The Royal Court

The Interface of the organization is the Map.
The Map is accessed via the tab at the top of any page.
The Level buttons on the left-hand side are clicked to take you to your 'Missions'. This explains the tasks to work on in your current level/role. Completing these missions will work towards Leveling up.
Every level is a whole new role with different abilities and access in the community.
More buttons found on the Map page are unlocked at different levels:
Pentacle: Level 1- Magician
Sephira: Level 2- High Priesthood
Plus/Minus: Level 7- Chariot
Elements: Level 10- Wheel of Fortune
Severity/Mercy: Level 14- Temperance
Astrological Symbols: Level 17- Star
Tetramorphs: Level 20- Judgment
Wand: Level 21-World

(These are just a few Examples. There are also other, more secretive unlocks available to members with specific specialties/badges)

The Royal Court
The Foundation of your journey and the Foundation of the system of this society involves the first 6 Levels. This is called the Royal Court. The Royal Court will become your very own local chapter of this organization.
The Fool
You already know that everyone starting out takes on the role of the Fool. They can be like a Jester in the court of life, pointing to the frivolity of living in ignorance yet also the humanity and purity of innocence. Much like a child, sometimes fresh eyes and simplicity can shed light. Jesters in real medieval Royal Courts were historically allowed to speak openly, even offending the nobility at times. This was called the Jester's Privilege. Every role has its important place in this organization.
After getting through all four fundamentals, you will be taking a Magician's test in order to level up to the role of Magician.
Magicians are versatile members of the community. Many members may choose to remain Magicians throughout the entirety of their journey with us. This is due to the versatility as well as the freedom from any personal responsibilities the role offers. This is because the more you advance in level the more involved you get with the organization, the more authority and therefore functions you're able to perform within the community. Magicians may attend meetings in their local community or online. Magicians engage with the community through the Pentacle and may help guide newcomers (Fools) through the process. These Pentacles are a loose structure involving selected readings on topics, but the floor is largely open for members to decide where the discussion and practices go beyond this. The selected readings are for the newcomers to obtain the basic information on the 7 colored aspects. Basically similar to church sermons.
Every day of the week will be corresponding to one of those colors:
All members of all levels beyond Fool are welcome to these meetings. They are an open platform. Level or Role is suspended in Pentacle meetings. New Magicians attend any of the colored classes to learn about that aspect. Once they attend an appropriate number of classes of any of the 7 colors, they will receive a badge.
Every class has 3 stages of completion.
Preliminary: 7 Classes
Progressed: 14 Classes
Advanced: 21 Classes
Remember that there is only one class of the corresponding color a week, so this translates into 21 weeks for an advanced completion.
Receiving a preliminary completion in a color allows for additional related material offsite.
Primary completion comes with badges and grants access to corresponding circles.
They can also be combined to make the resulting color.
Two primary colors make a secondary color.
Upon achieving an Advanced Badge, you can choose to advance your role to level 2:High Priesthood.
This is entirely your choice however. You can continue being a Magician forever.
A Magician can't officially choose a color until they level up to High Priesthood and then must choose a color they have an advanced completion Badge in.
A primary color (Yellow, Blue, Red, or Brown) must be chosen first in order to eventually choose a secondary color.
This means double the work goes into choosing Purple, Green or Orange.
You will learn more about this at the Pentacle when you level up.
Becoming a chairperson to a Pentacle meeting requires leveling up to Empress, requesting the material and the willingness to follow a simple rubric or syllabus. A Pentacle can be a physical meeting in your area that you conduct. If none have been founded in your local area, they can simply be conducted from one's home if you wish or a space of any kind. There is a special ceremony to founding the Pentacle for the first meeting. But more on this if you wish to establish a Pentacle in your area. Remember that meetings can always be attended here virtually on the site from the Map tab.
You will also have access to 3 Shop Buttons and 3 Service Buttons upon reaching Level 1.
High Priesthood
High Priests and Priestesses choose any of one color they have an advanced completion in. They can only choose one however and this is one of the hardest decisions we have to make along the way. This color choice is not permanent if you keep advancing in level. That being said, this role consists of the bulk of our membership. Most are comfortable staying in this mode of operation. The High Priesthood serves the functions of that aspect. This includes services pertaining to that field. For example, the High Priest or Priestess who chooses the Blue Focus performs Divination rites and services. They also maintain what is called a Sephira.
A Sephira is the embodiment of the color aspect as perceived on the Tree of Life.
The Sephira is the Color Focus you choose when getting to Level 2. It is accessed on the website and is the central heart of that aspect.
Within this virtual Sephira, a community all its own thrives where they learn and discuss and practice the arts relating to this focus and aspect of reality.
This is where the Garden, Library, Church and other physical habitats will begin to become a reality in your local area.
The High Priesthood performs many of the functions of this organization.
You can start offering your own shop or services on the website.
High Priests/Priestesses have specific titles as well (represented on the site as a badge).
Yellow- Sage
Blue- Seer
Red- Soldier
Orange- Mystic
Purple- Acolyte
Green- Shaman
Brown- Philosopher
