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So First-- What are we about?

The exciting answer is: This is a free and interactive website that can be played like a game (with leveling up, physical equipment and actual services) while you learn very real abilities. 

Yes. This is based on a handful of important truths.

1. There is a measurable science to the roots of all spirituality and its true practice.
Believe it or not, spirituality has quite a bit of science behind it. 
And all faith systems are fundamentally connected.
Disagree? That's great! Healthy debate is necessary for getting to the bottom of the truth.

The religious institutions do not seem to remember anything about what the word spirit actually means and certainly do not teach how to practice it let alone teach the science behind such things.

And the scientific organizations refuse to fund any research into the matters we will be covering here. 

Again, if you are skeptical that is entirely understood. We only ask for your patience. Even if you disagree with everything we say, you have a place here for sharpening our message and challenging us, perhaps teaching us all a whole new perspective.

2. True spirituality --performed and taught by the ancients-- was more universal and connected than it is portrayed today. It had to do with what is called 'Hidden Knowledge'. You may have heard of this and some of you will know quite a bit about this field. In every major ancient civilization, there was a process of Initiation where these secrets were passed down. Things that seem to have been globally understood, even in ancient times.

Here on the website, we call this field the Arcane.
Arcane means: Understood by few, mysterious or secret.
The website name "Arcanasium" gets its name from the word Arcane and the word Gymnasium. 
Arcanasium, like a gymnasium, is a place for training and practice of the Arcane. 

There are secrets that have been hidden from the general public for a very long time. Things we feel everyone deserve to know. 

3. This true spirituality was known all throughout the ancient world and practiced by everyone from Jews (and Jesus himself) to the Native Americans and every major ancient culture. 

We often wonder in modern times where the spiritual powers have gone when we read sacred texts. Prophets performing miracles, wondrous things happening that the skeptical may consider mere mythology, while the faithful seem to only pretend to believe.

We will not only show examples (both historic and modern) of people using spiritual techniques, but we will show how the ancients used to perform spirituality as they were connected to the Arcane or hidden truths.
This involved actually cultivating the spirit and learning the rituals the ancients performed.
And the Arcane has a surprising wealth of science backing it, which has been forbidden by the mainstream media.
(Including scientific journals and religious institutions)

4. These truths were buried in time. Whether intentionally or unintentionally. This hidden knowledge used to come with a tradition of initiation in all societies. The very words that refer to the hidden knowledge are either not known about or come with so much stigma, fear and distrust that it keeps the majority of people away. 

Remember that there always existed social classes:

This has been called a Caste system, but there is a form of it that exists today.

The point of bringing this up is that the general population that comes here will not grasp this hidden, higher knowledge simply because they are unwilling to read.

Or to even try to practice these things.
The majority of the population has been stuck in an information bubble. 
They are told what to believe and how to believe it.
The Arcane is the field of the "Learned" men and women and there is a lost tradition of passing down Arcane knowledge.
We believe that this needs to be reawakened and that all people no matter their social class deserve the truth.

But it is important to never take our word for it.
Do your own research on every point that we make.
For one, you may find an error and correct us on something.
This also makes it your own knowledge, experience and discovery.

The more you look up points that we make on your own, the more you internalize and personalize the truth and the easier it will be to put these things into practice.

5. And we can't stress this enough: there is verifiable evidence to all of this. Things which have been brushed under the rug by both the scientific and religious communities. 

Unfortunately however these specific concepts are controversial. While all of this may seem confusing for now, after the "Getting Started" pages, we will go step by step to show how all of this is true.

Again, you have nothing to lose. This website is entirely free unless you decide to purchase something. We don't want this place crowded with ads, or to bother our visitors with a subscription fee or any other intrusive nonsense like popups.

Some of you may already know all of the introductory stuff.
As you level up, things get very deep very fast. But first, you may want to explore and get to know the website. It is larger and more complex than in looks.


-Priestly Class (Academics, religious leaders and those Initiated into higher learning)

-Ruling Class (Politicians, those who hold office and make decisions for the public)

-Upper Class (The Wealthy, landowners, business owners, etc.)

-Lower Class (The majority of the population, Working Class)

-Poverty/Homelessness (And those who do what nobody else wants to do)

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