, meaning they abandoned pleasures of life and endured suffering focusing solely on spiritual matters. Particularly to royalty it was probably not a lifestyle to be sought after. In fact, it is said that Siddhartha's father desired the great ruler outcome of the prophecy. And so, the prince lived a very pampered and sheltered life in the physical and every other sense. It wasn't until he was almost thirty years old that he left his wife, child and the palace to experience life as it truly was. It is said that he was tempted by a demon that showed him that he could have a whole kingdom and could live the life of a king. Notice how this is very similar to how Christ was tempted in the desert and shown that he too could inherit a kingdom and he too chose the life of exploring spirituality instead. There are some important things to realize here.

   First, realize that we are all faced with this decision. We can either be successful in the eyes of others and in worldly terms or we can devote our lives to detachment from the world. Detachment from political bias, religious dogma, economic struggles, social pressures and so on. Without these designs blinding and obstructing your life, you are living the truth. You are able to see with clarity the true nature of things and what actually matters. Many also sever themselves from civilization and all of its niceties. 

Always remember that nothing is ever stopping you from experiencing more. Other than yourself and fear. Ninety nine percent of people live according to the world which is never to be looked down upon. It is the only reason civilization continues to exist. But there are some who want more. The importance of detaching ourselves from the world at least periodically cannot be stressed enough. Our lives are steeped in superficial absurdities and corruption prevails all around us. In order to not get fully entangled in it and dragged down the mainstream, we need to at least take some time every day to look at the events of the day with clarity and make important decisions about how we are going to proceed. Meditation is one of the most fundamental important tools you will learn in spirituality. Prayer is a form of meditation.

Do you already do this? No matter how insignificant the day may seem, look back and observe your emotions throughout the day. Did anything offend you, embarrass you, go against your values? Did absolutely nothing happen today? What made your life so stagnant and inconsequential? What are some things that can pull you out of your comfort zone so that you experience more?

   Siddhartha started learning with the holy men of that time in the wilderness, studying under one yogi after another. He too became ascetic, eating an extremely small portion of rice a day and abandoning all luxuries and pleasures of life. Most people know that the fat happy 'buddha' you see in restaurants was not supposed to depict the historical buddha but is instead a depiction of a monk named Budai. 

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   You will come to find that Buddha taught balance. He understood that asceticism, like luxury, was not the answer. In the realization that he needed a healthy body to be of any use to himself or others, he began to eat more normally and was abandoned by five companions that he had. But he saw that there was a balance. Self-infliction of depravity and suffering did not serve a purpose to attainment of wisdom necessarily. Just like the luxuries were a distraction to real life, so too were the strange customs and rigid practices of over-discipline. Remembering that when he was young he had a significant insight under a tree, he went to meditate under a Bodhi tree. There he gained insights that would come to change the world. Again he was tempted by Mara the demon, which is to say he was tempted by all manner of fear and physical desires to stray from the path and completing his enlightenment. The three temptations he faced were sex, fear and loneliness. The traditional stories generally go as follows:

  1.  Mara the demon tempted Buddha with his most beautiful daughters.

   It isn't hard to read between the lines. The reason such stories always take on a folklore type of narrative is because the information was passed down orally for centuries. Artwork that depicts these events and teachings were made before anything was ever written down. This is true of many religions. Clearly this event is describing that Buddha had to overcome the sexual drive for a clear mind. This is quite simply true for all of us, yet quite difficult as the sexual drive is one of the most powerful internal forces of our nature.

  2. Mara then sent armies of demons to attack him yet Buddha remained still and unaffected.

   Fear is also hardwired into our very nature. It keeps us safe not only from external dangers but there is a strong element of social fear. We fear going against the grain of society and fear the consequences it may have. Even now it is pretty clear that the Chinese government and governments in general do not want spiritual teachers swaying the people out of their control. They would very likely dispatch actual armies to oppose such influence as has been seen time again. If you are to go against the status quo or practice the Arcane it is paramount for you to conquer fear. It is the number one thing that inhibits those who pursue the path. It is natural to fear that which is unnatural. And even once you get beyond this, you find that others fear the Arcane making it hard to talk about such things. But you are striving to operate in the realm that goes beyond natural laws and what we are used to. You must release yourself from this hindrance that often holds all spirituality back.