As mentioned before, two primary-colored badges will be combined to gain access to a secondary color.
So for example, one must have been both a Sage and a Seer to become a Shaman.
The priesthood works to build a local establishment (an Altar) that serves its role for that community.
While it may be hard to choose one now, as you engage as a Magician in the Pentacle, all of this as well as your calling is sure to become clearer.
High Priests and Priestesses that show active cultivation, leadership and deep understanding of their Sephira are called to take on the role of the Empress. They may accept or refuse this request.
Empresses have authority over all fools, magicians and the High Priesthood as well as the sephira in which they serve. They can teach on the website as well as lead the Pentacle meetings.
Empresses may also help moderate the website, write the archives, engage in the chat box to guide others online, publish their own media content to the site, and increase their own shops/services here.
However, they MUST tend to the Sephira for which they govern to keep it alive and functioning. Empresses can be payed for not only their own creations such as shops, but for their contributions to the Sephira and all that can entail. But this is not always chosen.
Empresses will train the other High Priesthood-level members of their Sephira until their protégé has taken over the throne, covering for the Sephiras' functions. Only then can an Empress level up to Emperor.
Called 'Showing Favor', an Empress who has worked for their respective Sephira and Altar, has trained a new Empress to take over their throne and who expresses a willingness to Level up is eligible to be promoted to Emperor.
The First Emperor establishes and lords over a local 'Chapter' within their community. This chapter is basically your local community of members. It is your region's representation of this organization. The Emperors form the local board and have final say in local affairs.
Emperors run their board as they see fit. They allocate funds, delegate work and run their community as a whole. As you advance, by the time you reach this level, you will have the information on how to establish and maintain the local Chapter and Board.
Each member of the Board as well as all members of each local Sephira (High Priesthood and Empresses) anonymously choose one of the Emperors (if they still want to be in the running) to be the Lead Emperor.
This is a democratic vote to choose the member who will have the ultimate say at the end of the day for any Board deliberations. They head the board and the local representation of the Arcane community.
The person who has the most votes takes the throne of the Board.
Every Emperor is counseled by their Hierophant, also known as a Mentor. The Emperor only advances when their Mentor deems them ready.
(They maintain the role of Emperor even if they are not actively heading a board).
A Hierophant learns from all Sephira, freely moving among all 7 Color Focuses.
They learn all seven aspects and hold all keys to the kingdom of their local organization, both literally and figuratively.
They counsel the Emperor in the ways of spiritual and personal affairs, affairs of the Board and in any other matter. They are similar to a personal coach or a kind of sponsor in this way. They counsel and assist the Empresses of each Sephira if needed.
They orchestrate their community and are the Organization's go-to when we need something done on the regional level. There is not a limit to how many Hierophants there may be. They have access to everything on the local/regional level. They hold the keys to our Temples, Libraries, Dojos, Pentacles, Oracles, brick-and-mortar Shops, Covens, Processions, Service establishments, Gardens, Event functions, and more regional locales.
They have quite a bit of responsibility in this regard. Often being the first one on site opening the doors to the community.
They are not bound by the Board, though they do not necessarily have authority over the Emperor. They may attend the Board if they wish, but do not have any say in Board decisions, only wise counsel.
The Hierophant contacts the organization directly via the website if needed. Including if there are any major discrepancies, any disagreements between Emperor and Hierophant.
The Emperor rules over the physical manifestation of the community while the Hierophant reigns over the Spiritual and ideological elements.
This is the Royal Court. Levels beyond this are kept in secrecy for the time being. This is in order to keep individual members, the hidden knowledge and the entity of our existence as a whole safe. We are simultaneously a spiritual movement, a community, and a business operating in several moving parts.
The importance of compartmentalizing in this way will become clear if you get that far. As much as possible, we stick to remaining nameless and fluid in order to keep the business end and the sanctity of the spiritual cause connected. The website has an address and title, but we as a community wish to remain anonymous and nameless as possible.
Until a Fool seems interested and receptive enough to be shown the website, we ask that you don't cast pearls before swine. Use discretion to spread the word, but do not be surprised if you yourself are judged for trying to convey what is offered here. Many automatically assume this is a 'cult'.
In reality every religion in history, every movement, every revolution started as a 'cult'. We actively work against perpetuating dogma and a follower-type of mentality. We are trying to encourage free thinkers. We will never tell you what to think but rather present information, support your own research and ask the community what is thought about it.
However, corruption can spring up anywhere. Just remember to never do anything outside of your comfort zone. If you are ever asked by ANYONE in the community to do so, remember to report it directly to the website in the chatbox or e-mail us here. Anyone who abuses their position within our organization will be banned from it permanently.
Otherwise, follow your interests and remember to make the research and expertise your own. And most importantly, have fun!
We don't want fools coming into the Pentacle who are lost.
We can't re-explain everything again, so this is necessary.
See you there and welcome to the Royal Court!
