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Science has played a pivotal role in shaping society, driving innovation and fostering progress. It provides answers to questions, solves problems, and improves lives in countless ways.
However, confirmation bias often inhibits genuine exploration, especially in realms considered arcane or unconventional.
This bias, rooted in our tendency to seek information that confirms preconceptions while disregarding opposing evidence, can stifle curiosity and impede the pursuit of truth.
In fact, it is currently limiting humankind from progressing from the state we are in.
We believe in allowing science to explore the unknown, challenge existing paradigms, and ultimately expand our understanding of the world.
By acknowledging and addressing confirmation bias, society can harness the full potential of science for the benefit of all.
Philosophers (meaning lovers of wisdom) diligently investigated reality in an effort to get to the ultimate truth no matter what it may have turned out to be.
They left no stone unturned. They reasoned about everything.
Rather than having one singular model, they had different schools of thought on matters.
And those different schools could debate on these topics.
This was and is an important approach in thinking.
Particularly when it comes to things unknown.
Philosophy, largely started and formalized in Greece, in many ways was the foundation of science.
The word scientist wasn't coined until as late as 1834.
We've come a long way in such a short amount of time.
Yet today while there is a field of science for everything under the sun, one thing that has been an important part of humanity for eons is dismissed and attacked.
The Ancient Sciences.
It would probably surprise many that there is actually a lot of scientific data for ancient thought. Even those things considered 'spiritual' or 'magical'.
This sounds insane at first, but there is active censorship going on when it comes to Arcane matters and when you see it, you will know there is something to it.
So why is it being suppressed?
Three main problems exist:
Bias, Dogma, and Constraints.
1. Bias: Confirmation bias affects all human thought processes. Often we inherit core beliefs from our parents or education and live out our lives constantly supporting already-held beliefs by looking only at supporting evidence. Any evidence that goes against those already held beliefs is treated as a threat.
The major problem is this tunnel vision not only exists in individuals, but even more so in large groups. Scientific and skeptical communities, religious organizations and all manner of followings especially political ideologies.
2. Dogma: Models about how reality works are created. Sometimes these models are built by a series of biases. These general models become like gospel and any research that lies outside of an already established model is dismissed or worse.
Sometimes theories with sound evidence that go against the established models are actively attacked.
This forms a kind of dogmatic behavior in the scientific community that in its extreme can even become cult-like. It's similar to when the Church branded people heretics for believing the Earth revolved around the Sun.
This dogmatic system leads to constraints.
3. Constraints: Constraints in funding, freedom of information, as well as constraints for open dialogue start taking hold. Funding will typically only be provided for research that further supports the preestablished models. This creates a vicious cycle of further Bias, deeper-rooted Dogma, and even more Constraints. Platforms for open discussion are not treated seriously or worse. All of this culminates into outright censorship. Researchers who dare to think outside of the box in the spirit of freedom of speech and thought are actively disparaged.
If they can't get funding, they can't make a living.
This leads to conformity to the Dogma.
This is not scientific.
It is not in the same vein as philosophy. It is devoid of the heart of science.
It goes against the scientific method.
It is not truth-seeking or in the spirit of freedom of thought.
It is the opposite of scientific.
These most ancient sciences might be called to the untrained eye 'mystical'. Or worse they might be dismissed as primitive superstition.
There exists a preestablished model that we as humans evolved in a strictly linear fashion. Going from primal animalistic living to agricultural/spiritual living. Then proceeded to where we are now, a trade and reason-based society.
While this model is undeniably true overall, closer investigation into our past may indicate that this was not a strictly linear progression.
That is to say, there may have been many dips and crests, rises and falls on our way to where we are now.
As well as many breakaway civilizations.
So if, for instance, humankind has been even more technologically advanced than we are currently, maybe we experienced a cataclysmic upset that resulted in us having to start over and revert back to hunting and gathering.
Perhaps the ancient stories are important.
We at the very least owe it to ourselves and to our ancestors to investigate this theory. Especially in light of now knowing that mass extinction events do and have taken place and can be verified empirically.
Because not only is this exactly what our ancestors told us happened (and more than once), but they seem to have been trying to shed light on ancient technologies and understanding perhaps even more important than the warning of world-ending events.
There is evidence that may support that these ancient stories were referring to things we are only just now starting to understand scientifically and technologically in very recent years.
Dimensions, subtle energies, patterns in creation, physical and mental capacities, the unified nature of all things, the afterlife, historic accounts, and so much more were described and understood (or at least accepted) by the ancients and we have come full circle to coming to the same conclusions through our own science and technology today.
The furthest reaches of what we are currently capable of measuring in any scientific field, borders on what could be called mystical.
It not only begins to defy our structured and linear models, it begins to reaffirm the governing laws of reality that the ancients spoke about.
If there is any merit whatsoever to any of this, it means that there could be a vast wealth of powerful knowledge right at our fingertips that merely needs investigating. Consider that if the human race were to cataclysmically collapse today, the mountain of knowledge we would have to try and get across... in only one generation.
With the loss of the internet, all paper and writing disintegrated, most of our collective knowledge would evaporate. All technology isn't held by any one person. It is a collaborative effort to understand and maintain any given technology.
All tech would disappear.
It would be up to the survivors to pass down the knowledge as best as they could to their descendants all of whom would have to exist as hunter-gatherers as they attempted to rebuild civilization.