  3. Mara calls demons to bear witness that he, not Buddha, is worthy to be enlightened.

   This one is more profound and perhaps harder for most to interpret. We have said that it is rooted in loneliness but there is more here. It is calling into question by what authority Siddhartha has to claim enlightenment. Remember that the Buddha had already been abandoned by his companions and has no people around him that he can call upon to bear witness. Buddha points to the earth and claims the world itself as witness to his authority. This clearly came to be true. There is plenty of wisdom to unpack here.
First, a mortal man or woman can be enlightened. It does not take a divine being to make claim to be a world teacher or savior.
Second, you do not need anybody else's confirmation to your self-evident truths and should not rely on others whatsoever to attain enlightenment. Yet we cannot do much on our own. We do need others for so many reasons. Loneliness may come with the territory since progress always involves blazing a new trail to further the path to perfection. Jesus and Buddha were certainly not following the societal or religious 'norms' of their day, and many times were abandoned even by their own followers. Similarly, those who study the Arcane very often are ostracized or have no one to share their experience with. Both Jesus and Buddha were asked by what authority they laid claim and both gave basically the same answer. Their works and teachings would speak for themselves and the world itself would come to bear witness.

   Being 'normal' if there was such a thing would be what we describe as 'mainstream', never standing out or standing up for anything. Being destined to be forgotten and lost to the past. This was also symbolized in the Bible as the two roads:

“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” (Matt. 7:13-14)

   After Buddha's temptations and enlightenment under the tree another interesting story is found. Mucalinda, a naga (divine snake being in Indian mythology) is said to have come from the earth, coil itself around Siddhartha seven times and protect Buddha from the elements.


   Go ahead and mark this down in the blueprint symbol page. It's probably pretty clear that this was a universal symbol for enlightenment yet there is still more we will cover especially in the Rod of Energy lessons. Keep in mind that Buddha was Hindu. So, apart from his personal teachings that he added, it came with the elements and truths already present in the Hindu belief system.

   After his enlightenment, he tried to convey the insight he had attained to a wandering mendicant which were holy men that surrendered themselves to poverty and became beggars. The mendicant simply laughed at the Buddha and wandered on. So Buddha had been abandoned, laughed at and was in the middle of the wilderness. How was he going to get his message across? There sitting under the tree he came up with the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path. This is widely considered to be his first teaching. We translate as follows:

"Now this is the truth of suffering: birth is suffering, aging is suffering, illness is suffering, death is suffering; union with what is displeasing is suffering; separation from what is pleasing is suffering; not getting what one desires is suffering; in brief, the five senses subject to clinging are suffering.
Now this is the truth of the origin of suffering: it is craving which leads to this state, together with delight and lust. Seeking delight here and there or craving for sensual pleasures, craving for becoming, craving for not becoming.
Now this is the truth of the end of suffering: it is the non-stop fading away and removing of that same craving, the giving up and relinquishing of it, freedom from it, non-reliance on it.
Now this  is the truth of the way leading to the end of suffering: it is this noble eightfold path: right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration." 

   Now this is quite the claim isn't it? The key to end all suffering. And all it takes is to stop all craving. Mind you, that doesn't mean all desire but the craving for desires. Know that addiction is craving. Nobody truly desires a cigarette, but they started smoking cigarettes because they craved something. Attention, popularity, the possibility of intoxication, something. Now they crave cigarettes out of habit or out of physical dependence. They should relinquish the craving, gaining freedom from it and non-reliance on their addiction. Try living in this way just for the rest of the day, keeping these teachings in the front of your mind and see if it doesn't immediately make you more responsible and wise.

   It's painful to move on from Buddhism so abruptly and we must say that peoples' lives would change drastically if they only looked into it for a short time. It's a sad case that most people go their whole lives clinging on to their own belief system disregarding all other truths, entire worlds just beyond their noses to explore.


The most important message here is the same as the most important in Christianity. We can embody the Buddha. This is the same message as all of the scriptures of the Bible that say Christ lives within us.


It is suggested that if you are not familiar with religion at all or if you were brought up in western tradition, that you look into eastern beliefs. If you grew up more familiar with eastern beliefs, look into the Bible and the Judeo-Christian theology. But if you take nothing more from this segment, at least take this message from Buddhism. We have created a painful world, but it does not have to be. We are all potentially Buddha. Christhood is our inheritance if we claim it.


This is the process of the Logos, the Avatar or Apotheosis.
If you already are familiar with western tradition, get to know Buddha- 

To those who are already familiar with Buddha, get to know Christ- 


   This is just the beginning of what we are getting at when it comes to interdiscipline. The correlation between the Christ and Buddha is nothing new. There are many books and even some faith systems that explore this concept. 

   Many modern Buddhist monasteries attach themselves to strict mind-numbing regimens that profoundly train the body, mind, and spirit. This is one key positive element of the Eastern tradition we want to glean from this section. Many Buddhist monks attain more mental and physical balance early in life than most will ever achieve in their lifetimes. The Shaolin monks may be the prime example of this concept.

   The diligent training of the body and mind is one thing, but the cultivation of Chi is another major element that we want to take from the Eastern traditions. These martial exercises and development of the Chi and hidden potential within us all is one thing the Red Focus is all about and we introduce this aspect in the Rod of Energy.





