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Business Model




This business is an LMS (Learning Management System) that utilizes gamification where members can level up and unlock new capabilities as they learn and engage with the community.


As they level up, members may fulfill services, physical and digital product orders, and fill in other elements of the organization with the opportunity of making money while they do so.


Services incorporate what they have learned in their respective field of practice. Members who continue leveling up may become official employees of the organization. Employees help manage members and functions as well as employ and establish stretch goals. 


Stretch goals include but are not limited to brick-and-mortar facilities such as a church, laboratory, observatory, dojo, academy, library, and additional chapters of the community. 


Further stretch goals include business ventures, media and entertainment foundations, charities, and operative branches which perform tasks pertaining to our ever-growing platform. 


Employees who continue leveling up are promoted to upper management roles and eventually the board, CEO and beyond. 


This Learning Management System relies on an intricate, synergistic and vertical integration-focused model.


Community engagement, organic social media presence and informative platforms are how Arcanasium initially builds awareness and branding identity. Pioneers in a new way of thinking, in an interdisciplinary and eclectic fashion, Arcanasium and its community's only real competitors are scientific and religious institutions.


There is a strong desire and need in our members to know, to belong to something greater and to contribute to society at large. Arcanasium fulfills these essential drives as it grows and investigates reality in all its manifestations.

Everything relies on a dynamic business model, a self-sustaining Learning Management System (LMS).

 Essentially, it's like a well-oiled machine that can keep running smoothly on its own. Then be implemented and planted into other communities.


Ideally it will generate enough revenue to cover its operating costs and even expand or improve its services without relying heavily on external funding. It's designed to grow and adapt to changing needs and demands without requiring significant additional resources or restructuring. 


The design also allows for automation. It leverages technology, individual interests and the leveling system to automate repetitive tasks like course enrollment, grading, user management, and other workflows reducing the need for constant overhead manual intervention.


 The community engagement and mentorship we aim to employ fosters an active and involved community of learners and instructors who contribute content, provide feedback, and support each other, reducing the need for extensive marketing or recruitment efforts. This should cultivate an organically growing vertical integration that promotes from within while users pursue their own interests.


 We prioritize the ongoing innovation and improvement based on user feedback and emerging trends in education and technology, ensuring long-term relevance and sustainability.


This is a dynamic ecosystem that can thrive and evolve independently over time, meeting the needs of its users while remaining financially viable and operationally efficient, active and just plainly fun.

We want to be transparent as much as possible about who we are, our message, the funding and costs, and how business is run as we feel that people collectively are smart and cooperation is the key to each of our success.

This is why we want to try, as much as possible, to make this entire business model open source and free-to-use. The most important aspect of all we do is in establishing connections. The interactions we have with one another as well as other institutions on our drive to get to the bottom of the truth is paramount.

Mission Statement

"In a world that is growing vast yet losing depth, we want to rekindle an interest and see what potential lies within a deeper understanding of all things"

Whether that be about Spirituality (Yellow), the Mind (Blue), Energy (Red), Science (Brown), Dimensions (Purple), the Mystical (Orange), or Nature (Green).

This compartmentalization is necessary to focus on one aspect of reality at a time. Then eventually start collaboration between those focus groups.

We strive to be able to say: "We hold all of these evidences to be true and to the best of our knowledge".
As much as possible, we strive to unanimously agree with both the authenticity of our findings and results both in practice and experimentation.

That is to say we do not easily lend ourselves to any superficial or superstitious estimation of a belief. Instead with the most researched and informed evidence at our disposal, we generate a cohesive working model about our findings.

The ultimate ideal is to generate a movement or revolution of thought that uses all we have learned from the scientific and technological era to revisit the ancient sciences, examining the authenticity and results.

Only in this way can we either fully write off spirituality altogether as a useless, archaic and superstitious pursuit or acknowledge the existence of a connection to something greater and begin to utilize it as a human race once again.
Either way we will be making important discoveries along the way.

Brown Focus

For those most interested in either the business side of this organization or the strictly pragmatic or scientific aspect of reality, you should focus on the Brown color as you advance in level. Continue taking the 'Science Path' when you see the buttons on the bottom of some lessons.
When you reach level 1 we will be meeting in the Pentacle on Saturday evenings at 7 PM to discuss business, how to better relate the message to the more logical and rational side, as well as approaches in how to investigate the scientific aspect of everything else taught here.
If you are still confused about leveling up and how this system works, we will be covering that in the next lesson. Take care and hope to see you there!
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