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The Website: About Us

The website serves as an interface for the community itself. Like a video game, this can be played, and you will increase in level as you advance and learn.

You will be learning very real things and abilities you may not know you had. But in the meantime, have fun with it. We have tried to make the website both entertaining and easy to navigate, yet complex in the background.

Everything right now is in development. While there is a mobile version and it does have all of the same content, the Desktop version is MUCH better formatted. As we grow, we want to make every aspect of this website more interactive, easy to use, and fun. 
Eventually we would like to have video content instead of all the reading for instance.

First, let's go over the basics.

For beginners, the top of the home page should suffice and guide you through what needs to be known. 

You will see images below 'Getting Started'
The 'Four Fundamentals' is where you should begin.


Four Fundamentals

There are 4 Basic Teachings that will get across the absolute essentials:

Sword of Spirit
Cup of Prophecy
Rod of Power

Each Fundamental is broken up into lessons.

Example: (Astrology Lesson of the Cup of Prophecy)

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We ask that you go through them in the order that is intended.
Each lesson trains you in what you need to know for the next lesson.

There are many hidden features like secret buttons throughout the website accessible to different levels of members or those with specific specialties.

You can always go back to the home page by clicking the logo at the top left of the page you are on.

Home Button:

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If you would like to engage with the community and take advantage of the social networking aspect of the site, click the "Circles" tab at the top of any page. You can also check out other "Members" and get ahold of them there by clicking the corresponding tab. Or engage with the website's forum called the "Archives".

Right now, the website is in development and these features might be lacking or empty. As the community grows, it will fill in these features. But that is up to visitors like you.

Below the Four Fundamentals, Shops and Services are found. Some are accessible to non-members, others are not. 

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Shops and Services


-You Will Start Here!

What is found in these Shops and Services will change over time as members advance and craft new tools, merchandise and accoutrements for sale.

For now, you will start at the round table at the bottom left corner.
(For those on the Mobile version, there are three circular buttons at the bottom of the Homepage)

To learn more about what all of this stuff has to offer, simply explore each one or begin the Fundamentals when you are done with these introductory pages.

Below Shops and Services, when available you will find our Media, Events and other current things going on within the community when they happen.


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Media will one day range from entertainment, potentially podcasts, to in-depth studies on specific source material.

It might be nice to just have a Movie Night where we can sit back on here and watch movies together and chat. Let us know if that idea interests you.

Our events are celebrations that we try to hold on ancient holidays like the equinox and solstices. It's where we can celebrate life, meet in-person, share ideas and crafts, listen to music, drink and be merry!

Many of these can also be opened by the tabs at the top of the page when they become available.

If you have questions (or suggestions) at any time, feel free to contact us in the chat box in the lower right corner. For Mobile, there is a menu button with 3 dots.
If someone is available, they will get back to you immediately. Otherwise, we will e-mail you back with an answer.

What you make of this website and journey is up to you alone.
This is a community effort to make these services and products available and we can always use your help and you can always make money by doing so.

We hope that you will find what you are looking for and help make this a thriving and important community! 

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