Buddhism, the study of chakras, reincarnation and much much more are all branches that have sprung out of Hinduism. Although Hinduism is often recognized as the oldest established or formalized religion in the world it is really described by most Hindus as a way of life rather than an actual religion. It is rather complex and interesting in this way as it remains mostly open to interpretation and different methods. India is the wellspring of so much of Asian culture, demeanor and spirituality. For instance, Karma is a recurring theme most of us are readily familiar with. It comes from India and brings us back to the Wheel of Fortune mentioned earlier. Dharma can be seen as a wheel that all life resides on. We will not be covering it in its entirety right now, but we want to reinforce that it is a thing, that it is very important, represented in virtually every culture, and that it can be understood and accessed by those attuned. It is very important for anybody interested in divination and the Seers on this site use it extensively.


 Celtic Wheel

Tarot Wheel

Fortuna's Wheel

Mayan Calendar 

Buddhist Wheel

ogham wheel.jpg
tarot wheel.jpg

   And although there is no good visual representation, the Biblical comparison is Chokhmah. This is translated as Wisdom in the Bible.



 The more knowledge one has of the cycles of reality, the more one can appreciate what is taught here and the more insight they have of what has and what will occur. This is how divination and prophecy is achieved. Picture concentric circles, smaller circles within larger ones. One of the larger wheels would be the Ages, explained in Hinduism as Yugas.

Since the Flood, we live in the fourth age called Kali Yuga which we are certainly living up to. This is a time of diminished wealth and power, increased pollution and corruption and our life span diminishes from being able to live about 1,000 years to living only about 100 years. It is a time of darkness and ignorance due to our becoming slaves to materialism. This lore is reflected in the other faith systems of the world as you will see. We have forgotten our potential and benevolence. We are kept blinded by evil forces in the world. 

   One of the smaller wheels in these concentric circles is our individual life. The concept of Karma can be more easily visualized in this way. Your life is like the second hand on a clock, which resets itself every time it makes its way around. Say you decided to leave some excrement somewhere around the 4 o'clock position on your way around. On your next time around, you are going to be dragged through that same excrement you left for the world. This is just a practical truth. The corruption and hardships we are living through in the present is the same kind of shit that was left for us by our ancestors. Through their actions, we suffer.

   The correlations between the religious practices of the world is the primary focus of these lessons in interdiscipline. The Hindu Supreme father God from which all other Gods came was called Brahma. This is the same ideology that Christians follow whether they realize it or not. Angels are Entities that are sons of God. Angels are just some of the forgotten Gods of the Christian pantheon. The Trinity concept is found in Hinduism and may have had a major influence in the Romans' adoption of the Triune God theology. It is easy to forget that Alexander the Great's territory stretched from India to Egypt long before the Council of Nicaea. Alexander lived from 356-323 BCE. Ideas and goods were exchanged among cultures more than most people think. Cleopatra wore Chinese silks for instance. The Trinity idea was adopted by Romans who were steeped in a plethora of theologies and philosophies. This is an important concept to understand however. Brahma was the creator God (The Father), Vishnu was the preserver (The Son). Whenever mankind needed to be saved, an Avatar of Vishnu would be incarnated. When the world is riddled with chaos and corruption, on the brink of annihilation, one is born of Vishnu's spirit to bring order and peace. The first Avatar spoken of in Hinduism saved the human race by giving the instruction to build the boat that would preserve all life during the Great Flood. Krishna and Buddha were Avatars and the next hero of time or avatar is the same as the Christian one. Called Kalki, he is a conqueror who rides a white horse with a sword to put an end to the injustice and imbalance of the current age. This is very clearly reminiscent of the next coming of the Messiah in the Christian prophecy as well as many depictions of the next Avatar or incarnation in other faiths. This tells us that the next Savior won't be for any one particular culture like in the past but rather for the entire world. 

   We have taken a great interest in India. All of us believe that there is still much to decode and discover about the past and much we would like to have access to. So much of Indian spirituality is a great window in time. We can see what we call the Anunnaki and there's lore about how they functioned while on Earth. We can see how the true spirituality was practiced and so much more. If you can read and/or speak in Sanskrit, we need you in our community! 

Everyone can see the ancient opulent architecture and we very much feel that there is something hidden there right under humanity's noses that is of great importance. Just to give an idea, one secret that has been getting a lot of public attention is the Padmanabhaswamy Temple. The 'Vault B' Sealed door in the below picture is said to contain many secrets. 


   It has been forbidden that the inner sanctum be opened and it is even said that the door has been sealed with a curse and can only be opened safely by one who knows a certain incantation or 'chant'. In 2011 it was divined in an astrological ritual called devaprasnam that the door was still not to be opened. The temple itself is dedicated to Lord Vishnu so perhaps it will only be opened when the World Teacher Avatar makes his or her presence known. But this is just one example of the many places and things of interest to us in India alone.