Now imagine trying to explain the concept of 'energy' to a hunter-gatherer society. It is invisible yet powerful, is within us and all around us, keeps us alive, etc.
This could very well be the concept of what we now call 'spirit'.
Energy and Spirit could actually mean the same thing.
If even just one thread of this theory is true, it is worth pursuing.
This is only the tip of the iceberg.
As you will see, every time we look at the more arcane elements of what the ancients taught concerning energy, our history and much more, there is quantifiable evidence and scientific data to many things that have been considered mythological, mystical, pseudoscientific, spiritual, or superstitious.
That is why there is so much to go over right at the outset.
The Scientific Establishment as well as the Church with its propagation of the False Religion have both brushed the most beautiful truths under the rug whether intentionally or unintentionally.
The implications of what we are finding is that there is not only a clearer picture of human history, but also a cohesive record of how everything is connected.
And all of it lends credence to spirit not only being an actual substance, but there are ways to actually utilize the energy in and around us.
All around us are exciting mysteries ready to be explored with a more discerning philosophic and scientific lens.
That's why the Brown Focus is so important.
Each color-coded aspect of what we cover focuses on a unique angle of looking at all of this.
The Brown Focus will eventually work towards substantiating these findings and bringing awareness of this approach to the public at large.
Before humankind dismisses the messages that were handed down generation after generation for thousands of years, we at least owe it to our ancestors to examine what it was they were trying to say with the tools at our disposal now.
And again, if even just one thread of all of it is true it is worth pursuing.

We feel there is some important information found within these teachings that we use the umbrella term Arcane for. And there is an Arcane (or deep/hidden) aspect to every facet of reality. So we categorize reality into 7 distinct factions:
Each of these Seven color-coded aspects are called Focuses.
This fundamental talks about the Brown Focus.
The physical, rational, scientific and business aspects of the Arcane.
It would be easy for the skeptical mind to immediately dismiss such an effort, but the concepts found in the Arcane were once the universal consensus. They seem to have some surprising supporting evidence, and are leading to some cutting-edge scientific discoveries.
To truly understand the mechanics however, we have to dig deep into these practices and truly experiment with them. We also have to be careful about avoiding pitfalls like creating our own biases or succumbing to things like superstition and other delusions. In this way, skeptics are in many ways foundational to the development of our message.
The main issue is we are pursuing already controversial knowledge. It is being actively buried from the surface. Yet with a little digging you will see that there is something to all of this. It is among our first goals to quantify our findings and begin to publish the results.
To the pragmatic, some of what we will be covering early on might at first seem like odd tangents or even frivolous, but please try to genuinely consider them and come up with ways we might scientifically experiment with some of these topics. Even if only to disprove them.
Upon reaching Level 1 you can focus solely on a more pragmatic field of science or business and will be more in your element.
In a time where few if any communities exist that authentically investigate these matters through a scientific lens, while experimenting with what might be called mystical or arcane matters, we want our community to develop into a bridge between technology and our ancestral inheritance.
Even if the subject of Arcane as a whole doesn't sit right or feel to suit you, consider pursuing with us all of the other avenues or subjects of study. We will look at History, Language, Mathematics, Anthropology, Energy and Physics, Nature, Sacred Geometry, Space/Time, Dimensions, Chemistry, and much more.
It is up to you what your field of specialty is. What you bring to the table. And you can use your findings to try and debunk and debate all of our other findings.
The Process of Pragmatism is sevenfold. Remember this is for those who pursue the Brown Path.
Each step follows academic and scientific methods and is a different mode or process to find the truth:
We first start with learning for ourselves different methods of procedure. Responsible measures of conduct that take a glimpse at what our ancestors passed down to us. We learn free resources to educate ourselves into the fields we choose. Some of these avenues even offer a Harvard certificate if that's what you choose which can greatly benefit you in the long run. Community and sharing is everything. We will work together and strategize how to best approach different subjects of study.
Now we actually partake in field research, studying together, testing small things like the local water, practicing our skills in our respective fields, working together to come to some conclusions. We may even already start making money through publications, media, or discoveries. Business ideas and how best to move forward are explored here as well.
We now work with our newfound expertise and may even collaborate with other organizations, create lists of experiments we want to conduct, appeal for additional funding, and eventually officially found our own research institution. Your ideas and business ventures are also highlighted during this phase. We will put our heads together to find a way to get the funding we need and how we want to move forward.
The ever-growing lab will start small but will be added to over time until it is a fully fleshed-out laboratory capable of tackling many different scientific disciplines from chemistry to astrophysics.
True experiments that are academically reviewed and published. With the equipment and findings gleaned from previous stages, Experiments will be proving or disproving once and for all the merits of things like spirit, ghosts, astrology, ESP, and so much more.
Actual products resulting from our experiments. While we value open source, you could get patents and receive help in producing products resulting from this process. Your own business ideas can take shape here and can receive investments from the organization.
Because of the nature of what we are studying and experimenting with, there is the full expectation that true genius will result from this process and that our findings may even in the far future culminate into the state-of-the-art and cutting edge of science. Things that appear like magic.
If any of this interests you, you might like the Brown Focus. You can apply it to every other Focus by studying, researching and experimenting with them.
If this isn't quite your cup of tea yet, keep exploring what is offered here and you may find your calling.
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