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The Map

The Leveling system is an important part of the community.
When you first come to the site, you are a non-member and have:

Level: 0

You may become a member by signing up in the top right corner. Don't worry, this does not cost anything, and you won't be plagued with e-mails.

This is not required to start studying the Four Fundamentals.

This is to provide a place for you to have your own profile, track progress, interact with one another and more.

You achieve Level 1 when you complete the Fundamentals and pass the test.


When clicking on the "Map" tab you will see this page:

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This is a map for the website.
Most of what you see here is clickable, but requires a certain Level.

Levels are a basic ranking system as depicted by the corresponding Tarot Card image. 
Why Tarot Cards?

Chances are, if you are religious you may be deterred by the use of Tarot images. But in reality they use religious symbols, most of them Christian.

You may be surprised just how much Christianity (and all World Religions) use common archetypes found within these images.

It would be like not reading the Bible because it has the word Hell or Devil in it.

Because the cards progress (from a fool beginning his journey to conquering the World), they are a perfect representation of the Arcane process and are the perfect training tool.

The Tarot cards are divided into two parts called Arcana. this corresponds to the Arcane teachings we are trying to convey.

The Major Arcana lists cards numbered from 0-21 and are about the spiritual journey and its phases. This is why we base the leveling system upon this process.

The more you Level up, the more you learn, the more access you have to the site and the more authority you have in the community.

On the Map page you will find on the Left-hand column the Hebrew alphabet.
Each letter reflects one of the 23 levels.
You can click on your Level (even Level 0- 'Fools') to see your Interface.
There are tasks to be completed to earn badges and advance in Level.


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-Fool: This is where everyone begins.


-High Priesthood

Levels are based on the Tarot Cards and offer increasingly more access to the site.

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Level 0


Level 1 


Level 2

Badges on the other hand show your level of involvement and what your specialties are.

Most Members of the site will have a 'Student' badge, but not everyone will have a 'Druid' badge for instance.

Specialties will not come into play for quite some time (Level 2), but they have to do with what are called the Seven Focuses or Colors.


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The Pentacle will become available when you reach Magician. (Level 1)

here you will train and learn about what are called the 7 Focuses. 

Each Fundamental corresponds to a primary color:
Spirit- Yellow
Mind- Blue 
Energy- Red
Science- Brown

By the time you complete Level 0, you will have a good idea of which Color to choose.

When you graduate in Level to Priesthood (Level 2) you will choose one of Seven Color Focuses:

You will not be able to click on these buttons until that time comes, but you should know what lies ahead.

Choosing a Focus will not lock you in forever.
If you keep advancing in Level, eventually you can hop between all seven Focuses.

But you will learn more about this stuff when the time comes.

We suggest keeping a Journal. 
All you need is a simple notebook.
we will in the future try to provide a virtual Journal.

When you see this icon:         

It is a good idea to take notes.


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 you can commit two Pages in your Journal now if you have one.

On the First page, title it: "Blueprint".
 include a symbol of a snake on a cross.

On the Second page, mark it: "Pantheon".
We will be adding these symbols when we get to that point.

Other than these Two pages, mark down things of interest to you as you move along.

Especially mark down certain fields or studies of interest that seems to jump out to you and excite you. 

As you move along, you will be creating your own personalized path and unique talents with the specialties you choose.

In fact, already you have two paths you can go down.

For those who are spiritual in nature, it is best to start with Spirit in the Fundamentals.

For those who are more logical, scientifically minded or have little interest in spirituality, you should take 'Science' first.
You will still have to take the Spirit Fundamental at the end to make it to level 1.

If you have any questions, simply ask us in the chat bubble on the bottom right. 

You may also check the tabs
At the top of any page that may provide answers as well.

But there is a long journey ahead. 
There is more to do on this site than you likely are imagining.
 Everything will be explained as we go.

Welcome to the Community!


The Society: About Us
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