   There is an intimate knowledge and more complete record of the Anunnaki it seems. The record of the time of the Gods is still present in India. As is always the case, representations through symbolism that were passed down over time have been misconstrued. Some of the imagery is taken too literally but overall the records show more details that are finally beginning to come to light to us and we would like someone more familiar with Sanskrit to confirm and shed additional light.

   We won't cover all of the Gods of Hinduism or the instances that point to some profound truths right now trusting that anyone interested in this field will take the Yellow Focus or do their own research. If you would like to further your knowledge in this field however, a couple of PDFs to look into: when it comes to the Avatars is                           . It talks about the connections between Buddha, Jesus, Krishna and Lao Tzu. We don't expect you to read it in its entirety necessarily but at least take a peek at it, maybe skim it over. More serious students will be greatly rewarded in the long run. You may be frustrated by now wanting to know what we are referring to when it comes to these Gods. You will want more base knowledge and evidence to back it up. For an introduction and more scientific approach to this, read                               .

   The book links are both in PDF format. We will be working on opening up the Library on this site. If you take your time forging a strong base understanding of spirituality and the general laws, you will become much more fertile for the following teachings. This will lead to you becoming a much more potent practitioner.

  You may have seen the Buddha or the Christ using Mudras in depictions. 

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JB Mudra2.jpg
Prithvi Mudra.jpg

  Mudras can be used in the Practition of spirit.

Speaking of Sanskrit, following the language to its origin leads us once again back into the roots of the human migration. Sanskrit is an ancient Indo-European language that came down to northern India from the Middle East. Aryans (who were probably around modern-day Iran) came to India and it is difficult to say just how much of the religion is directly stemmed from them. Of course, many people know of the words Aryan and swastika in connection to racism and the Nazi party. This is very unfortunate as it throws another layer of veil on the subject. Aryans and the swastika had nothing to do with racism but quite the opposite. Originally the swastika was in fact a symbol of unity. Sanskrit was a branch from an even older Proto-Indo-European root language that once upon a time we shared. This brings us back to the roots. It is not thorough or complete, but hopefully it was at least successful in unveiling a few things for clarity and if nothing else, have whetted the appetite for curiosity. Your own research and your own path are the most important in your development. Your own discoveries will give rise to your unique specialty and interests.

   Despite the intriguing history, the main focus here should really be about diving into the deep consciousness of the mind, self-mastery, development of the Chi and reaching a more enlightened mindset that comes with going down the path of the eastern practice. If nothing else, hopefully you have felt the depth, peace and still presence found in the Eastern traditions. Each branch or region has special characteristics that operate like a different piece of a puzzle. Each one will make you more complete as a spiritual practitioner.

One thing that you will want to start doing regardless is meditating. You have got to start training the mind to switch to Alpha, Delta and eventually Gamma brainwave oscillation. Beta is your normal wakened state and when you start to meditate and unclutter the mind you will be in Alpha. If you are going to practice true spirituality, you will never ever be able to achieve true results without expansion of the mind and these more active brain states. This comes with training and you should start now. We will cover all of this more intimately if you level up. For now, set aside just 15 minutes in your day to clear your mind and just listen. Listen to your mind when it is empty. Then start exploring with your mind. When images arise, track where they come from and meditate on the image. Normally it can take 5 of those minutes just to clear the mind. This is just a start and if you already meditate, that is great!
This will become one of your skills.
Please watch this video on the importance of Meditation:



We will work more with development of the mind and chi in the coming lessons. 

You will come to know and experience for yourself the things that we are talking about and see that there is truly something more. We will be revisiting many of these cultures and there is plenty more to cover. 

   It would seem remiss to not even mention the Ying Yang symbol in the study of Eastern spirituality. The law of Polarity is an important concept and it recurs several times throughout spiritual training. We have to keep these initial lessons brief so you don't get burned out right away, so for now just know that there are basically two modes of being. If you want something to meditate on, this concept would be an excellent start!


   Don't confuse Ying and Yang with Good and Evil. This is not the case at all. Just like both day and night are two necessary realities, or poles of a magnet, both opposites coexist in harmony. Ying is the feminine, dark, receptive, attraction aspect. Yang is the masculine, light, assertive, repulsion (scientifically speaking) aspect. Meditate on these, and as you come across things, determine whether they are Ying or Yang. Categorizing things is a good practice.

Black Wolf.jfif

   We are done with this lesson. If you feel like there is too much to keep track of or a lot to try and memorize or anything, don't worry you are in good hands. As long as you are reading along, you will naturally absorb what is most interesting to you at present. It will always be reviewable as you go forward. If you ever have any burning questions, feel free to chat with one of our members in the chat Tab at the bottom right even if you just feel like talking to someone. Or simply leave a comment in the comment section below telling us what you've learned, concerns, or what we can do better. Otherwise, take notes and move forward by taking the quiz and push ahead to the Northern section.


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